VIPQ2_EXTDAT: default:default:1000:512:donguri=0/3: EXT was configured
どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレ ★2
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
151ななしさん 警備員[Lv.4][芽]
2024/08/21(水) 00:44:56.59ID:Cyh4+q9ZH 串は5ちゃんは使えないよ。VPNも基本、UPLIFTが必要なので
152ななしさん 警備員[Lv.129][UR武+3][UR防+6][苗]
2024/08/21(水) 01:10:17.94ID:0LD3PGNI0 初期にやってたサーバー毎の見なしどんぐりでよくね?
153ななしさん 警備員[Lv.150][UR武][UR防][苗]
2024/08/21(水) 01:57:28.44ID:Uiz7gJPI0 >>125
I strongly oppose allowing multiple hunters to fire on one comment.
This is because it would make it impossible to control the random shoot hunters at all.
It is too much overkill to be able to casually destroy every post with only 3 random shoot hunter accounts.
As you understand, script trolls and cannibal trolls must be treated completely differently.
Fighting manual trolls, in other words, means fighting general writing.
A change like the one you are proposing would have a powerful effect on manual trolls, but of course it would be just as much of an attack on general posts.
You have not been cracking down on the random shooter hunters so far.
It will be difficult to maintain constant policing in the future.
I strongly oppose allowing unmonitored, uncontrolled, powerful poisons to be used at will.
I strongly oppose allowing multiple hunters to fire on one comment.
This is because it would make it impossible to control the random shoot hunters at all.
It is too much overkill to be able to casually destroy every post with only 3 random shoot hunter accounts.
As you understand, script trolls and cannibal trolls must be treated completely differently.
Fighting manual trolls, in other words, means fighting general writing.
A change like the one you are proposing would have a powerful effect on manual trolls, but of course it would be just as much of an attack on general posts.
You have not been cracking down on the random shooter hunters so far.
It will be difficult to maintain constant policing in the future.
I strongly oppose allowing unmonitored, uncontrolled, powerful poisons to be used at will.
154ななしさん 警備員[Lv.2][新芽]
2024/08/21(水) 02:57:16.05ID:6berrnGR0 >>114
server を鯖と書い機械翻訳すると mackerel になる
5ch運営は、まず VIPQ2 を入れて、問題があれば BBS_ACORN を入れる方針らしい
server を鯖と書い機械翻訳すると mackerel になる
5ch運営は、まず VIPQ2 を入れて、問題があれば BBS_ACORN を入れる方針らしい
155ななしさん 警備員[Lv.150][UR武][UR防][苗]
2024/08/21(水) 03:05:09.27ID:Uiz7gJPI0156ななしさん 警備員[Lv.5][新芽]
2024/08/21(水) 06:28:16.15ID:tSh4zWMxM157ななしさん ハンター[Lv.493][UR武][UR防][林]
2024/08/21(水) 06:29:47.06ID:975Vzqjs0 >>154
158ななしさん 警備員[Lv.5][新芽]
2024/08/21(水) 06:31:12.37ID:tSh4zWMxM >>154
159ななしさん 警備員[Lv.7][新芽]
2024/08/21(水) 07:14:55.58ID:EChFkIjh0 >>157
/c/ は板名ではない
URL で読み出しに
そこを read.cgi に戻して書きなおすと
/c/ のところが板名に見えてしまうような専ブラ
/c/ は板名ではない
URL で読み出しに
そこを read.cgi に戻して書きなおすと
/c/ のところが板名に見えてしまうような専ブラ
160 警備員[Lv.65]
2024/08/21(水) 08:35:09.15ID:fKk+G1z30 メール登録警備員なら鍵ももらえて最初から装備できるから安心
162ななしさん 警備員[Lv.18]
2024/08/21(水) 09:53:22.68ID:eqLqsoKW0 I want a table of epoch vs real time.
