The Christmas limited items will work like this:
1. You register a team with the new donguri team system.
2. You play in a team battle, and your team wins.
3. If your team wins, you receive a "Battle Token".
4. Battle Token can open the new Battle Chest.
5. The Battle Chest has increased odds of winning a SSR or UR item.
6. The limited edition items are limited to the battle chest. (1 of 8, 2 of 8, etc)
7. Normal chest continues to work like usual, but cannot receive the new limited edition items.
I decided to do it this way in order to ensure that those people who cheated do not have an unfair advantage on receiving the new limited items.
どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレ ★10
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279どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.129][UR武+29][UR防限+30][森]
2024/12/22(日) 21:08:38.84ID:CAP_USER■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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