VIPQ2_EXTDAT: checked:vvv:1000:512:donguri=10/1: EXT was configured
どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレッド ★2
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
1ななしさん 警備員[Lv.138][UR武][SSR防][苗] (ワッチョイ)
2024/08/15(木) 22:55:37.37ID:+ZDsPvZo0788 警備員[Lv.40][SSR武][SR防]:0.03991281(香川県) (ワッチョイ 5272-x2r9 [2001:318:6105:1c:*])
2024/09/10(火) 21:34:13.52ID:/4c8Ei3+0Status ♣J ♥K ♥A ♣9 ♥10 (2nd.)HP: 1000 pts. たぶん(0)
0.36, 0.56, 0.44(763.398438) Proc. [0.444134 sec.]
789ななしさん 警備員[Lv.164][森] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/11(水) 08:16:53.04ID:Tik9JjIK0790ななしさん 警備員[Lv.164][森] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/11(水) 08:18:05.77ID:Tik9JjIK0 スタンも似たようなものでは?
792ななしさん 警備員[Lv.164][森] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/11(水) 10:01:02.19ID:WfEBvgx70793ななしさん ハンター[Lv.744][R武+8][N防+41][森] (ブーイモ)
2024/09/11(水) 10:04:15.45ID:jQ4OPE+sM >>789
795ななしさん ハンター[Lv.744][R武+8][N防+41][森] (ブーイモ)
2024/09/11(水) 10:07:43.01ID:jQ4OPE+sM スタンは1ターン限りという仕様で現在は落ち着いております
797ななしさん 警備員[Lv.164][森] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/11(水) 10:12:59.96ID:WfEBvgx70 >>793
798ななしさん 警備員[Lv.164][森] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/11(水) 10:13:52.61ID:WfEBvgx70799ななしさん ハンター[Lv.744][R武+8][N防+41][森] (ブーイモ)
2024/09/11(水) 10:27:50.61ID:ad8xvMnPM >>797
800ななしさん 警備員[Lv.164][森] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/11(水) 10:28:04.13ID:WfEBvgx70 50ターン以上やっても数回しか攻撃外れないとかほぼ効果ないような物だと思うんだけど
801ななしさん 警備員[Lv.164][森] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/11(水) 10:31:50.43ID:WfEBvgx70 >>799
804ななしさん ハンター[Lv.812][UR武限][UR防限][林] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/11(水) 12:24:11.05ID:7EkZ/PxP0 水はやけどや風に匹敵する効果に変更すればいいんじゃない?
805ななしさん 警備員[Lv.36][苗] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/11(水) 13:53:12.14ID:FtePTkvQ0 こうやって話をしている間にも鉄のキーバンドルが3割引になったからどんキャはなにかしら動いているのだろう
There is a troll hunter who has put the Rock54 NG word in his name.
He is trying to cover up his misdeeds by preventing them from posting his name in the thread.
Please take strict measures!
Hunter Name: 2c/h/.s/c(※Please remove this symbol〔/〕)
Cannon log:http://dongurirank.starfree.jp/cannonlogs.html
There is a troll hunter who has put the Rock54 NG word in his name.
He is trying to cover up his misdeeds by preventing them from posting his name in the thread.
Please take strict measures!
Hunter Name: 2c/h/.s/c(※Please remove this symbol〔/〕)
Cannon log:http://dongurirank.starfree.jp/cannonlogs.html
807ななしさん 警備員[Lv.169][UR武][SSR防][苗] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/11(水) 14:34:25.43ID:TnLF93LZ0808 ハンター[Lv.847][森] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/11(水) 18:35:18.15ID:KPYWBsLq0 昨日ゴールド定価で買ったばっかりなんだが…
809 ハンター[Lv.847][森] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/11(水) 19:03:20.62ID:KPYWBsLq0 欲は言いません
810ななしさん ハンター[Lv.825][UR武+20][UR防+20][森] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/11(水) 19:44:47.61ID:NHRkdQrI0 たまに遊ぶ用のオモチャになってるけど
Hey Donkya
please let me sort the item bag.
