VIPQ2_EXTDAT: default:default:1000:512:donguri=0/3: EXT was configured
どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレ ★2
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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[Details of the bounty system]
(1) 被弾ログ (Log of the hits I've taken)
The hit log in the Bounty Center is private information that can only be seen by the person who was hit.
When you are hit by an Acorn Cannon, the following information is posted in the hit log in the Bounty Center.
- The Acorn name of the hunter who shot you.
- The cannon ID of the hunter who shot you (shared with the Acorn Cannon Log).
- The URL of the post that you were hit by (including the reply number).
Each hit log has a "Put a bounty" button, which allows you to put a bounty (Acorn Points) of your choice on the target.
- There is no limit to the total amount of bounties placed on hunters.
The most recent 10 hit logs will be saved, and logs older than 10 days will be deleted.
- To prevent the amount of data in the entire system, including others, from increasing, there will be a limit on the number of saved logs and the period of storage.
- Even if the number of posts is small, one post may be shot by multiple hunters, so it seems necessary to keep about 10 hit logs.
[Details of the bounty system]
(1) 被弾ログ (Log of the hits I've taken)
The hit log in the Bounty Center is private information that can only be seen by the person who was hit.
When you are hit by an Acorn Cannon, the following information is posted in the hit log in the Bounty Center.
- The Acorn name of the hunter who shot you.
- The cannon ID of the hunter who shot you (shared with the Acorn Cannon Log).
- The URL of the post that you were hit by (including the reply number).
Each hit log has a "Put a bounty" button, which allows you to put a bounty (Acorn Points) of your choice on the target.
- There is no limit to the total amount of bounties placed on hunters.
The most recent 10 hit logs will be saved, and logs older than 10 days will be deleted.
- To prevent the amount of data in the entire system, including others, from increasing, there will be a limit on the number of saved logs and the period of storage.
- Even if the number of posts is small, one post may be shot by multiple hunters, so it seems necessary to keep about 10 hit logs.
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(2) 指定ハンターリスト ("Marked Hunters" List)
The "Marked Hunters" list in the Bounty Center is public information that anyone can see.
Hunters who meet the following conditions will be listed on the "Marked Hunters List" in the Bounty Center.
- Three or more people have a bounty on them *Reference: The same number of people as [臭].
- The total amount of bounties placed on them is 3 acorns or more.
The following information is listed on the "Marked Hunters List".
- Acorn name.
- Total amount of bounties placed on them.
Each row of acorn names on the "Marked Hunters List" has a "Donate" button.
If someone other than the person donates acorn points, the bounty can be reduced by the same amount.
The range of acorn points that can be donated is 0.01 to 3.0.
If the bounty falls below 1 acorn, the acorn name will disappear from the "Marked Hunters List".
(2) 指定ハンターリスト ("Marked Hunters" List)
The "Marked Hunters" list in the Bounty Center is public information that anyone can see.
Hunters who meet the following conditions will be listed on the "Marked Hunters List" in the Bounty Center.
- Three or more people have a bounty on them *Reference: The same number of people as [臭].
- The total amount of bounties placed on them is 3 acorns or more.
The following information is listed on the "Marked Hunters List".
- Acorn name.
- Total amount of bounties placed on them.
Each row of acorn names on the "Marked Hunters List" has a "Donate" button.
If someone other than the person donates acorn points, the bounty can be reduced by the same amount.
The range of acorn points that can be donated is 0.01 to 3.0.
If the bounty falls below 1 acorn, the acorn name will disappear from the "Marked Hunters List".
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(3) 賞金首リスト ("Bounty head" list)
The "Bounty head" list in the "Bounty Center" is public information that anyone can see.
Hunters who meet the following conditions will be listed on the "Bounty head" list in the "Bounty Center".
- 9 or more people have a bounty on their head *Reference: The same number of people as [臭臭臭]
- The total amount of bounties placed on them is 10 acorns or more.
The following information is listed on the "Bounty head" list.
- Acorn name.
- Total amount of bounty placed on them.
- Value of "wound".
On the "Bounty head" list, there are "Donation" and "Subjugation" buttons on each line of the acorn name.
Donations can increase the bounty by 5 acorns. If the bounty falls below this, the hunter will be moved from the "Bounty List" to the "Designated Hunter List".
From the Subjugation Battle button, you can bet (0.1 acorns) and challenge the bounty to a fight.
The bounty's equipment will reflect the equipment at the time of the challenge.
(Not the equipment at the time of the list.)
(If the bounty is logged out, the equipment recorded in the database will be reflected.)
(The purpose is to create a sense of tension that the bounty cannot show any weakness at any time.)
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#If the bounty wins
- The bounty takes the bet.
- The challenger can place a bounty on the bounty regardless of the bet (just like when you are shot).
- The "手傷 (Wounds) System (pseudo raid)" is applied to the bounty.