163 ハンター[Lv.577][木]
2024/08/21(水) 10:11:17.98ID:fKk+G1z30 >>161
164ななしさん 警備員[Lv.172][UR武+10][UR防+12][森]
2024/08/21(水) 10:12:13.55ID:FLFn+CJS0 質問攻めかよ
165ななしさん 警備員[Lv.172][UR武+10][UR防+12][森]
2024/08/21(水) 10:12:32.85ID:FLFn+CJS0 失礼誤爆
166ななしさん 警備員[Lv.151][UR武][UR防][苗]
2024/08/21(水) 10:38:29.32ID:Uiz7gJPI0167ななしさん 警備員[Lv.151][UR武][UR防][苗]
2024/08/21(水) 10:38:50.03ID:Uiz7gJPI0 踏んでも
170ななしさん ハンター[Lv.701][SR武][SR防+58][林]
2024/08/21(水) 18:17:18.64ID:rkwretBv0 大文字で5Chとかでもバグる専ブラありますね
171ななしさん 警備員[Lv.32][SR武][SR防]
2024/08/21(水) 19:03:43.50ID:AbhKNdQr0 本日キャノン氏はどこかに現れましたか?
172ななしさん 警備員[Lv.12][新芽]
2024/08/21(水) 19:44:45.52ID:M5Jh9Xcm0 どんぐりアリーナがスマホで見づらくなった気がします
173ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3][新芽]
2024/08/21(水) 19:57:52.00ID:1bm5hMkyM どんぐり0/3スレだから優しいね
174ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][新芽]
2024/08/22(木) 01:32:58.46ID:RiF8FWDI0 >>169
>5ch運営は、まず VIPQ2 を入れて、問題があれば BBS_ACORN を入れる方針らしい
0190 どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.464][N武+4][N防+4][森] 2024/08/11(日) 15:08:22.29
I received an email asking for this. I talked with the 5ch management and they asked me to use a system where we first add VIPQ2 to a board so that threads can be individually specified to allow acorn. If the problem persists after adding VIPQ2, then we can add BBS_ACORN to the board.
Is there a list of boards that have VIPQ2 but still need a stronger donguri presence?
>5ch運営は、まず VIPQ2 を入れて、問題があれば BBS_ACORN を入れる方針らしい
0190 どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.464][N武+4][N防+4][森] 2024/08/11(日) 15:08:22.29
I received an email asking for this. I talked with the 5ch management and they asked me to use a system where we first add VIPQ2 to a board so that threads can be individually specified to allow acorn. If the problem persists after adding VIPQ2, then we can add BBS_ACORN to the board.
Is there a list of boards that have VIPQ2 but still need a stronger donguri presence?
175ななしさん 警備員[Lv.70][N武+4][N防+4][森]
2024/08/22(木) 06:54:44.03ID:E3d+rCJB0 装備・解錠が小さくなって凄く押しにくくなったんだが
176ななしさん 警備員[Lv.151][N武+9][N防+8][苗]
2024/08/22(木) 06:56:53.47ID:wUxZznh10 Hey donkya!
Put the item bag specs back in place right now !
This arrangement is terrible on an ergonomically impossible level.
This arrangement causes frequent mishandling and the table is extremely difficult to see through.
Please change it back now!
Put the item bag specs back in place right now !
This arrangement is terrible on an ergonomically impossible level.
This arrangement causes frequent mishandling and the table is extremely difficult to see through.
Please change it back now!
177 警備員[Lv.67]
2024/08/22(木) 07:00:56.80ID:n5qGKxRq0 Why put [装備] and [錠] vertically?
Is it only possible to make changes that induce operational errors?
Please change the method to delete in the recycle bin.
Is it only possible to make changes that induce operational errors?
Please change the method to delete in the recycle bin.