If the number of items increases, it becomes very troublesome without a sorting function.
please let me sort the item bag.
If the number of items increases, it becomes very troublesome without a sorting function.
812ななしさん ハンター[Lv.826][UR武+20][UR防+20][森] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/11(水) 23:06:25.33ID:NHRkdQrI0 今の並べ替えソートじゃなくてUR武器のみとかの抽出ソートかな
814ななしさん 警備員[Lv.19][N武][R防][芽] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/12(木) 00:33:47.82ID:JM8gBEj40 Dear どんぐりキャノン ★
Around October is acorn season. It's the perfect time for a special once-a-year event!
I'm looking forward to it!
Around October is acorn season. It's the perfect time for a special once-a-year event!
I'm looking forward to it!
815ななしさん 警備員[Lv.170][SSR武][UR防][苗] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/12(木) 00:35:04.86ID:2YPtwkRS0 たとえば最初にまりもでソートして、次に武器でソートしたら
816ななしさん 警備員[Lv.20] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/12(木) 00:49:43.27ID:7IsTCiFb0 スマホのchromeなら可能だけどPC版できなかったような気がしたけど
817ななしさん 警備員[Lv.170][SSR武][UR防][苗] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/12(木) 00:50:52.88ID:2YPtwkRS0 普通にできてるが?
818ななしさん 警備員[Lv.20] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/12(木) 00:52:48.47ID:7IsTCiFb0 へぇーできるんだ知らなかったサンキュ
819 ハンター[Lv.739][木] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/12(木) 07:36:53.07ID:tG5/PXN60 Good Morning, Mr. DonguriCanon
I have just one question.
I heard that the market is scheduled to be implemented by the end of the year.
Is that true?
If so, that means it will be three months from now at worst.
Could you please announce the official schedule for the market release?
I have just one question.
I heard that the market is scheduled to be implemented by the end of the year.
Is that true?
If so, that means it will be three months from now at worst.
Could you please announce the official schedule for the market release?
821ななしさん 警備員[Lv.26] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/12(木) 11:47:10.20ID:aSD1lUVK0 自宅警備員さんとか、プログラムに詳しい方たちは表示をカスタムしてるらしいけど、コード公開して欲しいな
822ななしさん 警備員[Lv.10][新芽] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/12(木) 13:51:38.48ID:jKUvfsOj0 It's a pity that the illustrations of limited equipment have recently become less pretty.
I would like them to be cuter like the characters at Acorn Base.
I would like them to be cuter like the characters at Acorn Base.
823どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.114][UR武+20][UR防+15][森]
2024/09/12(木) 14:29:04.97ID:CAP_USER Hello everybody.
825ななしさん 警備員[Lv.34] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/12(木) 14:33:18.01ID:uayx4AYv0 >>823
Arena attacks by bots from multiple accounts are still ongoing.
Why not try abolishing acorn transfers, which is the root cause of this?
Arena attacks by bots from multiple accounts are still ongoing.
Why not try abolishing acorn transfers, which is the root cause of this?
826ななしさん 警備員[Lv.152][苗] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/12(木) 14:33:45.34ID:nfYDAytK0827ななしさん 警備員[Lv.170][SSR武][UR防][苗] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/12(木) 14:34:40.95ID:2YPtwkRS0 >>823
Could you place a link to jump to the list of armour near the top of the item bag page?
Could you place a link to jump to the list of armour near the top of the item bag page?
828 ハンター[Lv.740][木警] (オイコラミネオ)
2024/09/12(木) 14:34:57.31ID:DrLqFssoM829ななしさん 警備員[Lv.165][森] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/12(木) 14:36:09.56ID:G5d6BDzA0830ななしさん ハンター[Lv.828][UR武+20][UR防+20][森] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/12(木) 14:39:34.15ID:YLyHyaO40 >>823
To どんぐりキャノン
Please change the button size of the treasure chest like this.
