どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレッド ★2

2024/08/15(木) 22:55:37.37ID:+ZDsPvZo0


VIPQ2_EXTDAT: checked:vvv:1000:512:donguri=10/1: EXT was configured
864 警備員[Lv.166][木] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/13(金) 16:44:38.94ID:b/zZL6uT0
Oh! far away!!!
When I reach to 1000, top rank will be over 2000 level...
What happens if top ranker reached to 2000...
865ななしさん 警備員[Lv.153][苗] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/13(金) 16:49:06.75ID:iaEmDfpy0
What is the progress on the iOS app?
866 警備員[Lv.117][木] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/13(金) 16:51:44.25ID:/bazZUY60
Is there no rollback to zero?
2024/09/13(金) 16:57:31.11ID:sbsLPJS/0
Do levels have any meaning?
To give them meaning,
how about giving them belts or ranks like in karate when you reach level 1000?
868どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.115][UR武+20][UR防+15][森警]
垢版 |
2024/09/13(金) 17:07:37.06ID:CAP_USER
Like 二段?
2024/09/13(金) 17:21:27.62ID:ZbTUWe3+0
It will be interesting to see how far the top group improves!
I am also looking forward to improving my level.
Much obliged, どんぐりキャノン!
870ななしさん 警備員[Lv.41][苗] (ワッチョイ)
垢版 |
2024/09/13(金) 17:23:36.03ID:wNRGt9ly0
The "Level Resurrection Service" still doesn't work, but is this by design so that it doesn't work?
Or is the problem left unaddressed?
871ななしさん 警備員[Lv.135][UR武][SR防][森] (ワッチョイ)
垢版 |
2024/09/13(金) 17:27:41.79ID:ZKg7iWs70
>the levels from 1001 to 2000 will be almost the same speed it is now,

What do you mean by this?
Do you mean that the time from 1001 to 2000 is mostly the same as 1-1000?
Or does each one level between 1001 and 2000 take as long as 999-1000, 7 hours and 13 minutes?

BTW, When do you fix the rewind problem?
2024/09/13(金) 17:33:13.65ID:sbsLPJS/0
It's like the color belts in karate, they change color as you progress through the levels.

873 ハンター[Lv.744][木] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/13(金) 17:36:45.38ID:VMI5cYI30
To top level rankers,
how about give the Gold Medal or something ornor
and graduation from Donguri-system ?
Top rankers are doing much jobs to Donguri-system,
so it is good to give the will of thanks to those rankers.
874ななしさん 警備員[Lv.166][森] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/13(金) 18:11:27.70ID:pk9/CbNs0
2024/09/14(土) 00:45:09.50ID:Y6kttVMSH
I agree ! That sounds nice. 黒帯 black belt is famous.
If 2000 over, how about 金の帯 ?
2024/09/14(土) 06:27:01.90ID:iX6yJMPt0
2024/09/14(土) 08:39:56.17ID:cGe12b1W0
The acorn characters are cute, and gold, silver, or copper ribbons might be nice.
878ななしさん 警備員[Lv.12][苗] (ワッチョイ)
垢版 |
2024/09/14(土) 13:26:30.31ID:LJhpFrOV0
Is the level stuck at 999 because the new settings have not been reflected yet?
879ななしさん 警備員[Lv.154][苗] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/14(土) 16:32:13.50ID:0qVQFzUR0
880 ハンター[Lv.748][木] (オイコラミネオ)
垢版 |
2024/09/15(日) 13:10:19.52ID:iOq+clOqM
2024/09/15(日) 14:37:08.18ID:YMhIfKafd
I saw a rainbow 🌈 the other day.
What about normal armor, for example, rainbow-colored salopettes?
The opponent rests for a turn to admire its beauty, etc.
Please consider it.
2024/09/15(日) 16:16:25.02ID:lJGnDqHV0
Why not allow accounts raised as 警備員 to be promoted to ハンター by purchasing UPLIFT?
However, it is not possible to convert in the reverse direction.
This way, people who enjoyed being a 警備員 will not have to raise a new ハンター from zero and will be able to buy UPLIFT more easily.
It also provides an incentive to continue to buy UPLIFT because once an account is promoted to ハンター, it cannot return to 警備員.
883ななしさん ハンター[Lv.755][SR武+50][R防+42][森] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/15(日) 17:07:07.39ID:He5/haWP0
884ななしさん 警備員[Lv.17][苗] (ワッチョイ)
垢版 |
2024/09/15(日) 17:12:08.56ID:YaSlWhB+0
To どんぐりキャノン★