178ななしさん ハンター[Lv.694][R武+8][R防+8][森]
2024/08/22(木) 07:01:10.75ID:GyZMjm8RM this is terrible
should be restored now
should be restored now
179 警備員[Lv.67]
2024/08/22(木) 07:09:48.66ID:n5qGKxRq0 人間に仕事してきたとは思えない
180ななしさん 警備員[Lv.143][UR武限+3][UR防+11][苗]
2024/08/22(木) 08:06:47.01ID:JadlAfIw0 どんぐりキャノンさん
182ななしさん 警備員[Lv.132][N武+4][N防+4][林]
2024/08/23(金) 13:22:45.74ID:KEs9j15h0 もう一つの別スレ
183ななしさん 警備員[Lv.8][新芽]
2024/08/23(金) 13:48:10.53ID:lK5F0AUq0 レベル10以下で画像が貼れるの把握してるのかな
184ななしさん 警備員[Lv.0][R武+2][SR防+2][苗臭]
2024/08/26(月) 00:17:23.13ID:xy2B5gFJ0 [UR] 0.0003
[SSR] 0.0017
[SR] 0.015
[R] 0.15
[N] 0.833
ドラクエのスライムナイト二匹目、グレイトドラゴン 0.015
はぐれメタル 0.0039 二匹目 0.0009765625
[SSR] 0.0017
[SR] 0.015
[R] 0.15
[N] 0.833
ドラクエのスライムナイト二匹目、グレイトドラゴン 0.015
はぐれメタル 0.0039 二匹目 0.0009765625
185ななしさん 警備員[Lv.12]
2024/08/26(月) 00:34:48.05ID:xrpx73cN0 消え失せろ500レスガイジ
186ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][R武+2][SR防+2][苗臭]
2024/08/26(月) 03:01:04.21ID:xy2B5gFJ0 そんなこと書かれたら嫌でも書くしかねえな
187ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][R武+2][SR防+2][苗臭]
2024/08/26(月) 03:01:11.14ID:xy2B5gFJ0 バカかよ
188何だ 警備員[Lv.1][R武+2][SR防+2][苗臭]
2024/08/26(月) 03:02:24.44ID:xy2B5gFJ0 ん?
189ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][R武+2][SR防+2][苗臭]
2024/08/26(月) 03:02:41.28ID:xy2B5gFJ0 クチュクチュ?
190ななしさん 警備員[Lv.2][R武+2][SR防+2][苗臭]
2024/08/26(月) 03:03:33.07ID:xy2B5gFJ0 オメチョしてんのか?どんぐりキャノン様にしつれいだぞ その御前だ
191ななしさん 警備員[Lv.4][新芽]
2024/08/26(月) 07:26:31.65ID:B90IDsI00192ななしさん 警備員[Lv.134][N武+4][N防+4][林]
2024/08/26(月) 07:52:27.21ID:LNf+RXwe0 クラシック版 もそうだけど、
193ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3][新芽]
2024/08/26(月) 08:14:52.66ID:7fwIBsQA0 だからセキュアでなくとも損失の無い専用端末使うんだよ。
194ななしさん 警備員[Lv.149][UR武限+5][UR防+11][苗]
2024/08/28(水) 08:16:31.81ID:s522DGqq0 Fuck’inどんぐりキャノンさん
195ななしさん 警備員[Lv.11][芽]
2024/08/29(木) 11:00:21.42ID:LsfA8fLm0 てすと
196ななしさん 警備員[Lv.6][芽]
2024/08/29(木) 23:56:58.20ID:poO3x7Oz0NIKU アプリじゃないのにアップデートとかままごとかよ
197ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3][新芽]
2024/08/31(土) 11:09:41.64ID:vMqt3fZF0 てすと
198ななしさん 警備員[Lv.54]
2024/08/31(土) 11:22:51.78ID:SCsR+cg/0 >>125
JP :
EN :
Can you add BBS_ACORN to this board ?
In >>103, BBS_USE_VIPQ2 was added,
but we are still having trouble with the proliferation of threads.
JP :
EN :
Can you add BBS_ACORN to this board ?
In >>103, BBS_USE_VIPQ2 was added,
but we are still having trouble with the proliferation of threads.
199ななしさん 警備員[Lv.10][新芽]
2024/08/31(土) 13:40:32.04ID:437/dXlKd201ななしさん 警備員[Lv.168][UR武][UR防][苗]
2024/09/04(水) 17:26:33.76ID:eUqLjwcj0 1000だ
202ななしさん 警備員[Lv.185][UR武+10][UR防+12][森]
2024/09/06(金) 12:41:47.50ID:hviSrE3r0 よっこらしょ。
∧_∧ ミ _ ドスッ
( )┌─┴┴─┐
/ つ. 終 了 |
:/o /´ .└─┬┬─┘
(_(_) ;;、`;。;`| |
∧_∧ ミ _ ドスッ
( )┌─┴┴─┐
/ つ. 終 了 |
:/o /´ .└─┬┬─┘
(_(_) ;;、`;。;`| |
203ななしさん 警備員[Lv.68][SSR武+3][SR防+3][苗]
2024/09/06(金) 22:18:37.80ID:MHUyAPCS0 どんぐりキャノン★って面白えな
204ななしさん 警備員[Lv.81][苗]
2024/09/07(土) 06:56:55.59ID:+6a9Dce70205ななしさん ハンター[Lv.201][R武][R防][木]
2024/09/10(火) 20:55:59.77ID:jwNpcgIu0 ど
206ななしさん 警備員[Lv.68][R武+4][R防+4][森]
2024/09/21(土) 12:27:33.09ID:gn6VKD7W0 To どんぐりキヤノン★
The link for Acorn goods shop has disappeared from the Acorn base.
