Dear どんキャ★
I have one request.
I would like you to eliminate the “!extend” command that hides the acorn display.
I would like you to disable the following
The reason is that the donguri function has become established and is becoming quite fun, so if we hide each other's donguri information, the fun will be halved.
(If it is an optional display, not many people will bother to display it.)
I would like to know the level and equipment enhancement of my partner on various boards and threads, and if someone is higher level than me, I can respect him, and if someone has a [臭臭臭], it is obvious that he is a crazy person.
I think this command is hindering the acorn function from becoming more interesting, so please consider it.
どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレッド ★2
982ななしさん 警備員[Lv.203][森] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/21(土) 11:14:47.98ID:jqXHS2x30レス数が950を超えています。1000を超えると書き込みができなくなります。
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