VIPQ2_EXTDAT: checked:vvv:1000:512:donguri=10/1: EXT was configured
どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレッド ★2
2024/08/15(木) 22:55:37.37ID:+ZDsPvZo0
971ななしさん ハンター[Lv.765][SR武+50][R防+42][森] (ブーイモ)
2024/09/20(金) 10:01:19.22ID:9vyAge9fM 記憶にございません
972ななしさん 警備員[Lv.171][森] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/20(金) 10:06:43.33ID:/coNPPb+02024/09/20(金) 12:07:01.41ID:BSK9ZXIz0
2024/09/20(金) 16:05:02.28ID:mVsz8CyL0
I feel strongly that the strengths and weaknesses of item attributes are biased.
I think the balance of attributes should be maintained, otherwise it's not fun. 🥱
I feel strongly that the strengths and weaknesses of item attributes are biased.
I think the balance of attributes should be maintained, otherwise it's not fun. 🥱
975ArtX ◆44mDe.EXFS/R ハンター[Lv.965][芽警] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/20(金) 23:14:15.00ID:Q9tHJJYl0▼ Is this a 'bug' ??
Seed (bank) balance : - 9223372033527969755
Hunter ID : 24801868
976ArtX ◆44mDe.EXFS/R ハンター[Lv.965][芽告]
2024/09/21(土) 00:05:42.55977どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.116][UR武+20][UR防+15][森]
2024/09/21(土) 09:43:23.42ID:CAP_USER >>975
Do you know what happened to cause that bug?
Do you know what happened to cause that bug?
978ななしさん 警備員[Lv.116][UR武+20][UR防+15][森] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/21(土) 09:48:02.14ID:90StJs4n0 >>975
Actually can you email me what you know about the bug so I can fix it and restore your balance?
Actually can you email me what you know about the bug so I can fix it and restore your balance?
979ななしさん 警備員[Lv.171][森] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/21(土) 10:01:41.62ID:i+eLKOzs0 >>977
Hello donguri canon
I emailed you a request for a malignant hunter and a request for a board setup, did you check it?
Hello donguri canon
I emailed you a request for a malignant hunter and a request for a board setup, did you check it?
2024/09/21(土) 10:24:32.57ID:+S7nbqFpH
If it takes time to implement the market, can't we send lumber or iron ahead of time?
If it takes time to implement the market, can't we send lumber or iron ahead of time?
981どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.116][UR武+20][UR防+15][森]
2024/09/21(土) 11:06:36.46ID:CAP_USER >>975
I just restored your balance. If you can remember, please send me an email with the details about what happened to cause that bug.
I just restored your balance. If you can remember, please send me an email with the details about what happened to cause that bug.
2024/09/21(土) 11:14:47.98ID:jqXHS2x30
Dear どんキャ★
I have one request.
I would like you to eliminate the “!extend” command that hides the acorn display.
I would like you to disable the following
The reason is that the donguri function has become established and is becoming quite fun, so if we hide each other's donguri information, the fun will be halved.
(If it is an optional display, not many people will bother to display it.)
I would like to know the level and equipment enhancement of my partner on various boards and threads, and if someone is higher level than me, I can respect him, and if someone has a [臭臭臭], it is obvious that he is a crazy person.
I think this command is hindering the acorn function from becoming more interesting, so please consider it.
Dear どんキャ★
I have one request.
I would like you to eliminate the “!extend” command that hides the acorn display.
I would like you to disable the following
The reason is that the donguri function has become established and is becoming quite fun, so if we hide each other's donguri information, the fun will be halved.
(If it is an optional display, not many people will bother to display it.)
I would like to know the level and equipment enhancement of my partner on various boards and threads, and if someone is higher level than me, I can respect him, and if someone has a [臭臭臭], it is obvious that he is a crazy person.
I think this command is hindering the acorn function from becoming more interesting, so please consider it.
2024/09/21(土) 11:26:55.37ID:AgN+LxnvM
984ななしさん 警備員[Lv.95][UR武+10][SR防+14][森] (アウアウウー)
2024/09/21(土) 11:29:14.69ID:fJyZKilVa plz BAN the troll bot in the arena, or eliminate the specification that cannonballs are reduced when attacked
2024/09/21(土) 11:32:41.62ID:TKBIiuseM
I'm against that.
If you want to know other people's acorn levels, you should go to the thread for that setting.
I'm against that.
If you want to know other people's acorn levels, you should go to the thread for that setting.
2024/09/21(土) 11:36:53.78ID:jqXHS2x30
Because of the spread of the donguri=*/4 command on many boards, there is no acorn information, cannons are banned, and the acorn function cannot be fully enjoyed.
Everyone is trying so hard to train and strengthen their skills...
I think the cannon ban has a role to play, so it is fine as it is, but the forced display of acorn information leads to activation, so I still want donguri=*/4 and donguri=*/2 to be eliminated or suspended.
Because of the spread of the donguri=*/4 command on many boards, there is no acorn information, cannons are banned, and the acorn function cannot be fully enjoyed.
Everyone is trying so hard to train and strengthen their skills...
I think the cannon ban has a role to play, so it is fine as it is, but the forced display of acorn information leads to activation, so I still want donguri=*/4 and donguri=*/2 to be eliminated or suspended.
987ななしさん 警備員[Lv.161][苗] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/21(土) 11:40:08.80ID:1VUN5yyc0 どんぐりキャノン★, could you please create a space in Acorn Base for matching matches?
For example, I would like a space where I can be automatically matched with an opponent of my level plus or minus 10.
Please create more spaces where individuals can easily compete against each other.
The arena is only for professionals.
For example, I would like a space where I can be automatically matched with an opponent of my level plus or minus 10.
Please create more spaces where individuals can easily compete against each other.
The arena is only for professionals.
2024/09/21(土) 11:40:20.55ID:TKBIiuseM
2024/09/21(土) 11:41:30.46ID:AgN+LxnvM
990ななしさん 警備員[Lv.172][森] (オッペケ)
2024/09/21(土) 11:43:20.99ID:2gvXbyxcr >>986
2024/09/21(土) 11:47:58.80ID:IHug/UOv0
2024/09/21(土) 11:51:49.19ID:mjJ/MfvJ0
2024/09/21(土) 11:51:52.70ID:AgN+LxnvM
994 ハンター[Lv.766][木] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/21(土) 11:52:26.56ID:Tii0c5U40 >>982
Im against it too.
Donguri level displaying should depends on his/her will.
Im against it too.
Donguri level displaying should depends on his/her will.
2024/09/21(土) 11:53:26.52ID:kH6RV/4A0
2024/09/21(土) 12:02:12.97ID:M7Qd5ixv0
2024/09/21(土) 12:06:30.50ID:IHug/UOv0
Next thread please click here
どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレ ★2
Next thread please click here
どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレ ★2
2024/09/21(土) 12:16:32.70ID:AgN+LxnvM
999ななしさん 警備員[Lv.161][苗] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/21(土) 12:24:59.34ID:1VUN5yyc0 extendコマンドによって1だけ大砲禁止が効かない件、1が打てたほうが良かったという実績報告は無く、スレ立て人の被害報告がほとんど(特にどんぐりシステムが落ちているときの乱射でlv0になりスレ立てできない人が続出)
2024/09/21(土) 12:27:05.31ID:M7Qd5ixv0
Over 1000Thread このスレッドは1000を超えました。
life time: 36日 13時間 31分 29秒
life time: 36日 13時間 31分 29秒
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