To どんぐりキャノン
Please change the button size of the treasure chest like this.
831 ハンター[Lv.740][木警] (オイコラミネオ)
2024/09/12(木) 14:40:51.26ID:DrLqFssoM832ななしさん 警備員[Lv.10][新芽] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/12(木) 14:41:21.97ID:sjBDVvP40 聖帝安倍 will soon be at level 1000.
There are many opinions, but personally I think it is more fun to keep raising the level.
If the gap opens up too much, why don't you come up with an improvement plan then?
There are many opinions, but personally I think it is more fun to keep raising the level.
If the gap opens up too much, why don't you come up with an improvement plan then?
833ななしさん 警備員[Lv.165][森] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/12(木) 14:45:45.63ID:G5d6BDzA0 >>832
I'd like to see the weapon and armor levels stop at 100 to accommodate this
I'd like to see the weapon and armor levels stop at 100 to accommodate this
834どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.114][UR武+20][UR防+15][森]
2024/09/12(木) 14:47:30.28ID:CAP_USER I am working on many of these requests, but have been a little slow because I am moving to a new house right now. I have a lot of things to pack.
835どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.114][UR武+20][UR防+15][森]
2024/09/12(木) 14:48:37.62ID:CAP_USER >>832
1000 is currently the maximum level.
I might add more levels after that, but I think they should be much harder to reach.
1000 is currently the maximum level.
I might add more levels after that, but I think they should be much harder to reach.
836ななしさん 警備員[Lv.165][森] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/12(木) 14:52:29.25ID:G5d6BDzA0 >>834
Is your new home close to the beach?
Is your new home close to the beach?
837 警備員[Lv.165][木警] (オイコラミネオ)
2024/09/12(木) 14:57:30.25ID:DrLqFssoM838ななしさん 警備員[Lv.39][苗] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/12(木) 14:57:39.08ID:c8+6oG4u0 To どんぐりキャノン★ I'll repeat it.
The timing of obtaining items for ``Exploration'', ``Mining'', and ``Lumberjack'' has been unified.
We have abolished the system where the amount of items obtained depends on the skill selected at the time.
The amount of items obtained for "Exploration", "Mining", and "Lumberjack" depends on each skill.
I would like it to be adjusted to maintain balance.
For example, let's say that exploration and mining are both at the same level, 300.
From exploration, you can obtain 30 iron keys at 1/10 of your skill level three times per season.
If you balance this, mining will start at the same time.
Iron at the same time as getting the iron key, same as skill level, 300 each
I think it would be appropriate to just get it.
It takes 15 iron to make one iron key, so it is inferior when converted to an iron key,
Iron has other uses, such as being made into iron cannon bullets, so it is better to use less iron.
It is considered that the balance is maintained. I hope this serves as a guideline.
The timing of obtaining items for ``Exploration'', ``Mining'', and ``Lumberjack'' has been unified.
We have abolished the system where the amount of items obtained depends on the skill selected at the time.
The amount of items obtained for "Exploration", "Mining", and "Lumberjack" depends on each skill.
I would like it to be adjusted to maintain balance.
For example, let's say that exploration and mining are both at the same level, 300.
From exploration, you can obtain 30 iron keys at 1/10 of your skill level three times per season.
If you balance this, mining will start at the same time.
Iron at the same time as getting the iron key, same as skill level, 300 each
I think it would be appropriate to just get it.
It takes 15 iron to make one iron key, so it is inferior when converted to an iron key,
Iron has other uses, such as being made into iron cannon bullets, so it is better to use less iron.
It is considered that the balance is maintained. I hope this serves as a guideline.
839ななしさん 警備員[Lv.10][新芽] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/12(木) 15:03:53.74ID:Wbxq1lp90 I enjoy challenging myself to high levels.
Waiting for the レベル解放.
Honestly though, weapons and armor are tough even at 100 😓.
May your new home be filled with joy and happiness.