The link for Acorn goods shop has disappeared from the Acorn base.
207ななしさん 警備員[Lv.161][苗]
2024/09/21(土) 12:29:29.56ID:1VUN5yyc0 age
208ななしさん 警備員[Lv.93][SSR武+1][SSR防][苗]
2024/09/21(土) 12:30:25.14ID:1pqdZjnrM どんキャさんは大雨で避難中?
209ななしさん 警備員[Lv.93][SSR武+1][SSR防][苗]
2024/09/21(土) 12:37:37.34ID:331SC35/0 転送あげ
Hello Mr. どんぐりキャノン★
Water's Slow effect is still broken.
Effect activation message will appear repeatedly during battle.
However, applying the effect many times will not slow down the SPD.
If the slow effect is activated, the opponent's attack speed will slow down and attacks should no longer hit.
However, please look carefully at the logs.
After the slow effect is activated, all attacks were hit.
The following examples are expected effects.
This is how it should have been.
Hello Mr. どんぐりキャノン★
Water's Slow effect is still broken.
Effect activation message will appear repeatedly during battle.
However, applying the effect many times will not slow down the SPD.
If the slow effect is activated, the opponent's attack speed will slow down and attacks should no longer hit.
However, please look carefully at the logs.
After the slow effect is activated, all attacks were hit.
The following examples are expected effects.
This is how it should have been.
210ArtX ◆44mDe.EXFS/R ハンター[Lv.967][森]
2024/09/21(土) 13:20:33.49ID:/YMALzXj0https://kes.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/donguri/1723730137/975-976
Thank you!! Mr. AcornCannon
I don't know what caused the bug, but it's exactly what I told you in my email.
211どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.116][UR武+20][UR防+15][森警]
2024/09/21(土) 14:49:08.88ID:CAP_USER >>210
Youre welcome. I am confused by the bug too.
I think it was some kind of out of bounds error, when it should not be possible in that scenario.
I tried replicating what you said in the email and I was not able to replicate the issue.
Please let me know if it happens again.
Youre welcome. I am confused by the bug too.
I think it was some kind of out of bounds error, when it should not be possible in that scenario.
I tried replicating what you said in the email and I was not able to replicate the issue.
Please let me know if it happens again.
212ななしさん 警備員[Lv.203][芽]
2024/09/21(土) 15:07:36.17ID:jqXHS2x30 >>211
Apart from that person, I just emailed you because I had the same bug. Please take a look!
My balance is still weird.
Apart from that person, I just emailed you because I had the same bug. Please take a look!
My balance is still weird.
213どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.116][UR武+20][UR防+15][森]
2024/09/21(土) 15:58:05.76ID:CAP_USER I need to take the donguri base offline for a few minutes to do maintenance.
I think I found the bug that caused the issue with donguri balance to become negative.
I think I found the bug that caused the issue with donguri balance to become negative.
214どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.116][UR武+20][UR防+15][森]
2024/09/21(土) 16:14:03.83ID:CAP_USER215どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.116][UR武+20][UR防+15][森]
2024/09/21(土) 16:17:56.52ID:CAP_USER I am preparing the items 練達のバット and ナイトロダッシュ.
They should be ready this weekend, then the cat and rabbit ear items will be retired.
They should be ready this weekend, then the cat and rabbit ear items will be retired.
216ななしさん 警備員[Lv.203][森]
2024/09/21(土) 16:20:14.61ID:jqXHS2x30 >>214
Thank you very much, どんキャ★
My acorn balance has been restored and returned to [森]
I'm glad you were able to fix the bug, and I appreciate your quick response.
Thank you very much, どんキャ★
My acorn balance has been restored and returned to [森]
I'm glad you were able to fix the bug, and I appreciate your quick response.
217どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.116][UR武+20][UR防+15][森]
2024/09/21(土) 16:25:14.94ID:CAP_USER Almost finished is a way to display your armor graphic when you write, similar to a BE icon.
It will be available on any thread that allows displaying donguri status.
Only UR armor can be displayed.
