Lets do a status update on where we are at right now.
The future of BBS_ACORN:
The original purpose of BBS_ACORN was to stop the arashi.
I feel like it has achieved its original goal.
Today, I will release the BBS_ACORN=1 and BBS_ACORN=2 settings from every board's SETTING.TXT (except this board).
We will continue to allow the use of donguri functionality via VIPQ2.
Anybody can continue to use the !extend function to enable or disable donguri functions on specific threads as needed.
If the arashi comes back in large numbers again, we can selectively enable BBS_ACORN in real-time on the specific boards that are under attack.
In that way, BBS_ACORN can continue to be a shield against arashi. A shield that we only use sparingly as necessary.
I think this is the best way.
The future of Donguri:
I will continue to work on developing donguri because I really enjoy creating the game aspect of it.
I was sad in October when I discovered that people were cheating, so I took a short hiatus from Donguri development.
During that time, I improved the overall SEO of 5channel, improved itest and readcgi performance, and started building an IOS app for 5channel.
Maybe we can make an IOS/Android app for managing donguri accounts, and/or integrate it into the new 5channel IOS app.
The IOS App:
The IOS app version 1 is now completed, but remains under review by Apple.
I expect Apple to finish the review process soon and the app should launch sometime today or tomorrow.
The IOS app has many new ways to discover threads and find communities to join.
Unfortunately it is still not completely optimized for performance, and doesnt yet support every 5ch function.
I understand that it wont be perfect on this first release, but I will diligently work on the IOS app and improve it so that it will become the premier app for browsing 5ch.
After the app is released, I will make a thread on here to discuss it: https://fate.5ch.net/ios
Thank you everybody for your patience.
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