To どんぐりキャノン★

I've come up with a proposal to improve the penalty for being shot.

How about not changing the internal penalty, just increasing the display penalty?
Like this.


I can't tell you how many times the current [臭] badge looks shot.
The new version will increase the number of badges, and it will be good to make the danger, viciousness, and abnormality of the badges known at a glance.

The current “どんぐりランキング” “臭いレベル” is as follows
If the “smell level” is 5, the smell is “stinky stinky stinky”[臭臭臭臭臭], and if it is 7, the smell is [臭臭臭臭臭臭臭].
It may be a good idea to try to go up to a maximum of 10.

For “trolls” with a number of [臭] badges, I think it would be possible to continue the [臭] badge with only one badge decreasing even if the time period changes.
I think it would be interesting, so please consider introducing it.