Waiting for the レベル解放.
Honestly though, weapons and armor are tough even at 100 😓.
May your new home be filled with joy and happiness.
840 警備員[Lv.165][木警] (オイコラミネオ)
2024/09/12(木) 15:06:00.32ID:DrLqFssoM To Mr.
Here is your another home!!!
Please visit here frequently.
Here is your another home!!!
Please visit here frequently.
841どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.114][UR武+20][UR防+15][森]
2024/09/12(木) 15:33:42.45ID:CAP_USER842ななしさん 警備員[Lv.165][森] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/12(木) 15:38:33.84ID:G5d6BDzA0 >>841
How about releasing equipment like this in honor of Shohei Ohtani's success?
Special Effects「ホームラン!(Home run!)」
- Increases [CritHit] activation rate by quadruple
- Increases [CritHit] damage multiplier by quadruple
Special Effects「盗塁!(Stolen base!)」
- Ignores SPD value and attacks first.
- Skips opponent's attack for one turn.
It would be interesting to release some more commemorative equipment once he reach 50-50.
How about releasing equipment like this in honor of Shohei Ohtani's success?
Special Effects「ホームラン!(Home run!)」
- Increases [CritHit] activation rate by quadruple
- Increases [CritHit] damage multiplier by quadruple
Special Effects「盗塁!(Stolen base!)」
- Ignores SPD value and attacks first.
- Skips opponent's attack for one turn.
It would be interesting to release some more commemorative equipment once he reach 50-50.
844 警備員[Lv.165][木] (オイコラミネオ)
2024/09/12(木) 15:45:27.35ID:DrLqFssoM >>843
very fun!!!
Iwate‘s treasure and Japanese top treasure
Please select this idea
but copyright problem...
very fun!!!
Iwate‘s treasure and Japanese top treasure
Please select this idea
but copyright problem...
845ななしさん 警備員[Lv.11][新芽] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/12(木) 15:48:42.63ID:Uo2Gtkb20 >>841
Do you read all comments?
We have many idea and many requests.
But we are worry that you cannot read all.
Do you read all comments?
We have many idea and many requests.
But we are worry that you cannot read all.
846 警備員[Lv.165][木] (オイコラミネオ)
2024/09/12(木) 15:59:21.34ID:DrLqFssoM To Mr.
But I cannot get your schedule about marketplace function even now...
But I cannot get your schedule about marketplace function even now...
847どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.114][UR武+20][UR防+15][森]
2024/09/12(木) 16:13:02.84ID:CAP_USER >>844
I also wanted to give new meaning to CRIT, whose sole purpose is to cut down for DEMOD, and to overturn the theory that SPD must be high at all costs.
I also wanted to give new meaning to CRIT, whose sole purpose is to cut down for DEMOD, and to overturn the theory that SPD must be high at all costs.
849 警備員[Lv.165][木] (オイコラミネオ)
2024/09/12(木) 16:29:31.32ID:DrLqFssoM copyright とか書いたけど
Ohtani とかつかないし、
Ohtani とかつかないし、
850ななしさん 警備員[Lv.77][林] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/12(木) 16:32:44.56ID:t+fHqR+I0 >>847
Do you also read what is written in Japanese?
Do you also read what is written in Japanese?
851どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.114][UR武+20][UR防+15][森]
2024/09/12(木) 16:38:56.57ID:CAP_USER852ななしさん 警備員[Lv.77][林] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/12(木) 16:46:59.32ID:nfYDAytK0 どんぐりキャノン★、
I have revised some parts in line with the concept.
I think this proposal is better than the previous one.
Special Effects「ホームラン!(Home run!)」
- On the player going second, the probability of [CritHit] activating is always 4 times higher.
- Increases [CritHit] damage multiplier by quadruple
Special Effects「盗塁!(Stolen base!)」
- The higher the CRIT, the higher the chance of special effects being activated.
- Ignores SPD value and attacks first.
- Skips opponent's attack for one turn.
