VIPQ2_EXTDAT: default:default:1000:512:donguri=0/3: EXT was configured
どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレ ★2
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
14ななしさん 警備員[Lv.0][新芽]
2024/08/16(金) 13:22:06.65ID:2koWTRBX0 ないす
15ななしさん 警備員[Lv.4][新芽]
2024/08/16(金) 13:38:28.16ID:qN1jBsHB016 警備員[Lv.56]
2024/08/16(金) 13:42:04.81ID:UeEk59p80 結局のところどんぐりキャノン★がスレコントロールしてくれりゃいいけど一切興味ない感じがね
17ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3][新芽]
2024/08/16(金) 13:53:47.09ID:/g3tX4+x018ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3][新芽]
2024/08/16(金) 13:54:15.94ID:MnSuhKpF0 >>16
19ななしさん 警備員[Lv.8][芽]
2024/08/16(金) 13:57:59.78ID:kDEekH020 おつおつ
20ななしさん 警備員[Lv.127][UR武+3][UR防+6][苗]
2024/08/16(金) 14:17:14.22ID:H3MJqJ1N0 分母が4のスレを狙って落としていったな
21ななしさん 警備員[Lv.0][新芽警]
2024/08/16(金) 17:58:32.99ID:fPnfHaPx0 どんぐり
22ななしさん 警備員[Lv.4][新芽]
2024/08/16(金) 19:15:22.08ID:KRHyT6EQ0 おつおつ
24ななしさん 警備員[Lv.8][芽]
2024/08/16(金) 19:32:35.19ID:krA3Hxmq0 てすと
26ななしさん 警備員[Lv.7][新芽]
2024/08/17(土) 11:41:26.16ID:bT7Vjxhf0 サボンな丼きゃ
27ななしさん 警備員[Lv.10][芽]
2024/08/17(土) 11:41:50.73ID:TLIFRbtI0 てすと
28 警備員[Lv.58]
2024/08/17(土) 12:23:14.04ID:w8/3SV/q0 テストスレになってしまった
29ななしさん 警備員[Lv.64][森]
2024/08/17(土) 18:14:00.40ID:JRJ/GXsY0 TO どんぐりキヤノン★
It's a small thing, but please correct the "fireworks" illustration.
There are no eyes at purple firework .
It's a small thing, but please correct the "fireworks" illustration.
There are no eyes at purple firework .
30ななしさん 警備員[Lv.0][新芽]
2024/08/17(土) 18:49:46.46ID:LnpYcrVb0 そもそもどんキャがどこのスレにも現れない
33ななしさん 警備員[Lv.65][N武+4][N防+4][森]
2024/08/18(日) 13:07:41.65ID:jx8dcDpR0 ショップの開店報告に来るかな?
34ななしさん 警備員[Lv.65][N武+4][N防+4][森]
2024/08/18(日) 13:32:21.92ID:jx8dcDpR0 TO どんぐりキヤノン★
Congratulations on opening donnguri goods shop.
I think it would be nice to have a shirt with a one-point design.
Do you have plans for other designs?
Congratulations on opening donnguri goods shop.
I think it would be nice to have a shirt with a one-point design.
Do you have plans for other designs?
35ななしさん 警備員[Lv.128][UR武+3][UR防+6][苗]
2024/08/18(日) 14:06:21.86ID:5jjqYpjg0 それ以前に、誰があんな高い物買うねん?
36キラキラ ◆BDhawayVQk 警備員[Lv.19]:0.01072804
2024/08/18(日) 15:45:43.98ID:SuWn9nDf0 ( ・∀・) Hello どんぐりキャノン★
14:33 60% レベル49
14:36 75% レベル50
14:54 31% レベル50
15:10 81% レベル50
15:22 11% レベル50
15:37 58% レベル51
14:33 60% レベル49
14:36 75% レベル50
14:54 31% レベル50
15:10 81% レベル50
15:22 11% レベル50
15:37 58% レベル51
37ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][SR武][UR防][警]
2024/08/18(日) 21:30:38.70ID:JUcTsYmK0 装備してるのに一発の砲撃でレベル0まで落とされた…どういうことや…???