You can disable this effect on donguri base.
Maybe the UR Tanuki armor is the most rare... I wonder if anybody still has that armor.
It will be available on any thread that allows displaying donguri status.
Only UR armor can be displayed.
You can disable this effect on donguri base.
Maybe the UR Tanuki armor is the most rare... I wonder if anybody still has that armor.
218ななしさん 警備員[Lv.171][UR武][UR防][苗]
2024/09/21(土) 16:36:06.60ID:4qSmlg5z0 >>217
Smaller requests
- I would like the current equipment status to be displayed at the top of the ‘Acorn Base’.
- Please add a link to jump to the armour list at the top of the ‘Item Bag’.
- Regarding the name field in threads, it should be possible to distinguish between registered and unregistered guards.
Smaller requests
- I would like the current equipment status to be displayed at the top of the ‘Acorn Base’.
- Please add a link to jump to the armour list at the top of the ‘Item Bag’.
- Regarding the name field in threads, it should be possible to distinguish between registered and unregistered guards.
219ななしさん 警備員[Lv.161][苗]
2024/09/21(土) 16:43:53.86ID:1VUN5yyc0 >>217
When I log into BE, I see two BE icons and two armors?
I think the rarity displayed should not be limited to UR.
Even if I have UR, sometimes it is SR that I am training.
When I log into BE, I see two BE icons and two armors?
I think the rarity displayed should not be limited to UR.
Even if I have UR, sometimes it is SR that I am training.
Based on the discussion in the thread, I propose a system in which hunters who attack indiscriminately are treated as "raid bosses" and defeated by a large number of hunters.
For that, I would like to see a new page called "バウンティセンター (Bounty Center)" created to manage the "賞金首システム (Bounty system)".
(1) 被弾ログ (Log of the hits I've taken)
The 被弾ログ in the "バウンティセンター" is private information that can only be seen by the person who was shot.
When I get hit by どんぐり大砲, the following information will be recorded in the "被弾ログ".
- The どんぐりネーム of the hunter who shot me.
- The 大砲ID that is the same as the どんぐり大砲ログ of the hunter who shot me.
- The URL even included the number of the post where I was shot.
Each 被弾ログ has a "懸賞金を掛ける(Put a bounty)" button, and I can put a "懸賞金(bounty(どんぐりポイント) of my choosing on the target.
The most recent 10 hit logs will be saved, and any logs older than 10 days will be deleted.
- In order to prevent the amount of data in the entire system from becoming too large, a limit will be set on the number of items that can be stored and the storage period.
- Even if I don't post much, I could still get shot by multiple hunters and need to save 10.
(2) There is no limit to the cumulative bounty amount placed on a hunter.
Based on the discussion in the thread, I propose a system in which hunters who attack indiscriminately are treated as "raid bosses" and defeated by a large number of hunters.
For that, I would like to see a new page called "バウンティセンター (Bounty Center)" created to manage the "賞金首システム (Bounty system)".
(1) 被弾ログ (Log of the hits I've taken)
The 被弾ログ in the "バウンティセンター" is private information that can only be seen by the person who was shot.
When I get hit by どんぐり大砲, the following information will be recorded in the "被弾ログ".
- The どんぐりネーム of the hunter who shot me.
- The 大砲ID that is the same as the どんぐり大砲ログ of the hunter who shot me.
- The URL even included the number of the post where I was shot.
Each 被弾ログ has a "懸賞金を掛ける(Put a bounty)" button, and I can put a "懸賞金(bounty(どんぐりポイント) of my choosing on the target.
The most recent 10 hit logs will be saved, and any logs older than 10 days will be deleted.
- In order to prevent the amount of data in the entire system from becoming too large, a limit will be set on the number of items that can be stored and the storage period.
- Even if I don't post much, I could still get shot by multiple hunters and need to save 10.
(2) There is no limit to the cumulative bounty amount placed on a hunter.
(3) The list of "指定ハンター(marked hunters)" in the バウンティセンター.
The list of 指定ハンター is public information and can be viewed by anyone.
Hunters who meet the following conditions will have their どんぐりネーム listed on the 指定ハンター.
- Hunters who have bounties on their heads from 3 or more people. *For reference: The same number of people as [臭]
- Hunters whose total bounties are 3 どんぐり or more.
The list of 指定ハンター also lists the "懸賞金(Bounty)" amounts.