I apologize for making changes to something I originally proposed, but I would appreciate it if you would consider it.
I have revised some parts in line with the concept.
I think this proposal is better than the previous one.
Special Effects「ホームラン!(Home run!)」
- On the player going second, the probability of [CritHit] activating is always 4 times higher.
- Increases [CritHit] damage multiplier by quadruple
Special Effects「盗塁!(Stolen base!)」
- The higher the CRIT, the higher the chance of special effects being activated.
- Ignores SPD value and attacks first.
- Skips opponent's attack for one turn.
I apologize for making changes to something I originally proposed, but I would appreciate it if you would consider it.
854どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.114][UR武+20][UR防+15][森]
2024/09/12(木) 17:53:11.42ID:CAP_USER >>853
Thank you for the proposal. It seems good, I like the baseball idea.
What might the items look like?
Thank you for the proposal. It seems good, I like the baseball idea.
What might the items look like?
It was very difficult and I agonized over it.
How about a design with a standard bat and "Donguri" engraved in elegant lettering like the font "Cylburn"?
I think it's very difficult to express "stealing" in a static illustration viewed from the front, like we've done until now.
How about an illustration of a character in a baseball uniform sliding into a base?
It was very difficult and I agonized over it.
How about a design with a standard bat and "Donguri" engraved in elegant lettering like the font "Cylburn"?
I think it's very difficult to express "stealing" in a static illustration viewed from the front, like we've done until now.
How about an illustration of a character in a baseball uniform sliding into a base?
Hey, Donkya-san
Fireworks and rabbit items are great.
There are no problems and I am enjoying using it in the arena.
We are also looking forward to new limited edition items.
Hey, Donkya-san
Fireworks and rabbit items are great.
There are no problems and I am enjoying using it in the arena.
We are also looking forward to new limited edition items.
857 警備員[Lv.165][木] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/12(木) 21:23:35.03ID:tG5/PXN60 ドンキャさーーーん
マーケットが某旧DQみたいなアプリ前提、しかない なら
マーケットが某旧DQみたいなアプリ前提、しかない なら
858ななしさん 警備員[Lv.122][UR武][UR防][林] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/12(木) 21:37:12.24ID:kAD+vf+c0 >>841
>Recently I hope the arashi problem has improved
I appreciate you and 5ch team including hunter volunteers.
I look forward to the day when all 5ch users feel bots problem has gone. (smile)
>Recently I hope the arashi problem has improved
I appreciate you and 5ch team including hunter volunteers.
I look forward to the day when all 5ch users feel bots problem has gone. (smile)
859ななしさん 警備員[Lv.14][新芽] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/12(木) 23:07:54.55ID:+kFpLzJG0 >>841
> ERROR: この板へ投稿するにはどんぐりレベルが足りません。[Lv.0 Required:1]
This error message will make newbies confused.
They don't know what is donguri level.
They don't know how they can level up.
I recommend to add a message like
○分ほど待ってから再投稿してください (wait for *** minutes and try again)
しばらく待ってから再投稿してください (wait for a while and try again)
> ERROR: この板へ投稿するにはどんぐりレベルが足りません。[Lv.0 Required:1]
This error message will make newbies confused.
They don't know what is donguri level.
They don't know how they can level up.
I recommend to add a message like
○分ほど待ってから再投稿してください (wait for *** minutes and try again)
しばらく待ってから再投稿してください (wait for a while and try again)
860ななしさん 警備員[Lv.14][新芽] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/12(木) 23:11:14.62ID:+kFpLzJG0 >>692
It may reduce vandalism. But it may also reduce innocent users.
The vandalism is not only breaking a board by posting meaningless comments,
but also breaking a board by attacking innocent users.
As for livegalileo, for example, see this archive of cannonlogs.