38ななしさん 警備員[Lv.11][新芽]
2024/08/18(日) 21:33:01.50ID:YcwCvhvF039ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][SR武][UR防][警]
2024/08/18(日) 21:37:46.89ID:JUcTsYmK040ななしさん 警備員[Lv.12][新芽]
2024/08/18(日) 21:42:53.53ID:YcwCvhvF0 それはそう
41ななしさん ハンター[Lv.18]
2024/08/18(日) 21:44:14.16ID:CsHZXxSwd 大砲なしスレが多いなあ
42ななしさん 警備員[Lv.2][SR武][UR防][警]
2024/08/18(日) 21:45:05.15ID:JUcTsYmK0 グロ対策なんてimgurNG入れときゃ十分っちゃ十分やろ
43ななしさん 警備員[Lv.15][新]
2024/08/18(日) 22:54:06.13ID:1URix0cu0 imgur NG だと、どんぐりの有無に関係なく、すべての書き込みで貼れなくなる
Lv10 以下のみ imgur NG だと、どんぐり有りのスレでしか効かない
Lv10 以下のみ imgur NG だと、どんぐり有りのスレでしか効かない
45ななしさん 警備員[Lv.7][新芽]
2024/08/19(月) 09:58:35.30ID:jEpUjiHj0 自分で画像表示させてる人がグロ見たくないと騒いで、
46ななしさん 警備員[Lv.19][N武][N防]
2024/08/19(月) 12:37:11.34ID:tPaSz2LC0 NGワードに設定する方法教えてあげたらいいのに
47ななしさん 警備員[Lv.129][UR武+3][UR防+6][苗]
2024/08/19(月) 14:34:11.07ID:4T3Lguvh048 ハンター[Lv.570][木]
2024/08/19(月) 14:38:44.75ID:f7eLbl1X0 結局↓こっちにきてるじゃんwww
どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレッド ★2
どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレッド ★2
50ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3][新芽]
2024/08/19(月) 15:10:56.65ID:50MbvS/R0 >>49
51ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3][新芽]
2024/08/19(月) 15:18:42.52ID:AQhwELsP0 てすと
52ななしさん 警備員[Lv.4][新芽]
2024/08/19(月) 15:29:17.29ID:Mte2qsm90 Hi Donkya
Boards that do not have the Donguri System applied are being vandalized daily by scripts.
Please apply the Donguri System to all boards ASAP.
Boards that do not have the Donguri System applied are being vandalized daily by scripts.
Please apply the Donguri System to all boards ASAP.
53ななしさん 警備員[Lv.4][新]
2024/08/19(月) 15:38:07.90ID:sZ1+hA/D0 TEST
54ななしさん 警備員[Lv.4][新]
2024/08/19(月) 16:03:50.42ID:aDJHW1iN0 クッキー取得ループで書き込めないブラウザあるんだが直せどんキャ
55ななしさん 警備員[Lv.6][新芽]
2024/08/19(月) 16:30:41.84ID:KNL5YVaEp て
57ななしさん 警備員[Lv.6][新芽]
2024/08/19(月) 17:19:00.57ID:qb2ns9yB0 と
59ななしさん 警備員[Lv.7][新芽]
2024/08/19(月) 18:35:57.63ID:Wa1H9YR9d 枯れループ出てるよね
60ななしさん 警備員[Lv.7][新]
2024/08/19(月) 18:48:03.84ID:WcIfBpa20 枯れループしとるのやべーだろ
Hi! Donguri Canon!
There is a problem with the acorn withering loop.
Please fix as soon as possible!!!!
There is a problem with the acorn withering loop.
Please fix as soon as possible!!!!
62ななしさん 警備員[Lv.7][新]
2024/08/19(月) 18:50:52.95ID:JlSfGcrW0 枯れループ直せ
65ななしさん 警備員[Lv.7][新]
2024/08/19(月) 19:13:46.86ID:0571obIe0 >>64
66ななしさん 警備員[Lv.5][新芽]
2024/08/19(月) 19:33:45.40ID:/PKQ3m4Ta chmateなら設定である程度非表示に出来るのにね
68ななしさん 警備員[Lv.14][芽]
2024/08/19(月) 19:50:59.32ID:0UPHVG420 ちょっと前は直リンNGで、URLの最初のhを抜いたりしてなかったっけ?