On the list of 指定ハンター there is a "募金(Donation)" button next to the hunter's name.
When someone other than the hunter makes a donation (0.01-3.0 どんぐり), the bounty can be reduced by the same amount.
If the bounty falls below 1 どんぐり, the hunter's name will disappear from the list of 指定ハンター.
(3) The list of "指定ハンター(marked hunters)" in the バウンティセンター.
The list of 指定ハンター is public information and can be viewed by anyone.
Hunters who meet the following conditions will have their どんぐりネーム listed on the 指定ハンター.
- Hunters who have bounties on their heads from 3 or more people. *For reference: The same number of people as [臭]
- Hunters whose total bounties are 3 どんぐり or more.
The list of 指定ハンター also lists the "懸賞金(Bounty)" amounts.
On the list of 指定ハンター there is a "募金(Donation)" button next to the hunter's name.
When someone other than the hunter makes a donation (0.01-3.0 どんぐり), the bounty can be reduced by the same amount.
If the bounty falls below 1 どんぐり, the hunter's name will disappear from the list of 指定ハンター.
(4) The list of "賞金首 (Bounty head)" in the バウンティセンター.
The list of 賞金首 is public information and can be viewed by anyone.
Hunters who meet the following conditions will have their どんぐりネーム listed on the 賞金首.
- Hunters who have bounties on their heads from 9 or more people. *For reference: The same number of people as [臭臭臭]
- Hunters whose total bounties are 10 どんぐり or more.
The list of "賞金首 displays the hunter's どんぐりネーム, along with the total "懸賞金(Bounty)" and "手傷(wound)(see below)", and there are also 募金 and "討伐戦(Subjugation)" buttons.
If the bounty falls below 5 どんぐり through "募金(donations)", the hunter will be moved to the list of 指定ハンター.
I can use the 討伐戦(Subjugation) button to put a bet (0.1 どんぐり) and challenge the 賞金首 to a fight.
The equipment of the 賞金首 will reflect the equipment they had at the time they were challenged.
(Not the equipment they had when they were listed.)
(The purpose is to create tension in the 賞金首, as they must always be careful not to show any weakness.)
(If the 賞金首 is logged out, the database will be consulted.)
(4) The list of "賞金首 (Bounty head)" in the バウンティセンター.
The list of 賞金首 is public information and can be viewed by anyone.
Hunters who meet the following conditions will have their どんぐりネーム listed on the 賞金首.
- Hunters who have bounties on their heads from 9 or more people. *For reference: The same number of people as [臭臭臭]
- Hunters whose total bounties are 10 どんぐり or more.
The list of "賞金首 displays the hunter's どんぐりネーム, along with the total "懸賞金(Bounty)" and "手傷(wound)(see below)", and there are also 募金 and "討伐戦(Subjugation)" buttons.
If the bounty falls below 5 どんぐり through "募金(donations)", the hunter will be moved to the list of 指定ハンター.
I can use the 討伐戦(Subjugation) button to put a bet (0.1 どんぐり) and challenge the 賞金首 to a fight.
The equipment of the 賞金首 will reflect the equipment they had at the time they were challenged.
(Not the equipment they had when they were listed.)
(The purpose is to create tension in the 賞金首, as they must always be careful not to show any weakness.)
(If the 賞金首 is logged out, the database will be consulted.)
#If the 賞金首 wins
- The 賞金首 takes the bet.
- The challenger can put a bounty on the bounty regardless of the bet. (just like if they were shot)
- The 賞金首 is subject to the "手傷システム(wound system)"; 擬似的レイド(pseudo raid).
The total amount of damage the 賞金首 receives in the battle is recorded as a "手傷(wound)" and carried over to the next battle.
In the next battle, the 賞金首 will start the battle with damage equal to the "手傷(wound)".
If the 賞金首 wins again next time, the total amount of damage received in this battle will be added to the "手傷(wound)" and carried over to the third battle
From then on, the damage received will be cumulatively added to the "手傷(wound)" and carried over.
In other words, even a strong wild hunter can be defeated by multiple people. (擬似的レイド(pseudo raid))
#If the 賞金首 loses
- The challenger gets their bet back, and of course the bounty money.
- The 賞金首 is penalized by not being able to fire the どんぐり大砲 for 24 hours
- If the 賞金首 is defeated more than twice, the どんぐり大砲 cannot be used = 24 hours x number of kills.
