どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレ ★2 (実質 3)
どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレッド ★2
VIPQ2_EXTDAT: default:default:1000:512:donguri=0/3: EXT was configured
どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレ ★4
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
1ななしさん ハンター[Lv.611][UR武+38][SSR防+36][木]
2024/10/18(金) 10:08:44.34ID:n03yUbMC0582どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.120][UR武+29][UR防限+30][森]
2024/10/23(水) 14:02:25.84ID:CAP_USER Punished list [#2]:
Guard - nanaaash.i [fa88]
Guard - nanashi [4abe]
Guard - nanase [f678]
Hunter - nanashi [c998]
Hunter - 🦟プーン チクッ チューチュー [aa3a]
Guard - マーボー [9721]
Guard - ぶんぶく茶太郎 [ba64]
Guard - チーたら [c2a0]
Guard - nanami [777b]
Guard - yonju [8b94]
Guard - nanashi [092f]
Guard - mamushi [751e]
Guard - nanashi [c45c]
Guard - nanashi [bbe4]
Hunter - e4様 [19cf]
Hunter - 黒猫 🐈⬛ [5270]
Hunter - Shikigami Weapon [cd75]
Guard - Nanashi [9c20]
Remember: if you cheated you are not safe.
I can see who cheated, and I will punish cheaters.
If you feel I punished you unfairly, please email me.
Guard - nanaaash.i [fa88]
Guard - nanashi [4abe]
Guard - nanase [f678]
Hunter - nanashi [c998]
Hunter - 🦟プーン チクッ チューチュー [aa3a]
Guard - マーボー [9721]
Guard - ぶんぶく茶太郎 [ba64]
Guard - チーたら [c2a0]
Guard - nanami [777b]
Guard - yonju [8b94]
Guard - nanashi [092f]
Guard - mamushi [751e]
Guard - nanashi [c45c]
Guard - nanashi [bbe4]
Hunter - e4様 [19cf]
Hunter - 黒猫 🐈⬛ [5270]
Hunter - Shikigami Weapon [cd75]
Guard - Nanashi [9c20]
Remember: if you cheated you are not safe.
I can see who cheated, and I will punish cheaters.
If you feel I punished you unfairly, please email me.
583ななしさん 警備員[Lv.153][UR武][UR防][森]
2024/10/23(水) 14:02:59.81ID:08tRHsRt0 続報キターー
586ななしさん 警備員[Lv.60]
2024/10/23(水) 14:03:36.14ID:zmRNRdkP0 どんぐり転送で送れるレベルの量はただの送信先でしょ、、、
587ななしさん 警備員[Lv.185][UR武限+31][SR防+50][木]
2024/10/23(水) 14:04:51.17ID:bv3Hw0wC0 まだ俺の名前は載ってないな
588どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.120][UR武+29][UR防限+30][森]
2024/10/23(水) 14:04:59.49ID:CAP_USER >>579
The people with a large amount of Donguri points need a bit more scrutiny.
I will address that after I finish investigating donguri laundering.
I can see the culprits in the logs, and I believe some people are simply innocent victims.
I will fix it carefully.
The people with a large amount of Donguri points need a bit more scrutiny.
I will address that after I finish investigating donguri laundering.
I can see the culprits in the logs, and I believe some people are simply innocent victims.
I will fix it carefully.
OK! I look forward to your work! Thanks!
OK! I look forward to your work! Thanks!
591ななしさん 警備員[Lv.16]
2024/10/23(水) 14:08:44.05ID:PmvBnzl00 こりゃ送り付けたどんぐり全部は回収されなそうだな
592ななしさん 警備員[Lv.5][新芽]
2024/10/23(水) 14:11:24.11ID:YxObadou0 2時間程前に見たどんぐりランキングが動いてるね
594ななしさん 警備員[Lv.40][SR武][SR防]
2024/10/23(水) 14:12:43.37ID:ogWPX2IFH 本日の早口ことば
どんぐりロンダリング x5回
どんぐりロンダリング x5回
596ななしさん 警備員[Lv.60]
2024/10/23(水) 14:15:10.44ID:GHntA6FC0 えすしーとかあまーぞんの人で
どんぐりネーム どんぐりポイント
じかん だいじに 7627269295.33151735
じかん だいじに 7627269295.33151735
599どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.120][UR武+29][UR防限+30][森]
2024/10/23(水) 14:21:04.94ID:CAP_USER I reset the arena.
