Hello everybody!
5chan page rank dropped suddenly in mid-October, so I rushed to identify and fix the problems. It took a few weeks of running diagnostics while doing A/B testing to improve the page rank again.
Now the page rank has increased by approximately 10 times compared to mid-October.
After I fixed page rank, I thought about how something as simple as pagerank can affect a site in such a big way.
So, I decided to make an IOS app for 5chan.
The 5chan official ios app is almost finished; we are waiting for Apple to approve our application to the app store. I estimate the process will be completed next week. It was delayed due to Thanksgiving in America.
With the official app, we can do a lot of things that we couldnt do before.
I also introduced a new HEADLINE system into the app, so you can find and explore different threads easily.
In a few days I will continue with my work on Donguri.
Thank you for your patience.
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