I'm concerned that when the latest period changes, the time it stays at 0% is getting longer and longer.
I'm sure it will be difficult due to the increased processing, but there seem to be a lot of trouble reports during this time.
I hope you will try to improve.
2024/09/15(日) 18:00:55.88ID:UUSEMDVa0
2024/09/16(月) 02:09:03.14ID:u6e7fScd0
Hello, Acorn Cannon. Thank you as always.
I have one request. Sushi board
This board is in a terrible state. This is a recently created thread.

It's very difficult to use the bulletin board comfortably due to the proliferation of threads, trolls, scripts, etc.
Could you please add BBS_USE_VIPQ2=2 to SETTING.TXT?
As it is now, we can't use the "!extend" command, which is a problem...
If you add VIPQ2=2, we can protect ourselves, so please consider it.
Sorry for the long post.
2024/09/16(月) 15:04:04.49ID:nexQp5Pd0
Could you please build one island for sandbagging in the arena?
How about making it easier for people to participate?
I hope the following will not happen in the future...
For example, a large number of scripts being posted in the thread about the cannon ban.
Or when Acorn Cannon makes some mistake and wants us to notice it.
When the sandbag reaches a certain stink level, a warning is sent to you.
Unfortunately, when residents are under tremendous stress and frustration, some even resort to shelling.
And when trouble strikes, doesn't your mailbox get flooded with tons of angry emails?
The installation of a sandbag may provide some relief from the problem.
I don't think the points are necessary since it's for octopus beating, but does anyone have a better idea?
Please kindly consider this matter.
888ななしさん 警備員[Lv.168][森] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/16(月) 20:12:56.36ID:mugSoK110
Hello donguri Canon

We did not receive any consideration for the "お盆" event, but is it possible to have a "Halloween" event?

If so, I'm sure there will be many different ideas from many different people!
889どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.115][UR武+20][UR防+15][森]
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 07:50:06.83ID:CAP_USER
I just noticed that BE icons dont work correctly on itest.
Is that a new problem? I will fix it.
890ななしさん 警備員[Lv.168][森] (オッペケ)
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 07:52:13.29ID:f2/a733kr
Yes, I am.
I look forward to working with you.

Is there any time frame for the reopening of the melon store?
891ななしさん 警備員[Lv.13][苗] (ワッチョイ)
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 07:54:51.24ID:AsGsYJyp0
It looks like all the acorn information has disappeared, is that okay?
We are waiting for your information.
892 ハンター[Lv.754][木] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 07:55:43.52ID:yD6tirtG0
893 ハンター[Lv.754][木] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 07:57:16.47ID:yD6tirtG0
2024/09/17(火) 07:57:51.92ID:JheqVgkK0
Did you know that the BOT is stationed 24 hours a day in the N and R arena?
They use flower names like Azalea, grandiflora, iberis, Iris, mimosa etc.

Please check and take action.
895 ハンター[Lv.754][木] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 07:58:05.02ID:yD6tirtG0
BE dont work
nowI am login to BE
896 ハンター[Lv.754][木] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 07:59:18.69ID:yD6tirtG0
Now Mr. DonguriCanon worrying about BE
897ななしさん 警備員[Lv.13][苗] (ワッチョイ)
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 08:11:19.77ID:AsGsYJyp0

>I'm also concerned about >>894.
If you use BOT to earn Acorn Points, it will affect the future market etc.
Thank you for your understanding.
898ななしさん ハンター[Lv.759][SR武+50][R防+42][森] (スップ)
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 08:14:40.93ID:XYVqGVC8d?PLT(12000)