I will investigate those who were able to put a lot of reinforcement into the arena.
I have the list.
I will investigate those who were able to put a lot of reinforcement into the arena.
I have the list.
600どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.120][UR武+29][UR防限+30][森]
2024/10/23(水) 14:23:49.36ID:CAP_USER >>598
The ranking will be reset in a bit.
The ranking will be reset in a bit.
601ななしさん 警備員[Lv.98][SR武][SR防][苗]
2024/10/23(水) 14:24:21.97ID:TqtQrxNM0 N、RアリーナのbotもBANしてくれ
602ななしさん 警備員[Lv.26]
2024/10/23(水) 14:25:57.74ID:prZkiByh0 N,Rのbotは相変わらず健在なのなw
604ななしさん 警備員[Lv.200][UR武][UR防][森]
2024/10/23(水) 14:26:39.94ID:5tiJuqQi0 究極最終兵器「リスト」再び発動
Thanks a lot !!!
Thanks a lot !!!
606ななしさん 警備員[Lv.10][苗]
2024/10/23(水) 14:27:52.09ID:2+wIO/qJ0 >>599
To どんぐりキャノン ★
There are bots installed in some of the arenas, so I would like you to take measures even after resetting to be able to play them.
To どんぐりキャノン ★
There are bots installed in some of the arenas, so I would like you to take measures even after resetting to be able to play them.
607ななしさん ハンター[Lv.8][新芽]
2024/10/23(水) 14:28:55.07ID:LPxYWf4sM もう辞めた
608筑波エリート 警備員[Lv.39][SSR武][SR防]
2024/10/23(水) 14:29:18.36ID:xn9pQcgG0609ななしさん 警備員[Lv.31][SR武][R防]
2024/10/23(水) 14:32:03.37ID:zkfEZAZy0 どんきゃ秋のBAN祭りってか
610筑波エリート 警備員[Lv.39][SSR武][SR防]
2024/10/23(水) 14:32:37.29ID:xn9pQcgG0 蝕がきたあああああああ
613どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.120][UR武+29][UR防限+30][森]
2024/10/23(水) 14:37:12.30ID:CAP_USER Published list #3:
Guard - nanashi [7b69]
Guard - nanashi [2157]
Guard - nanashi [a983]
Guard - それは出来ません。 [273c]
Guard - じかん だいじに [8bd2]
Hunter - Anonymous. [92f3]
Guard - nanashi [59fd]
Hunter - 勃起が止まらん [172f]
Guard - てんてんてん [cd3a]
Hunter - nanashi [6040]
Guard - nanashi [7b69]
Guard - nanashi [2157]
Guard - nanashi [a983]
Guard - それは出来ません。 [273c]
Guard - じかん だいじに [8bd2]
Hunter - Anonymous. [92f3]
Guard - nanashi [59fd]
Hunter - 勃起が止まらん [172f]
Guard - てんてんてん [cd3a]
Hunter - nanashi [6040]
614ななしさん 警備員[Lv.79][SSR武][UR防][森]
2024/10/23(水) 14:37:25.26ID:aKP9OBRz0 弱体化のほうでやった奴は許されたのかな
616ななしさん 警備員[Lv.185][UR武限+31][SR防+50][木]
2024/10/23(水) 14:37:58.68ID:bv3Hw0wC0 勃起嘘だろ…
618ななしさん 警備員[Lv.19][SR武][SR防]
2024/10/23(水) 14:38:01.62ID:zTqxpZEJ0620ななしさん ハンター[Lv.11][新芽]
2024/10/23(水) 14:38:21.33ID:w9NLuRCqM621ななしさん 警備員[Lv.17]
2024/10/23(水) 14:38:32.33ID:PmvBnzl00 勃起しんだあああああああwwwww
623ななしさん 警備員[Lv.19][SR武][SR防]
2024/10/23(水) 14:39:46.03ID:zTqxpZEJ0 芋砂(勃起)どうして…😭
625ななしさん 警備員[Lv.149][苗]
2024/10/23(水) 14:41:11.42 >>613
How much more? About half?
How much more? About half?
