Based on the discussion in the thread, I propose a system in which hunters who attack indiscriminately are treated as "raid bosses" and defeated by a large number of hunters.
For that, I would like to see a new page called "バウンティセンター (Bounty Center)" created to manage the "賞金首システム (Bounty system)".
(1) 被弾ログ (Log of the hits I've taken)
The 被弾ログ in the "バウンティセンター" is private information that can only be seen by the person who was shot.
When I get hit by どんぐり大砲, the following information will be recorded in the "被弾ログ".
- The どんぐりネーム of the hunter who shot me.
- The 大砲ID that is the same as the どんぐり大砲ログ of the hunter who shot me.
- The URL even included the number of the post where I was shot.
Each 被弾ログ has a "懸賞金を掛ける(Put a bounty)" button, and I can put a "懸賞金(bounty(どんぐりポイント) of my choosing on the target.
The most recent 10 hit logs will be saved, and any logs older than 10 days will be deleted.
- In order to prevent the amount of data in the entire system from becoming too large, a limit will be set on the number of items that can be stored and the storage period.
- Even if I don't post much, I could still get shot by multiple hunters and need to save 10.
(2) There is no limit to the cumulative bounty amount placed on a hunter.
どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレ ★2
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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