BE login
899 ハンター[Lv.754][木] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 08:16:10.30ID:yD6tirtG0
login error to BE
900ななしさん ハンター[Lv.759][SR武+50][R防+42][森] (スップ)
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 08:16:47.43ID:XYVqGVC8d
no image
901ななしさん 警備員[Lv.168][森] (オッペケ)
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 08:18:42.36ID:pZQ0Oo53r
902ななしさん ハンター[Lv.754][UR武][UR防][木] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 08:19:23.04ID:yD6tirtG0?2BP(1000)

in CHROME ???
903 ハンター[Lv.754][木] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 08:21:20.28ID:yD6tirtG0
in CHROME, icon is normally displayed
in CHMATE, login error occured and icon don't displayed
904ななしさん ハンター[Lv.759][SR武+50][R防+42][森] (スップ)
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 08:26:06.61ID:XYVqGVC8d

2chMate dev/SHARP/SH-M26/14/LR
905どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.115][UR武+20][UR防+15][森]
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 09:12:50.51ID:CAP_USER
What information has disappeared?
906ななしさん 警備員[Lv.14][苗] (ワッチョイ)
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 09:17:04.77ID:AsGsYJyp0
All information about Acorn disappeared.
There was a time when all the responses would be filled with the message "The acorn field is empty," but it seems to have been restored.
excuse me.
907どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.115][UR武+20][UR防+15][森]
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 09:25:23.35ID:CAP_USER
I just found the bug. I will fix it.

I decided not to do an お盆 event so we dont disrespect our ancestors.
Instead, we did the summer festival event.
908ななしさん 警備員[Lv.14][苗] (ワッチョイ)
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 09:30:52.42ID:AsGsYJyp0
To どんぐりキャノン★

I have repeatedly requested that the amount of items obtained from "mining" and "lumberjack"
We have abolished the specification that depends on "whether the skill is set during training at that time",
Please change the amount to a certain amount at a certain time, similar to "Exploration".
909 ハンター[Lv.755][木] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 09:35:44.80ID:yD6tirtG0
Dear Mr. DonguriCanon

There is only one thing we want you to remember:
the market will be implemented quickly.

Please consider it in high-priority.
Thank you.
2024/09/17(火) 09:36:01.70ID:FuISKFPD0
Please compare following comments on PC site and on itest.
On PC site, true badges are green, fake badges are blue and bold.
So we can distinguish them.

> 128 警備員[Lv.2][新芽] 2024/07/08(月) 11:42:28.27 ID:???
> 130 警備員[Lv.2][新芽] 2024/07/09(火) 21:57:38.02 ID:???

> 0128 警備員[Lv.2][新芽] 2024/07/08(月) 11:42:28.27
> 0130 警備員[Lv.2][新芽] 2024/07/09(火) 21:57:38.02
> 0131 警備員[Lv.999][新芽] 2024/07/09(火) 22:15:55.54

On itest, they are displayed with the same font, since HTML tags are removed.
So we can not distinguish them.
Can you fix this?
2024/09/17(火) 09:40:22.39
I wonder what happened to the extend command additional features.
Has it been forgotten?
2024/09/17(火) 09:58:05.19ID:FuISKFPD0
> 大砲が正常に使えない状況です

> 455 どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.111][UR武+20][UR防+15][森] 2024/08/31(土) 13:46:33.61 ID:CAP_USER
> I forwarded that bug report to the itest team.

This bug has not been fixed yet.

The url in a cannon form is set to a different thread on itest.
> <input type="hidden" name="url" class="urlhidden" value="//kes.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/donguri/1720039408/">
2024/09/17(火) 11:29:38.25ID:VHJ12c7d0
2024/09/17(火) 12:02:23.94ID:Y/qRUvd00
You must have been busy but don't push yourself too hard🥹.
2024/09/17(火) 12:40:09.73ID:MZpqcVZJ0
I suspect the more accounts are created,
the longer it takes for the system to start the next epoch
to determine what amount of points should be distributed to each accounts.
2024/09/17(火) 13:50:46.37ID:G4rQOvNE0
Hi, Donkya.
Found a small bug.
I set donguri=1000/3 in the thread.
But can write with less than 1000 donguri.