627ななしさん ハンター[Lv.11][新芽]
2024/10/23(水) 14:43:00.82ID:D0YDoHzBM 宝箱5000開けただけでこれだよ
628ななしさん 警備員[Lv.215][SSR武+15][SSR防+16][森]
2024/10/23(水) 14:43:55.38ID:YrkG0xej0 各個で対応が違うっぽいのか
630ななしさん 警備員[Lv.9][芽]
2024/10/23(水) 14:45:04.67ID:C/R7ra+AM メスガキってなに?
635ななしさん 警備員[Lv.79][SSR武][UR防][森]
2024/10/23(水) 14:50:58.94ID:aKP9OBRz0 アリーナバグでアリーナに数字戻しただけでやられたのかと思った
636ななしさん 警備員[Lv.9][芽]
2024/10/23(水) 14:51:13.28ID:Bc0na0TSM そういう人だったのかあ
637ななしさん 警備員[Lv.9][芽]
2024/10/23(水) 14:52:04.92ID:cZab3LNAM 別スレのハンターがやってたらしいけどここに載ってないって言ってた
I want to make public at least the criteria for punishment.
I want to make public at least the criteria for punishment.
639ななしさん 警備員[Lv.5][新芽]
2024/10/23(水) 14:55:19.81ID:HUNbMSbb0 >>638
641ななしさん 警備員[Lv.149][苗]
2024/10/23(水) 14:56:49.65 >>638
643ななしさん 警備員[Lv.50][N武][N防]
2024/10/23(水) 14:58:04.27ID:0yTQoUtM0 汁はしゃしゃってくんなって
To Mr. DonguriCanon
I want you to punish me too...
I want you to punish me too...
645ななしさん 警備員[Lv.12][新芽]
2024/10/23(水) 15:00:44.36ID:uths6IKCd >>630
Shut up
Shut up
648 ハンター[Lv.983][森]
2024/10/23(水) 15:04:13.32ID:TI0gKCUsM >>647
649 ハンター[Lv.9][新芽]
2024/10/23(水) 15:05:37.44ID:AgECPam2M どんキャは異議申し立てのメアド公開しとけよ
650ななしさん 警備員[Lv.21]
2024/10/23(水) 15:05:52.37ID:fHYL+ZxL0 どんキャが書いてる不正者のIDの上4桁は実IDのほうで見慣れないから
651ななしさん 警備員[Lv.36][N防][苗]
2024/10/23(水) 15:06:23.02ID:X0Aongcl0 どんぐりスレのレスが全部空状態なんだけど何で?
653ななしさん 警備員[Lv.149][苗]
2024/10/23(水) 15:07:50.81654ななしさん 警備員[Lv.19]
2024/10/23(水) 15:08:44.29ID:9YxDaqHz0 大砲ログは動いてる
660ななしさん 警備員[Lv.21]
2024/10/23(水) 15:13:29.42ID:fHYL+ZxL0661ななしさん 警備員[Lv.41][SR武][SR防]
2024/10/23(水) 15:16:31.51ID:ogWPX2IFH 本日の早口言葉その2
黙って待ってろ乱射魔 x5回
黙って待ってろ乱射魔 x5回
662どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.120][UR武+29][UR防限+30][森]
2024/10/23(水) 15:16:39.43ID:CAP_USER >>638
Some people laundered large amounts of donguri. I have all the logs and can see who is laundering it.
If you were punished and you think it was a mistake, please email me. I can restore your account under some circumstances. Lets talk.
Some people laundered large amounts of donguri. I have all the logs and can see who is laundering it.
If you were punished and you think it was a mistake, please email me. I can restore your account under some circumstances. Lets talk.
663 警備員[Lv.2][新芽]
2024/10/23(水) 15:18:15.41ID:AgECPam2M >>613
to どんぐりキャノン
I would like to appeal against this punishment, so please make your email address public.
to どんぐりキャノン
I would like to appeal against this punishment, so please make your email address public.
666ななしさん 警備員[Lv.4][新芽]
2024/10/23(水) 15:21:54.44ID:up5HjGs00668ななしさん 警備員[Lv.10][苗]
2024/10/23(水) 15:23:37.02ID:2+wIO/qJ0 >>662
To どんぐりキャノン ★
I would like to see strict punishment not only for the exchange of acorns, but also for the fraudulent acquisition of large quantities of iron and wood that exploited holes in the system.
If this is not completely wiped out, the arena will once again become dysfunctional due to unauthorized enhancements.
I also hope that the bots that exist in the arena will continue to be strictly controlled.