> nanashi さん[faf8faad]はnanashiさんを撃った | livegalileo 1725707222 2024/09/0720:07:02.12
> nanashi さん[faf8faad]はnanashiさんを撃った | livegalileo 1725707222 2024/09/0720:07:16.74
> nanashi さん[faf8faad]はnanashiさんを撃った | livegalileo 1725707222 2024/09/0720:07:40.05
> ...
> nanashi さん[faf8faad]はnanashiさんを撃った | livegalileo 1725707222 2024/09/0720:16:32.81
http://nova.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/livegalileo/1725707222/1 2024/09/07(土) 20:07:02.12 ID:7c6zEFOh0
http://nova.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/livegalileo/1725707222/2 2024/09/07(土) 20:07:16.74 ID:Wnmh7UC7d
http://nova.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/livegalileo/1725707222/3 2024/09/07(土) 20:07:40.05 ID:dcDxxCpnH
http://nova.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/livegalileo/1725707222/13 2024/09/07(土) 20:16:32.81 ID:dcDxxCpnH
"nanashi " shoots comments from 1 to 13.
Do you agree that these victims are not vandalism?
It may reduce vandalism. But it may also reduce innocent users.
The vandalism is not only breaking a board by posting meaningless comments,
but also breaking a board by attacking innocent users.
As for livegalileo, for example, see this archive of cannonlogs.
> nanashi さん[faf8faad]はnanashiさんを撃った | livegalileo 1725707222 2024/09/0720:07:02.12
> nanashi さん[faf8faad]はnanashiさんを撃った | livegalileo 1725707222 2024/09/0720:07:16.74
> nanashi さん[faf8faad]はnanashiさんを撃った | livegalileo 1725707222 2024/09/0720:07:40.05
> ...
> nanashi さん[faf8faad]はnanashiさんを撃った | livegalileo 1725707222 2024/09/0720:16:32.81
http://nova.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/livegalileo/1725707222/1 2024/09/07(土) 20:07:02.12 ID:7c6zEFOh0
http://nova.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/livegalileo/1725707222/2 2024/09/07(土) 20:07:16.74 ID:Wnmh7UC7d
http://nova.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/livegalileo/1725707222/3 2024/09/07(土) 20:07:40.05 ID:dcDxxCpnH
http://nova.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/livegalileo/1725707222/13 2024/09/07(土) 20:16:32.81 ID:dcDxxCpnH
"nanashi " shoots comments from 1 to 13.
Do you agree that these victims are not vandalism?
861どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.115][UR武+20][UR防+15][森]
2024/09/13(金) 16:37:53.11ID:CAP_USER Hello everybody.
I decided to raise the level cap to 2000.
There will be a jump from 1000 to 1001 that is estimated to take a few days.
After the jump from 1000 to 1001, the levels from 1001 to 2000 will be almost the same speed it is now, just slightly slower.
I decided to raise the level cap to 2000.
There will be a jump from 1000 to 1001 that is estimated to take a few days.
After the jump from 1000 to 1001, the levels from 1001 to 2000 will be almost the same speed it is now, just slightly slower.
862ななしさん 警備員[Lv.170][UR武][UR防][苗] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/13(金) 16:40:15.05ID:cX4eaV6V0863どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.115][UR武+20][UR防+15][森]
2024/09/13(金) 16:42:33.29ID:CAP_USER >>862
Lets decide again when we are close to 2000.
Lets decide again when we are close to 2000.
864 警備員[Lv.166][木] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/13(金) 16:44:38.94ID:b/zZL6uT0 >>861
Oh! far away!!!
When I reach to 1000, top rank will be over 2000 level...
What happens if top ranker reached to 2000...
Oh! far away!!!
When I reach to 1000, top rank will be over 2000 level...
What happens if top ranker reached to 2000...
865ななしさん 警備員[Lv.153][苗] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/13(金) 16:49:06.75ID:iaEmDfpy0 What is the progress on the iOS app?
866 警備員[Lv.117][木] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/13(金) 16:51:44.25ID:/bazZUY60 Is there no rollback to zero?