917 ハンター[Lv.755][木] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 13:57:32.67ID:NUTLsv6W0

I can write that thread.
I am about 750 level.
2024/09/17(火) 14:01:38.73ID:sv5bxldy0
919どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.115][UR武+20][UR防+15][森]
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 14:30:41.95ID:CAP_USER
The timing bug at 0% should be fixed now. Lets see if it works correctly or not.
A process was blocking the multi-thread, and I moved it into its own thread, so it should not block anymore.
920ななしさん 警備員[Lv.169][森] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 14:42:04.49ID:001UUXfz0
Thank you
921ななしさん 警備員[Lv.169][森] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 14:45:36.47ID:001UUXfz0
Are you considering modifying the slow effect?
2024/09/17(火) 14:45:45.34ID:AyIpkEN30
Are you planning to do anything about the bots that appear in the arena?
923ななしさん 警備員[Lv.138][SSR武][SR防][森] (ワッチョイ)
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 14:45:46.65ID:ShVobEGZ0
When do you fix the rewind problem that we talked about like 10 days ago?
2024/09/17(火) 15:34:15.63ID:OOHonZoW0
The number of wooden bullets given for free is too many, 200, so I'm having trouble with hunters who shoot cannons randomly. If the purpose is to stop the script, I don't need that many balls, so I wonder if it can be reduced to a maximum of 30. I'll give up on the iron balls that I can refine myself, since there's no other way.
925ななしさん 警備員[Lv.16][苗] (ワッチョイ)
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 15:45:07.10ID:AsGsYJyp0
I've been observing the changes since the 3091st season.
The time it stays at 0% is as long as you can see.
I also get a 502 error when I try to re-authenticate.
It seems that there is still a long way to go to improve it, so please continue to verify.
2024/09/17(火) 15:48:03.16
The bug does not seem to have been fixed.
It took about 3 minutes to go from 0% to 1%.
Is 1% 36 seconds? (Is one period an hour?)
927ななしさん ハンター[Lv.760][SR武+50][R防+42][森] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 19:50:11.70ID:eD290MuQ0
Hello Mr. どんぐりキャノン★

Water's Slow effect is still broken.

Effect activation message will appear repeatedly during battle.


However, applying the effect many times will not slow down the SPD.

If the slow effect is activated, the opponent's attack speed will slow down and attacks should no longer hit.
However, please look carefully at the logs.
After the slow effect is activated, all attacks were hit.

The following examples are expected effects.
This is how it should have been.

928ななしさん ハンター[Lv.833][UR武限][UR防限][林] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/17(火) 20:28:16.33ID:j5j5nxlm0
Hello どんぐりキャノン★

If the weight of water is too high, it will have no effect at all, and if it is too light, it will easily lose.Water needs upward adjustment.
2024/09/18(水) 12:08:40.56ID:l8U4Ex7X0
It's very unpleasant to have bots earn acorns, so please do something about it quickly.
2024/09/18(水) 16:03:22.74ID:IjJrc2zOF
931ななしさん 警備員[Lv.170][森] (オッペケ)
垢版 |
2024/09/19(木) 09:32:19.87ID:tgwk0fZKr
Hello donguri canon

Time has stopped again.
Please respond as soon as possible!
2024/09/19(木) 09:41:27.96ID:8bsEqZLm0
Because hunter accounts were implemented
to be identified by UPLIFT ID at first,
and guard accounts were implemented
to be identified by IP and UA after that.
Additionaly registered guard accounts were implemented
to be linked to a certain guard account by an email address.

If guard accounts were implemented at first,
hunter accounts might have been implemented
to be linked to a certain guard account by UPLIFT
like registered guard accounts
933 ハンター[Lv.761][木] (オイコラミネオ)
垢版 |
2024/09/19(木) 10:08:53.56ID:pbc0S9mjM
時間がぁ~ とまってるぅ~
(like Eikichi Yazawa)
934ななしさん 警備員[Lv.23][苗] (ワッチョイ)
垢版 |
2024/09/19(木) 10:20:43.06ID:MD1VDaGj0
2024/09/19(木) 10:41:36.45ID:LlfyzyNu0
2024/09/19(木) 10:42:46.49ID:6KT8uTGo0
2024/09/19(木) 10:45:19.12ID:tT5cAr4f0