To どんぐりキャノン ★
I would like to see strict punishment not only for the exchange of acorns, but also for the fraudulent acquisition of large quantities of iron and wood that exploited holes in the system.
If this is not completely wiped out, the arena will once again become dysfunctional due to unauthorized enhancements.
I also hope that the bots that exist in the arena will continue to be strictly controlled.
670ななしさん 警備員[Lv.13][新芽]
2024/10/23(水) 15:25:43.10ID:uEtQ6cnPd Hi DonguriCanon
I'm glad you're standing up for the rampant cheating.
I don't mind waiting until this issue is all sorted out, but I would like to see penalties imposed on indiscriminate shootings by malicious hunters.
There are many malicious hunters who earn points by shooting people who are not trolls indiscriminately.
There are many people who are not vandals but get shot and leave.
Ordinary civilians are being shot with weapons handed out to shoot bad guys.
I'm glad you're standing up for the rampant cheating.
I don't mind waiting until this issue is all sorted out, but I would like to see penalties imposed on indiscriminate shootings by malicious hunters.
There are many malicious hunters who earn points by shooting people who are not trolls indiscriminately.
There are many people who are not vandals but get shot and leave.
Ordinary civilians are being shot with weapons handed out to shoot bad guys.
673ななしさん 警備員[Lv.14]
2024/10/23(水) 15:27:05.10ID:WuONFewk0 誰かポイントをもらってくんない?
674ななしさん 警備員[Lv.107][UR武][SSR防][木]
2024/10/23(水) 15:27:45.78ID:qqu1gD7a0 IDを書くと誰かがどんぐりを勝手に送ってくれるスレ
675ななしさん ハンター[Lv.13][新芽]
2024/10/23(水) 15:29:39.24ID:VzEGDeq50 初期化されたわ
676ななしさん 警備員[Lv.22]
2024/10/23(水) 15:29:49.48ID:2VLuOTtP0 >>588
To どんぐりキャノン ★
A large number of acorns were sent.
Should I just do nothing and wait for it to be corrected?
Or should I email it to you?
To どんぐりキャノン ★
A large number of acorns were sent.
Should I just do nothing and wait for it to be corrected?
Or should I email it to you?
678ななしさん 警備員[Lv.185][UR武限+31][SR防+50][木]
2024/10/23(水) 15:31:12.88ID:bv3Hw0wC0 俺まだBANされてないな…
679どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.120][UR武+29][UR防限+30][森]
2024/10/23(水) 15:32:10.24ID:CAP_USER Published list #4:
Hunter - 白 猟 [1cfa]
Hunter - 𐋏𐋍𐊪𐊗𐊤𐊯 𝙈𝟵 [3195]
Hunter - nanashi [6040]
Guard - nanashi [6d3d]
Guard - nanashi [c6f6]
Guard - nanashi [78af]
Guard - nanashi [cd3a]
Hunter - 神に愛された悪魔 [a08b]
Hunter - 白 猟 [1cfa]
Hunter - 𐋏𐋍𐊪𐊗𐊤𐊯 𝙈𝟵 [3195]
Hunter - nanashi [6040]
Guard - nanashi [6d3d]
Guard - nanashi [c6f6]
Guard - nanashi [78af]
Guard - nanashi [cd3a]
Hunter - 神に愛された悪魔 [a08b]
680ななしさん 警備員[Lv.24][SSR武+7][UR防+6][苗警]
2024/10/23(水) 15:32:10.87ID:1szu10+i0 次のリスト公表待機
I appeal you one time.
About Mr.勃起, you said that he has very high skill and he was legal.
But now, you punished him,
I dont know what he did,
but I think that he is the person that do not do the illegal method.
I wonder that what makes you to punish him.
If possible, I want to know that what makes you to determine the punishment.
I trust Mr.勃起 even now.
Thank you.
I appeal you one time.
About Mr.勃起, you said that he has very high skill and he was legal.
But now, you punished him,
I dont know what he did,
but I think that he is the person that do not do the illegal method.
I wonder that what makes you to punish him.
If possible, I want to know that what makes you to determine the punishment.
I trust Mr.勃起 even now.
Thank you.
682ななしさん 警備員[Lv.24][SSR武+7][UR防+6][苗警]
2024/10/23(水) 15:32:35.93ID:1szu10+i0 と思ったら来た
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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