Requests not only for the big brawl but also for other normal parts
・Considering the number of items that can be obtained, "mining" and "lumberjack" are too weak and have become dead skills.
I would like the amount of "iron" and "wood" obtained to be adjusted upward to match the skill level number at the same time as exploration.
・I would like you to change the order of "unlock", "equipment", and "disassembly" on the right side of the item bag to "equipment", "unlock", and "disassembly".
The latter arrangement is more natural based on the button press situation and should prevent accidents due to incorrect operation.
・It was originally a function to prevent vandalism and scripts, but the default name (nanashi) is equipped with weapons and armor.
The reason you can't shoot the opponent is by equipping the script with weapons and armor to provide countermeasures against cannons.
I would like them to fix this so that it can be fired, as it deviates from the original purpose of the acorn cannon.
・If you can hold 60 bullets at a time, many bullets will exceed the limit and be thrown away during peaceful times, and if vandalism or scripts occur.
When they appear, there are too few inconsistencies to repel them, so I increased the number of frames to about 200,
I would like to be able to make better use of the bullets that would otherwise be thrown away by not using them during times of peace.
100 or 200 bullets are not enough when you really need them, and at the current rate there isn't enough iron to turn iron into bullets.
【Lv.0可】 どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★16 【大砲禁止】
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175ななしさん 警備員[Lv.9]
2024/08/11(日) 14:32:48.30ID:RDJDIEe20■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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