2023/12/11(月) 17:28:52.37ID:hgyZa6ii0 いわばまさに
3安倍晋三 ◆C3g6ph46co
2023/12/15(金) 10:34:17.84ID:HAZFdkT/0 Horrible Massacres Committed By Japan .
The Kanto Massacre was a mass murder in the Kanto region committed in the aftermath of the 1923 Great Kanto earthquake.
Many Koreans were slaughtered by Japanese Racists.
With the explicit and implicit approval of parts of the Imperial Japanese government, the Japanese military, police, and vigilantes murdered an estimated 6,000 people.
Shinzo Abe said sorry for the Massacres.
ウイグル 天安門 Tibet Xizang 中国 韓国 ライダイハン 汚染水 処理水 岸田 ヒラメ ホタテ
PM Fumio Kishida says hundreds were killed by a massive blast at a Gaza hospital on 17 Oct 2023.
Kishida gets angry at hospital attack by Israel , criticizing Netanyahu for violating International Law .
中国の不動産企業が相次いで経営危機 不動産不況が深刻化
The Kanto Massacre was a mass murder in the Kanto region committed in the aftermath of the 1923 Great Kanto earthquake.
Many Koreans were slaughtered by Japanese Racists.
With the explicit and implicit approval of parts of the Imperial Japanese government, the Japanese military, police, and vigilantes murdered an estimated 6,000 people.
Shinzo Abe said sorry for the Massacres.
ウイグル 天安門 Tibet Xizang 中国 韓国 ライダイハン 汚染水 処理水 岸田 ヒラメ ホタテ
PM Fumio Kishida says hundreds were killed by a massive blast at a Gaza hospital on 17 Oct 2023.
Kishida gets angry at hospital attack by Israel , criticizing Netanyahu for violating International Law .
中国の不動産企業が相次いで経営危機 不動産不況が深刻化
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