70ななしさん 警備員[Lv.128][N武+4][N防+4][林]
2024/08/19(月) 20:18:39.91ID:603PQP/80 リファラでリンク先に5chから来たことがバレるとか
71ななしさん 警備員[Lv.4][新芽]
2024/08/19(月) 20:54:32.95ID:fVaGcWC50 枯れループ解決したみたい
72ななしさん 警備員[Lv.6][新芽]
2024/08/19(月) 21:08:47.29ID:mpEGKCFE0 解決してないぞ
73ななしさん 警備員[Lv.4][新芽]
2024/08/19(月) 21:12:05.51ID:zkdv/jz40 ごめん
74ななしさん 警備員[Lv.0][芽警]
2024/08/20(火) 01:08:25.38ID:kUp9uGTU0 melon 4aa324c0
75どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.484][N武+4][N防+4][森]
2024/08/20(火) 05:33:20.16ID:CAP_USER Everything OK now?
76どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.484][N武+4][N防+4][森]
2024/08/20(火) 05:33:48.31ID:CAP_USER I am going to do some maintenance on Donguri Base today.
77ななしさん 警備員[Lv.155][SSR武][UR防][苗]
2024/08/20(火) 05:50:06.99ID:xdzSdaox078ななしさん 警備員[Lv.9][新芽]
2024/08/20(火) 05:51:56.53ID:kzNT8ZuCM79ななしさん 警備員[Lv.155][SSR武][UR防][苗]
2024/08/20(火) 05:52:35.35ID:xdzSdaox0 >>76
The sorting of the item bag table is not working properly, fix it.
I am having a great deal of trouble.
The sorting of the item bag table is not working properly, fix it.
I am having a great deal of trouble.
80ななしさん 警備員[Lv.155][SSR武][UR防][苗]
2024/08/20(火) 05:57:01.49ID:xdzSdaox0 For example, sorting by “Marimo” does not sort by Marimo value at all.
82ななしさん 警備員[Lv.7][新芽]
2024/08/20(火) 06:49:23.67ID:4sKpe9wM0 >>76
Good morning, Donguri Cannon.
Thank you for your hard work. Please make that the acorn can be introduced to this threads.
We are constantly attacked by scripts every day, and the duration and frequency of these attacks is getting longer and longer, and we are unable to respond.Please at least include the thread in VIPQ2.
Sorry I'm not good at English
Good morning, Donguri Cannon.
Thank you for your hard work. Please make that the acorn can be introduced to this threads.
We are constantly attacked by scripts every day, and the duration and frequency of these attacks is getting longer and longer, and we are unable to respond.Please at least include the thread in VIPQ2.
Sorry I'm not good at English
83どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.485][N武+4][N防+4][森]
2024/08/20(火) 07:01:59.26ID:CAP_USER I am fixing the sorting issue now.
Maintenance will start in 5 minutes.
It should not affect usability.
Maintenance will start in 5 minutes.
It should not affect usability.
84どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.485][N武+4][N防+4][森]
2024/08/20(火) 07:05:30.28ID:CAP_USER85ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3][新芽]
2024/08/20(火) 07:06:09.46ID:FgAdia5V086どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.485][N武+4][N防+4][森]
2024/08/20(火) 07:07:55.46ID:CAP_USER Someone emailed me to ask if I can put a slots system into Donguri.
I could make it, but I don't know if it is legal or not.
Does anybody here know?
I could make it, but I don't know if it is legal or not.
Does anybody here know?
87ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3][新芽]
2024/08/20(火) 07:11:04.83ID:FgAdia5V0 >>86
Slot? Casino's?
Slot? Casino's?
90ななしさん 警備員[Lv.4][新芽]
2024/08/20(火) 07:44:50.29ID:FgAdia5V0 Thanks
I just confirmed that the item bag sorting is fixed
I just confirmed that the item bag sorting is fixed
91どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.485][N武+4][N防+4][森]
2024/08/20(火) 07:45:50.12ID:CAP_USER Maintenance is starting now.
92どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.485][N武+4][N防+4][森]
2024/08/20(火) 07:46:37.59ID:CAP_USER >>87
Yes, someone asked me to make it but I dont know the legality of it in Japan's system.
Yes, someone asked me to make it but I dont know the legality of it in Japan's system.
93 警備員[Lv.63]
2024/08/20(火) 07:48:17.36ID:R2sQtXII0 >>92
You should probably consult your legal counsel.
You should probably consult your legal counsel.
94ななしさん 警備員[Lv.22]
2024/08/20(火) 07:52:20.74ID:3gex+4er0 >>92
Implementing an online casino? Better stop.
Instead, please proceed with the script vandalism.
My favorite board is being vandalized with threads on a daily basis.
