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1どんぐりキャノン ★
2024/03/24(日) 02:23:07.61ID:CAP_USER159ななしさん
2024/03/31(日) 14:43:40.42ID:IydzR2RXM >>154
Although it is different from script vandalism, there are also many vandalisms that relentlessly direct people to external boards. I feel that there is a crisis of residents leaving 5ch.
Is it possible to deal with these problems using the どんぐりシステム?
Although it is different from script vandalism, there are also many vandalisms that relentlessly direct people to external boards. I feel that there is a crisis of residents leaving 5ch.
Is it possible to deal with these problems using the どんぐりシステム?
2024/03/31(日) 14:44:49.70ID:12Q/P4s50 >>149
Have you considered having users create language filters, which are then scrutinized and implemented by CAP USER?
Since the text used by the script is unnatural Japanese, wouldn't a filter be effective?
Have you considered having users create language filters, which are then scrutinized and implemented by CAP USER?
Since the text used by the script is unnatural Japanese, wouldn't a filter be effective?
161どんぐりキャノン ★
2024/03/31(日) 14:44:55.53ID:CAP_USER >>155
I will take care of it.
Let me find a way to use the DONGURI system to do it.
We will beat the bots.
We will win the bot war.
I will take care of it.
Let me find a way to use the DONGURI system to do it.
We will beat the bots.
We will win the bot war.
2024/03/31(日) 14:46:00.02ID:7HJG8JI80163ななしさん
2024/03/31(日) 14:46:42.02ID:iMwpt2Jf0 具体的にどんぐり使って何ができますか?
2024/03/31(日) 14:48:14.67ID:iMwpt2Jf0 I would like to use Acorn to ban someone who is slandering someone, for example, but will that be possible?
165どんぐりキャノン ★
2024/03/31(日) 14:49:21.79ID:CAP_USER >>156
Thats an interesting idea, but it could backfire if all regulations are lifted.
Ok, we will fix the spam bots first, then improve the archives.
What kind of changes to the archives would you like?
Yes, I will address that. Where can I find a list of the external boards?
I can add them to the ROCK54 list.
A filter would not be effective, because the spam will just evolve to evade the filter. Then its a never-ending arms race. We need a proper solution.
Thats an interesting idea, but it could backfire if all regulations are lifted.
Ok, we will fix the spam bots first, then improve the archives.
What kind of changes to the archives would you like?
Yes, I will address that. Where can I find a list of the external boards?
I can add them to the ROCK54 list.
A filter would not be effective, because the spam will just evolve to evade the filter. Then its a never-ending arms race. We need a proper solution.
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