563 どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.112][UR武+20][UR防+15][森] 2024/09/04(水) 10:40:16.60 ID:CAP_USER
Regarding marketplace general specs, here is what I have planned and am developing.
Each person will have an ability to open their own market for free.
You can browse a list of all open markets.
Each marketplace will have their own page with some customization from the owner.
If the owner is no longer active on donguri, then their marketplace will close temporarily until they are active again. Activity will be defined by whether or not the owner has logged in to their donguri account, and whether or not there are active bids for the listed items.
Each marketplace can list up to 10 items at a time by default.
We can have ability to upgrade the amount of items you can list for Marimo points.
Each item requires a listing fee.
0.001 donguri is the planned initial listing fee, but we might need to readjust the fee after some observation.
The listing fee is to prevent people from putting a lot of junk items, or changing their listings very fast.
The marketplace will have an option to buy/sell/auction weapons, armor, and uplift tokens.
Uplift tokens will be available for sale on the donguri shop.
Uplift token sales will go towards the development team of Donguri.
Donguri points will be the main currency for transactions on the marketplace.
Wood/Iron/Keys/Marimo/Cannonballs will NOT be available to buy/sell/auction on the marketplace.
Each item listing can have a starting auction price, a "buy it now" price, and an auction duration.
If you make a bid on an item, then that amount of donguri is subtracted from your total until the auction is complete.
If you lose the auction, or are outbid, your donguri will be returned to you.
If you win the auction, then you will receive the item and will not receive your donguri back.
There will be a 10% sales fee for all completed marketplace sales.
The seller of the item automatically pays the 10% sales fee.
If the seller sells an item for 1.0 donguri, they will receive 0.9 donguri.
There will be a log of sales and purchases, including sales fee amounts.
This 10% sales fee will be automatically removed from the global donguri pool.
The sales fee is to help slow Donguri inflation.
どんぐり装備品 ★27 修正
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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