Implementing an online casino? Better stop.
Instead, please proceed with the script vandalism.
My favorite board is being vandalized with threads on a daily basis.
95ななしさん 警備員[Lv.155][SSR武][UR防][苗]
2024/08/20(火) 07:54:31.08ID:xdzSdaox0 >>92
I don't know what exactly it is, but you should show the detailed plans of what you are going to do to a lawyer or a consultant with expertise to make sure it is legal.
If you're thinking of something like a casino involving cash, you'd have to design it extremely carefully or you could easily become a criminal.
I don't know what exactly it is, but you should show the detailed plans of what you are going to do to a lawyer or a consultant with expertise to make sure it is legal.
If you're thinking of something like a casino involving cash, you'd have to design it extremely carefully or you could easily become a criminal.
96ななしさん 警備員[Lv.21][N武][N防]
2024/08/20(火) 08:07:12.25ID:0IRnAYTm0 DQXにカジノあるやん
Japanese game 'Dragon Quest X' has casinos.
Japanese game 'Dragon Quest X' has casinos.
97 警備員[Lv.63]
2024/08/20(火) 08:08:41.80ID:R2sQtXII0 Why doesn't donguri.5ch.net say "under maintenance" at the top?
98どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.485][N武+4][N防+4][森]
2024/08/20(火) 08:10:36.76ID:CAP_USER99ななしさん 警備員[Lv.5][新芽]
2024/08/20(火) 08:10:48.49ID:01sQUb2EH メインテナンスのついでにアイテムバッグのcolumnの「解」を「錠」に変えて欲しいな
100ななしさん 警備員[Lv.155][SSR武][UR防][苗]
2024/08/20(火) 08:13:39.33ID:xdzSdaox0 By the way ・・・・
Isn't it about time to set BBS_ACORN=1 on ニュース速報 ( http://hayabusa9.5ch.net/news/ )?
As a place for practical verification of acorns
-There are a moderate number of posts.
-The residents are familiar with the place.
-The skill level of people who start threads is high because it is a board that requires a BE account.
-The knowledge gained by the residents here can be easily spread to the whole 5ch community.
Of course, immediately after the introduction, there will be a big fuss and criticism, but that's the fun part of 5ch !w
Isn't it about time to set BBS_ACORN=1 on ニュース速報 ( http://hayabusa9.5ch.net/news/ )?
As a place for practical verification of acorns
-There are a moderate number of posts.
-The residents are familiar with the place.
-The skill level of people who start threads is high because it is a board that requires a BE account.
-The knowledge gained by the residents here can be easily spread to the whole 5ch community.
Of course, immediately after the introduction, there will be a big fuss and criticism, but that's the fun part of 5ch !w
101ななしさん 警備員[Lv.8][新芽]
2024/08/20(火) 08:17:06.26ID:7TmwanSw0 This is an example of a one-point T-shirt. It has a small character in a cute way.
102ななしさん 警備員[Lv.22][R武][R防]
2024/08/20(火) 08:58:12.44ID:taBesEAS0 >>98
Please limit self-shooting to the Acorn Board only. I cannot deal with the trolling hunters who appear on the bulletin board I use because they continue to troll while shooting themselves. If the introduction is postponed because some hunters want to try shooting, I think it would be better if it was only possible on the Acorn Board.
Please limit self-shooting to the Acorn Board only. I cannot deal with the trolling hunters who appear on the bulletin board I use because they continue to troll while shooting themselves. If the introduction is postponed because some hunters want to try shooting, I think it would be better if it was only possible on the Acorn Board.
103ななしさん 警備員[Lv.52]
2024/08/20(火) 09:17:05.30ID:EAO5tXXB0 >>98
JP : この板にBBS_USE_VIPQ2を追加してもらう事はできますか?
EN : Can you add BBS_USE_VIPQ2 to this board ?
JP : この板にBBS_USE_VIPQ2を追加してもらう事はできますか?
EN : Can you add BBS_USE_VIPQ2 to this board ?
104どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.485][N武+4][N防+4][森]
2024/08/20(火) 09:22:50.99ID:CAP_USER106ななしさん 警備員[Lv.9][新芽]
2024/08/20(火) 09:40:40.10ID:E6OFcJlM0 I would like a scarf towel (a little less expensive please🙏) I would like to have a scarf towel.
I like the どんぐりcharacter on the item bag, what do you like?
