Here's a simplified summary of the elemental effectiveness:
1. **Fire vs. Ice**: Fire is strong against Ice (1.2x damage). Ice is weak against Fire (0.8x damage).
2. **Fire vs. Water**: Fire is weak against Water (0.8x damage). Water is strong against Fire (1.2x damage).
3. **Water vs. Earth**: Water is weak against Earth (0.8x damage). Earth is strong against Water (1.2x damage).
4. **Earth vs. Air**: Earth is weak against Air (0.8x damage). Air is strong against Earth (1.2x damage).
5. **Air vs. Lightning**: Air is weak against Lightning (0.8x damage). Lightning is strong against Air (1.2x damage).
6. **Lightning vs. Water**: Lightning is strong against Water (1.2x damage). Water is weak against Lightning (0.8x damage).
7. **Ice vs. Lightning**: Ice is weak against Lightning (0.8x damage). Lightning is strong against Ice (1.2x damage).
8. **Light vs. Dark**: Light is strong against Dark (1.2x damage). Dark is weak against Light (0.8x damage).
9. **Dark vs. No element**: Dark is strong against no element (1.2x damage).
For all other combinations or when an element encounters itself or a non-specified element, the effectiveness is neutral (1.0x damage).
If any of these combinations do not make sense, please let me know and we can adjust it.
We are building Donguri together - please help me if I made a mistake.
Do you think these elemental effectiveness need to be changed?
どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★39
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818どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.244(前244)][UR武][UR防][木]
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