2024/09/19(木) 10:46:46.81ID:JKKHksJJ0
939ななしさん 警備員[Lv.170][森] (オッペケ)
垢版 |
2024/09/19(木) 10:52:40.43ID:tgwk0fZKr
2024/09/19(木) 10:55:33.18ID:JKKHksJJ0
The Donguri system has stopped processing and the time lapse is stuck at 0%!
941ななしさん 警備員[Lv.180][UR武+53][UR防+46][森] (ワッチョイ)
垢版 |
2024/09/19(木) 11:05:13.73ID:NVhKR45z0
942ななしさん ハンター[Lv.764][SR武+50][R防+42][森] (スップ)
垢版 |
2024/09/19(木) 11:35:01.18ID:aY7NZdimd
2024/09/19(木) 11:58:03.79ID:qnOAJLaN0
Are you going to charge me for a buggy system?
Give me my money back and compensation! 🤨
944 ハンター[Lv.761][木] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/19(木) 12:27:44.59ID:CQTo2ief0
945ななしさん 警備員[Lv.170][森] (オッペケ)
垢版 |
2024/09/19(木) 12:33:02.72ID:LFpKLhhcr

946ななしさん ハンター[Lv.393][UR武+2][UR防+8][森告] (ワッチョイ)
垢版 |
2024/09/19(木) 12:46:29.59ID:L1T3c/Jw0
947ななしさん ハンター[Lv.624][UR武+37][UR防+10][苗] (ワッチョイ)
垢版 |
2024/09/19(木) 12:47:17.94ID:L1T3c/Jw0
948 ハンター[Lv.761][木] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/19(木) 12:48:40.42ID:CQTo2ief0
2024/09/19(木) 12:51:08.87ID:qnOAJLaN0
2024/09/19(木) 13:00:33.14ID:5DGpLDS60
951 ハンター[Lv.761][木] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/19(木) 13:03:56.66ID:CQTo2ief0
2024/09/19(木) 13:25:39.48ID:NVYd5j+j0
953どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.115][UR武+20][UR防+15][森]
垢版 |
2024/09/19(木) 14:41:45.28ID:CAP_USER
Im checking what the problem is.
How long has it been broken?
2024/09/19(木) 14:47:25.90ID:mvnn/PRA0
955 ハンター[Lv.761][木警] (オイコラミネオ)
垢版 |
2024/09/19(木) 14:48:04.94ID:iM/7+WQnM
I found it about 10 oclock on JST.
956どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.115][UR武+20][UR防+15][森]
垢版 |
2024/09/19(木) 14:49:05.46ID:CAP_USER
Looks like a deadlock on the server. I am trying to clear it now.
957ななしさん 警備員[Lv.23][苗] (ワッチョイ)
垢版 |
2024/09/19(木) 14:50:36.35ID:MD1VDaGj0
I'll be signing in around 9 o'clock today.
958ななしさん 警備員[Lv.170][森] (ワッチョイW)
垢版 |
2024/09/19(木) 14:51:42.92ID:fm2bevp20
>>931←By this time it had already stopped.
2024/09/19(木) 14:58:45.89ID:pi3Uv+em0
7 :第三の男の娘 ★ :2024/09/19(木) 12:04:48.03 ID:CAP_USER


We have received a notice about a security update.
The update will be implemented at night in a spread-out manner throughout September.
The server will be rebooted, so you will be unable to view or post on the server for a few minutes.
We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding.
960どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.115][UR武+20][UR防+15][森]
垢版 |
2024/09/19(木) 14:59:15.91ID:CAP_USER
Now I will make an adjustment to hopefully prevent that same deadlock from happening again.
2024/09/19(木) 15:01:39.03
Couldn't you have noticed the system failure earlier?
962 ハンター[Lv.761][木警] (オイコラミネオ)
垢版 |
2024/09/19(木) 15:02:48.39ID:iM/7+WQnM
Thank you for your work.

By the way...
market not yet...? :)
963ななしさん ころころ (JPW)
垢版 |
2024/09/19(木) 15:03:18.62ID:0KL/FTJdH
Whats goin' on your deadlock mail alart system?