Would it be too expensive if the back of the merchandise has the back of the acorn character on it to motivate me to buy it?
I really want a can badge or a 根付small plushie...
This sales site does not seem to be able to make it. Sad🥺
I like the どんぐりcharacter on the item bag, what do you like?
Would it be too expensive if the back of the merchandise has the back of the acorn character on it to motivate me to buy it?
I really want a can badge or a 根付small plushie...
This sales site does not seem to be able to make it. Sad🥺
107 警備員[Lv.64]
2024/08/20(火) 09:47:41.12ID:R2sQtXII0 >>104
Could you please create a new extend command?
Allow the cannon to fire only if the target level x or below (prohibit cannon to users above level x). I would like such a command.
This would prevent troll hunters and low level scripts at the same time.
For example, if we allow users below level 10 to fire the cannon, they will be able to fire, but not above level 11.
Could you please create a new extend command?
Allow the cannon to fire only if the target level x or below (prohibit cannon to users above level x). I would like such a command.
This would prevent troll hunters and low level scripts at the same time.
For example, if we allow users below level 10 to fire the cannon, they will be able to fire, but not above level 11.
108ななしさん 警備員[Lv.10][新芽]
2024/08/20(火) 09:49:31.90ID:0nyEGgIbd I like the acorn character on the futon, the leaf armor, and the acorn icon on the tab screen. Stickers, stationery and other small items would be easier to incorporate into my life....
Is it difficult?
Is it difficult?
109ななしさん 警備員[Lv.13]
2024/08/20(火) 09:56:53.31ID:A2ngY8or0110ななしさん ハンター[Lv.815][森]
2024/08/20(火) 10:33:24.74ID:SO0/r0wF0 >>104
As I have requested several times before, the new penalty system for 荒らし was necessary and very good for us hunters.
Please bring it back again.Please reconsider.
警 これまで通り
告 これまで通り
臭 時間経過による経験値の停止
臭Lv1 時間経過による経験値の停止
臭Lv2 時間経過による経験値の停止
臭Lv3 時間経過による経験値の停止&復活サービス停止
If an account has [臭], they will no longer gain 経験値 over time. They can still use 復活サービス.
Furthermore, if their [臭] level reaches 3 or higher, they will no longer be able to use 復活サービス.
This has been long awaited by all and we would like it to be reinstated.
As I have requested several times before, the new penalty system for 荒らし was necessary and very good for us hunters.
Please bring it back again.Please reconsider.
警 これまで通り
告 これまで通り
臭 時間経過による経験値の停止
臭Lv1 時間経過による経験値の停止
臭Lv2 時間経過による経験値の停止
臭Lv3 時間経過による経験値の停止&復活サービス停止
If an account has [臭], they will no longer gain 経験値 over time. They can still use 復活サービス.
Furthermore, if their [臭] level reaches 3 or higher, they will no longer be able to use 復活サービス.
This has been long awaited by all and we would like it to be reinstated.
111ななしさん ハンター[Lv.815][森]
2024/08/20(火) 10:52:19.87ID:SO0/r0wF0 >>110 is for 荒らし who are on a vicious and rampant rampage.
It does not affect the average person who reads and writes normally.
Please introduce it....
It does not affect the average person who reads and writes normally.
Please introduce it....
112ななしさん 警備員[Lv.10][新芽]
2024/08/20(火) 11:00:35.01ID:qdul82lB0 One point is cute even on the sleeves.
Some people are embarrassed to wear large patterns.
For your reference.
Some people are embarrassed to wear large patterns.
For your reference.
113ななしさん 警備員[Lv.22][R武][R防]
2024/08/20(火) 11:06:01.93ID:taBesEAS0 >>104
Thank you. Please do something about it. Also, on a different note, could you add a black color to the Acorn T-shirts at the market? I think it would be hard for men to wear bright colors.
Thank you. Please do something about it. Also, on a different note, could you add a black color to the Acorn T-shirts at the market? I think it would be hard for men to wear bright colors.
114ななしさん 警備員[Lv.35][SR武][R防]
2024/08/20(火) 11:25:58.06ID:CjYC4es30 >>104
Please set ACORN2 or VIPQ2 for egg mackerel fate mackerel
The script is so badly damaged that I can't read it properly.
Please set ACORN2 or VIPQ2 for egg mackerel fate mackerel
The script is so badly damaged that I can't read it properly.
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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