The previous two threads got dumped by script posts, so I created a new thread.
Problems on 5chan:
(from most severe to least severe)
2. too many under-populated boards
3. lack of means to communicate with the management team
4. bad web UI on PC
Ways to solve:
1. Install a CAPTCHA-like system.
A successful example of this method is a BBS called "edge" (bbs.eddibb.cc/liveedge/).
When first posting to a thread on edge, you will be given a 6 digit code and prompted to access an auth page (https://bbs.eddibb.cc/auth-code) .
The server will give you an access token after you access the page with the same IP address, enter the code, solve reCAPTCHA and Cloudflare Turnstile.
You can post to edge by just pasting the same access token.
Your Donguri system sounds over-complicated. The above simple system will easily solve the problem without risking to cause new problems, such as Arashis being given hunter privileges.
2. Simply merge unpopular boards. Ask the users what boards to merge.
3. Ideally, someone in the management team should be checking the threads on the management info board at least once a week.
Means of communication is also needed to solve problem 2.
4. The Web UI for PC should be able to show reply posts on hover and it should also show the number of posts made by each ID. The lack of these simple features makes the PC Web UI completely unusable. You can just simply rollback to the previous UI to solve this problem, but it's not that severe because we can always use dedicated browsers or mobile Web UI.
5chan has a big population and is well-known to the public, and these are the most important features of a BBS. If 5chan fails, it is very difficult to rebuild an alternative. Please try your best to save 5chan and don't let other BBS like talk.jp takeover this position.
To: Donguri system team (CAP_USER)
2024/03/31(日) 17:58:21.56ID:Iwe0VS7v010011001
Over 1000Thread このスレッドは1000を超えました。
life time: 1時間 57分 2秒
life time: 1時間 57分 2秒
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