#If the 賞金首 wins
- The 賞金首 takes the bet.
- The challenger can put a bounty on the bounty regardless of the bet. (just like if they were shot)
- The 賞金首 is subject to the "手傷システム(wound system)"; 擬似的レイド(pseudo raid).
The total amount of damage the 賞金首 receives in the battle is recorded as a "手傷(wound)" and carried over to the next battle.
In the next battle, the 賞金首 will start the battle with damage equal to the "手傷(wound)".
If the 賞金首 wins again next time, the total amount of damage received in this battle will be added to the "手傷(wound)" and carried over to the third battle
From then on, the damage received will be cumulatively added to the "手傷(wound)" and carried over.
In other words, even a strong wild hunter can be defeated by multiple people. (擬似的レイド(pseudo raid))
#If the 賞金首 loses
- The challenger gets their bet back, and of course the bounty money.
- The 賞金首 is penalized by not being able to fire the どんぐり大砲 for 24 hours
- If the 賞金首 is defeated more than twice, the どんぐり大砲 cannot be used = 24 hours x number of kills.
(5) Supplementary Note
I don't think it's good for indiscriminate hunters to donate large amounts to themselves using multiple accounts.
However, I can change my perspective and think that "they are wasting どんぐりポイント."
Thus, while I don't seek to completely eliminate such behavior, I think some measures need to be taken.
- Set the period in the name field [新 to 10 days, and during this period どんぐりポイント cannot be received via the forwarding service.
- Limit the number of times an どんぐりアカウント can "募金(donate)" to a designated hunter or bounty hunter to once every 24 hours.
That's all. Thank you.
(5) Supplementary Note
I don't think it's good for indiscriminate hunters to donate large amounts to themselves using multiple accounts.
However, I can change my perspective and think that "they are wasting どんぐりポイント."
Thus, while I don't seek to completely eliminate such behavior, I think some measures need to be taken.
- Set the period in the name field [新 to 10 days, and during this period どんぐりポイント cannot be received via the forwarding service.
- Limit the number of times an どんぐりアカウント can "募金(donate)" to a designated hunter or bounty hunter to once every 24 hours.
That's all. Thank you.
225ArtX ◆44mDe.EXFS/R ハンター[Lv.967][森]
2024/09/21(土) 17:23:12.30ID:/YMALzXj0 >>220
Excuse me to say,
I wonder your request has not decided in that thread...?
Of course you have right to request it personally to Donguri cannon san.
Excuse me to say,
I wonder your request has not decided in that thread...?
Of course you have right to request it personally to Donguri cannon san.
Thank you very much!
for preparing what seems to be a special items for Otani Shohei.
I'll try my best to win it. :)
Thank you very much!
for preparing what seems to be a special items for Otani Shohei.
I'll try my best to win it. :)
228ななしさん 警備員[Lv.10][新芽]
2024/09/21(土) 18:13:06.19ID:1wHW1L3s0230ななしさん 警備員[Lv.165][森]
2024/09/21(土) 19:42:53.45ID:GB06hnBd0 大砲依頼スレに書き込んだら依頼先のスレに荒らしハンターが居着いて参ってたし荒らしハンターに制裁与えられるシステムなら賛成だな
231ななしさん 警備員[Lv.126][UR武][UR防][林]
2024/09/21(土) 19:53:43.71ID:NAdVJgXFH 荒らしハンターの定義で止まるんですよ。双方に言い分があるので。
232ななしさん 警備員[Lv.172][森]
2024/09/21(土) 19:58:25.13ID:2gvXbyxcr >>231
233ななしさん 警備員[Lv.69][R武+4][R防+4][森]
2024/09/21(土) 19:58:28.54ID:gn6VKD7W0 石さんの時はどんキャ★がプログラムミスして
236ななしさん 警備員[Lv.126][UR武][UR防][林]
2024/09/21(土) 21:37:33.79ID:3VPadVsiH237ななしさん 警備員[Lv.10][新芽]
2024/09/21(土) 21:48:19.50ID:JZkzyjJh0 bounty system は元から作る予定らしいけど、
> 92 どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.197][UR武][UR防][木] 2024/05/10(金) 15:55:34.61 ID:CAP_USER
> Thank you for that analysis. I will think about how to best implement a bounty system.