Total amount of damage the bounty took in the subjugation battle are recorded as "wounds" and carried over to the next battle.
In the next battle, the bounty hunter will start the battle with damage equal to his "wounds".
If the bounty hunter wins the next battle, the total amount of damage received in this battle will be added to his "wounds" and carried over to the third battle.
(3) 賞金首リスト ("Bounty head" list)
The "Bounty head" list in the "Bounty Center" is public information that anyone can see.
Hunters who meet the following conditions will be listed on the "Bounty head" list in the "Bounty Center".
- 9 or more people have a bounty on their head *Reference: The same number of people as [臭臭臭]
- The total amount of bounties placed on them is 10 acorns or more.
The following information is listed on the "Bounty head" list.
- Acorn name.
- Total amount of bounty placed on them.
- Value of "wound".
On the "Bounty head" list, there are "Donation" and "Subjugation" buttons on each line of the acorn name.
Donations can increase the bounty by 5 acorns. If the bounty falls below this, the hunter will be moved from the "Bounty List" to the "Designated Hunter List".
From the Subjugation Battle button, you can bet (0.1 acorns) and challenge the bounty to a fight.
The bounty's equipment will reflect the equipment at the time of the challenge.
(Not the equipment at the time of the list.)
(If the bounty is logged out, the equipment recorded in the database will be reflected.)
(The purpose is to create a sense of tension that the bounty cannot show any weakness at any time.)
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#If the bounty wins
- The bounty takes the bet.
- The challenger can place a bounty on the bounty regardless of the bet (just like when you are shot).
- The "手傷 (Wounds) System (pseudo raid)" is applied to the bounty.
Total amount of damage the bounty took in the subjugation battle are recorded as "wounds" and carried over to the next battle.
In the next battle, the bounty hunter will start the battle with damage equal to his "wounds".
If the bounty hunter wins the next battle, the total amount of damage received in this battle will be added to his "wounds" and carried over to the third battle.
【5 of 5】
#If the bounty wins
- The bounty takes the bet.
- The challenger can place a bounty on the bounty regardless of the bet (just like when you are shot).
- The "手傷 (Wounds) System (pseudo raid)" is applied to the bounty.
Total amount of damage the bounty took in the subjugation battle are recorded as "wounds" and carried over to the next battle.
In the next battle, the bounty hunter will start the battle with damage equal to his "wounds".
If the bounty hunter wins the next battle, the total amount of damage received in this battle will be added to his "wounds" and carried over to the third battle.
From then on, damage received will be cumulatively added to his "wounds" and carried over.
In other words, even a powerful wildfire hunter can be defeated by multiple people (pseudo raid).
#If the bounty hunter loses
・Challengers get their bets back and of course the bounty money.
・The bounty hunter will be penalized by not being able to fire the Acorn Cannon for 24 hours.
If the bounty hunter is defeated more than twice, the period during which the Acorn Cannon cannot be fired will be even longer (24 hours * number of times defeated).
(4) Supplementary Note
It is not desirable for a random hunter to use multiple accounts to donate large amounts to himself.
However, if you look at it from another perspective, you can also see it as "making them waste acorns."
Therefore, while we will not pursue a complete elimination, we will take some measures.
- The period in the name field [新] will be set to 10 days, and during this period acorns will not be received via the forwarding service.
- Acorn accounts will be limited to donating to designated hunters or bounties only once every 24 hours.
That's all. Thank you.
#If the bounty wins
- The bounty takes the bet.
- The challenger can place a bounty on the bounty regardless of the bet (just like when you are shot).
- The "手傷 (Wounds) System (pseudo raid)" is applied to the bounty.
Total amount of damage the bounty took in the subjugation battle are recorded as "wounds" and carried over to the next battle.
In the next battle, the bounty hunter will start the battle with damage equal to his "wounds".
If the bounty hunter wins the next battle, the total amount of damage received in this battle will be added to his "wounds" and carried over to the third battle.
From then on, damage received will be cumulatively added to his "wounds" and carried over.
In other words, even a powerful wildfire hunter can be defeated by multiple people (pseudo raid).
#If the bounty hunter loses
・Challengers get their bets back and of course the bounty money.
・The bounty hunter will be penalized by not being able to fire the Acorn Cannon for 24 hours.
If the bounty hunter is defeated more than twice, the period during which the Acorn Cannon cannot be fired will be even longer (24 hours * number of times defeated).
(4) Supplementary Note
It is not desirable for a random hunter to use multiple accounts to donate large amounts to himself.
However, if you look at it from another perspective, you can also see it as "making them waste acorns."
Therefore, while we will not pursue a complete elimination, we will take some measures.
- The period in the name field [新] will be set to 10 days, and during this period acorns will not be received via the forwarding service.
- Acorn accounts will be limited to donating to designated hunters or bounties only once every 24 hours.
That's all. Thank you.
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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