867ななしさん 警備員[Lv.76][N武][N防][苗] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/13(金) 16:57:31.11ID:sbsLPJS/0 >>863
Do levels have any meaning?
To give them meaning,
how about giving them belts or ranks like in karate when you reach level 1000?
Do levels have any meaning?
To give them meaning,
how about giving them belts or ranks like in karate when you reach level 1000?
868どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.115][UR武+20][UR防+15][森警]
2024/09/13(金) 17:07:37.06ID:CAP_USER >>867
Like 二段?
Like 二段?
It will be interesting to see how far the top group improves!
I am also looking forward to improving my level.
Much obliged, どんぐりキャノン!
I am also looking forward to improving my level.
Much obliged, どんぐりキャノン!
870ななしさん 警備員[Lv.41][苗] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/13(金) 17:23:36.03ID:wNRGt9ly0 The "Level Resurrection Service" still doesn't work, but is this by design so that it doesn't work?
Or is the problem left unaddressed?
Or is the problem left unaddressed?
871ななしさん 警備員[Lv.135][UR武][SR防][森] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/13(金) 17:27:41.79ID:ZKg7iWs70 >>861
>the levels from 1001 to 2000 will be almost the same speed it is now,
What do you mean by this?
Do you mean that the time from 1001 to 2000 is mostly the same as 1-1000?
Or does each one level between 1001 and 2000 take as long as 999-1000, 7 hours and 13 minutes?
BTW, When do you fix the rewind problem?
>the levels from 1001 to 2000 will be almost the same speed it is now,
What do you mean by this?
Do you mean that the time from 1001 to 2000 is mostly the same as 1-1000?
Or does each one level between 1001 and 2000 take as long as 999-1000, 7 hours and 13 minutes?
BTW, When do you fix the rewind problem?
872ななしさん 警備員[Lv.76][N武][N防][苗警] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/13(金) 17:33:13.65ID:sbsLPJS/0 >>868
It's like the color belts in karate, they change color as you progress through the levels.
It's like the color belts in karate, they change color as you progress through the levels.
873 ハンター[Lv.744][木] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/13(金) 17:36:45.38ID:VMI5cYI30 >>861
To top level rankers,
how about give the Gold Medal or something ornor
and graduation from Donguri-system ?
Top rankers are doing much jobs to Donguri-system,
so it is good to give the will of thanks to those rankers.
To top level rankers,
how about give the Gold Medal or something ornor
and graduation from Donguri-system ?
Top rankers are doing much jobs to Donguri-system,
so it is good to give the will of thanks to those rankers.
874ななしさん 警備員[Lv.166][森] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/13(金) 18:11:27.70ID:pk9/CbNs0875ななしさん 警備員[Lv.122][UR武][UR防][林] (JP)
2024/09/14(土) 00:45:09.50ID:Y6kttVMSH876ななしさん 警備員[Lv.124][UR武+4][UR防+5][苗] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/14(土) 06:27:01.90ID:iX6yJMPt0 >>875
The acorn characters are cute, and gold, silver, or copper ribbons might be nice.
878ななしさん 警備員[Lv.12][苗] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/14(土) 13:26:30.31ID:LJhpFrOV0 Is the level stuck at 999 because the new settings have not been reflected yet?
879ななしさん 警備員[Lv.154][苗] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/14(土) 16:32:13.50ID:0qVQFzUR0 レベル1000中々いかないね
880 ハンター[Lv.748][木] (オイコラミネオ)
2024/09/15(日) 13:10:19.52ID:iOq+clOqM ナントカ安倍がいったね
I saw a rainbow 🌈 the other day.
What about normal armor, for example, rainbow-colored salopettes?
The opponent rests for a turn to admire its beauty, etc.
Please consider it.
What about normal armor, for example, rainbow-colored salopettes?
The opponent rests for a turn to admire its beauty, etc.
Please consider it.
882ななしさん 警備員[Lv.177][UR武][UR防][苗] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/15(日) 16:16:25.02ID:lJGnDqHV0 Hi,Donkya.