> 92 どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.197][UR武][UR防][木] 2024/05/10(金) 15:55:34.61 ID:CAP_USER
> Thank you for that analysis. I will think about how to best implement a bounty system.
Hi Donguri cannon san,
do you have any prepares about below?
You know, there is a big problem left since donguri base started.
That is how stop such hunters who use donguri cannons inappropriately.
Especially those who shoot too often against normal posts.
>>220 san's opinion is very long to read (w), but one of good suggestions in *that thread.
Hi Donguri cannon san,
do you have any prepares about below?
You know, there is a big problem left since donguri base started.
That is how stop such hunters who use donguri cannons inappropriately.
Especially those who shoot too often against normal posts.
>>220 san's opinion is very long to read (w), but one of good suggestions in *that thread.
239ななしさん 警備員[Lv.4][新芽]
2024/09/21(土) 22:12:55.78ID:6quUrznO0 10月になったらハロウィン🎃装備品実装されないかな
240ななしさん 警備員[Lv.74][苗]
2024/09/22(日) 00:43:06.93ID:x4abJxaY0 728: ハンター[Lv.628][UR武+37][UR防+10][苗]:2024/09/20(金) 14:48:33.33
241ななしさん 警備員[Lv.74][苗]
2024/09/22(日) 04:46:05.07ID:x4abJxaY0 729: ハンター[Lv.398][UR武+2][UR防+8][森臭臭臭]:[sage]:2024/09/20(金) 14:51:59.77 ID:QR8lV+pW0
242ななしさん 警備員[Lv.4][新芽]
2024/09/22(日) 05:22:13.61ID:aYo56SdSd 柳屋奉善老伴[6d034b28]→ a·maz·on.co.jp[6d034b28]
蒲生氏郷[53de7582]→ op·en2·c·h.net[53de7582]
蒲生氏郷[53de7582]→ op·en2·c·h.net[53de7582]
520 ハンター[Lv.545][林] (スププ)[sage] 2024/09/03(火) 22:33:21.27 ID:PNcfHlqld
612 ななしさん 警備員[Lv.17][新苗] (ワッチョイW)[sage] 2024/09/05(木) 06:39:31.20 ID:wPL35x3P0
643 警備員[Lv.14] (ワッチョイW)[sage] 2024/09/06(金) 15:23:50.99 ID:bPdvtSfZ0
520 ハンター[Lv.545][林] (スププ)[sage] 2024/09/03(火) 22:33:21.27 ID:PNcfHlqld
612 ななしさん 警備員[Lv.17][新苗] (ワッチョイW)[sage] 2024/09/05(木) 06:39:31.20 ID:wPL35x3P0
643 警備員[Lv.14] (ワッチョイW)[sage] 2024/09/06(金) 15:23:50.99 ID:bPdvtSfZ0
244212 警備員[Lv.34][苗]
2024/09/22(日) 08:21:08.65ID:j4azqtht0245ななしさん 警備員[Lv.70][R武+4][R防+4][森]
2024/09/22(日) 09:09:25.79ID:X2Qz6QlA0 また時間停止してるぞ!
246ななしさん ハンター[Lv.127][SR武][R防][森]
2024/09/22(日) 09:35:27.35ID:+xZ7bUDF0 やっぱり?
247ななしさん 警備員[Lv.19]
2024/09/22(日) 09:36:30.24ID:Gl3AIW6a0 Server deadlock again?
What are the measures to prevent recurrence?
What are the measures to prevent recurrence?
248ななしさん 警備員[Lv.172][森]
2024/09/22(日) 10:10:24.46ID:GyFEzShn0 Hey hey hey Donguri Canon!!!!
It's stopped again!!!!!How many times has this happened!!
Come on, get it together.
Stop messing around🫵😡
It's stopped again!!!!!How many times has this happened!!
Come on, get it together.
Stop messing around🫵😡
Good Morning Mr. DonguriCanon.
Database seems to fall down to DEADLOCK state.
It's Sunday but many users uses this system
so recover database ASAP!
Database seems to fall down to DEADLOCK state.
It's Sunday but many users uses this system
so recover database ASAP!
250ななしさん 警備員[Lv.162][苗]
2024/09/22(日) 10:20:23.98ID:f8HHenmA0 スレッドを立てた1だけ大砲禁止コマンドが効かない仕様のせいでまたスレ立て人が減るわ
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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