Hi, どんぐりキャノン★
Please increase the amount of tokens that 1st place can earn.
Even if I get first place, I only get 5 tokens, so more people started using bots.
Even if I work hard for 4 hours and win 8 times in a row,
I only get 40 tokens, but if I use a bot that operates 24 hours a day, I can get 48 tokens even if I sleep.
This is because the value of first place is low, so you can make more money by running a bot 24 hours a day than by doing it seriously.
What I would like is to increase the amount of tokens that the first place team can earn and make it more attractive than using bots.
If you do not change anything, the number of participants in team competitions will definitely decrease and only bots will compete.
I hope, 1st place is 100, 2nd place is 50, 3rd place is 30, 4th place is 20, 5th place is 10, and the participation award is 1.
どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレ ★12
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2025/01/12(日) 06:11:53.12ID:MZ6jga0F0■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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