Why not allow accounts raised as 警備員 to be promoted to ハンター by purchasing UPLIFT?
However, it is not possible to convert in the reverse direction.
This way, people who enjoyed being a 警備員 will not have to raise a new ハンター from zero and will be able to buy UPLIFT more easily.
It also provides an incentive to continue to buy UPLIFT because once an account is promoted to ハンター, it cannot return to 警備員.
Why not allow accounts raised as 警備員 to be promoted to ハンター by purchasing UPLIFT?
However, it is not possible to convert in the reverse direction.
This way, people who enjoyed being a 警備員 will not have to raise a new ハンター from zero and will be able to buy UPLIFT more easily.
It also provides an incentive to continue to buy UPLIFT because once an account is promoted to ハンター, it cannot return to 警備員.
883ななしさん ハンター[Lv.755][SR武+50][R防+42][森] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/15(日) 17:07:07.39ID:He5/haWP0 次のイベントは来月までおあずけですか?
884ななしさん 警備員[Lv.17][苗] (ワッチョイ)
2024/09/15(日) 17:12:08.56ID:YaSlWhB+0 To どんぐりキャノン★
I'm concerned that when the latest period changes, the time it stays at 0% is getting longer and longer.
I'm sure it will be difficult due to the increased processing, but there seem to be a lot of trouble reports during this time.
I hope you will try to improve.
I'm concerned that when the latest period changes, the time it stays at 0% is getting longer and longer.
I'm sure it will be difficult due to the increased processing, but there seem to be a lot of trouble reports during this time.
I hope you will try to improve.
885ななしさん 警備員[Lv.11][新芽] (ワッチョイW)
2024/09/15(日) 18:00:55.88ID:UUSEMDVa0 メロンショップ再開まだー?
Hello, Acorn Cannon. Thank you as always.
I have one request. Sushi board
This board is in a terrible state. This is a recently created thread.
It's very difficult to use the bulletin board comfortably due to the proliferation of threads, trolls, scripts, etc.
Could you please add BBS_USE_VIPQ2=2 to SETTING.TXT?
As it is now, we can't use the "!extend" command, which is a problem...
If you add VIPQ2=2, we can protect ourselves, so please consider it.
Sorry for the long post.
Hello, Acorn Cannon. Thank you as always.
I have one request. Sushi board
This board is in a terrible state. This is a recently created thread.
It's very difficult to use the bulletin board comfortably due to the proliferation of threads, trolls, scripts, etc.
Could you please add BBS_USE_VIPQ2=2 to SETTING.TXT?
As it is now, we can't use the "!extend" command, which is a problem...
If you add VIPQ2=2, we can protect ourselves, so please consider it.
Sorry for the long post.
Could you please build one island for sandbagging in the arena?
How about making it easier for people to participate?
I hope the following will not happen in the future...
For example, a large number of scripts being posted in the thread about the cannon ban.
Or when Acorn Cannon makes some mistake and wants us to notice it.
When the sandbag reaches a certain stink level, a warning is sent to you.
Unfortunately, when residents are under tremendous stress and frustration, some even resort to shelling.
And when trouble strikes, doesn't your mailbox get flooded with tons of angry emails?
The installation of a sandbag may provide some relief from the problem.
I don't think the points are necessary since it's for octopus beating, but does anyone have a better idea?
Please kindly consider this matter.
How about making it easier for people to participate?
I hope the following will not happen in the future...
For example, a large number of scripts being posted in the thread about the cannon ban.
Or when Acorn Cannon makes some mistake and wants us to notice it.
When the sandbag reaches a certain stink level, a warning is sent to you.
Unfortunately, when residents are under tremendous stress and frustration, some even resort to shelling.
And when trouble strikes, doesn't your mailbox get flooded with tons of angry emails?
The installation of a sandbag may provide some relief from the problem.
I don't think the points are necessary since it's for octopus beating, but does anyone have a better idea?
Please kindly consider this matter.
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