【Lv.0可】 どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★16 【大砲禁止】

■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
1 ハンター[Lv.476][N武][SR防][木]
垢版 |
2024/08/10(土) 20:54:53.33


・!extend コマンド生成フォーム

【大砲禁止専用】 どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★15 【Lv.0可】
VIPQ2_EXTDAT: checked:checked:1000:512:donguri=0/3: EXT was configured
170ななしさん 警備員[Lv.5][芽]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 14:20:17.74ID:/ywiKnL50
Hi! donguri Cannon
thank you very much for your hard work

How is the "モバイルアプリ" development going?
Will you only support ios?
171ななしさん ハンター[Lv.666][R武+8][R防+8][森]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 14:21:01.78ID:IQ6+JV9p0
Hello どんぐりキャノン★
Please resolve the system issue first.
172ななしさん 警備員[Lv.120][N武+4][N防+4][林]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 14:23:33.43ID:+b8x65Tw0
To どんぐりキャノン★
Is there a list of issue?
Please let's match up the issue.
2024/08/11(日) 14:26:50.69ID:THFjPaLc0

Please set "VIPQ2: 2" for these boards.
When the script came along.
I need a way to deal with it.

2024/08/11(日) 14:28:01.55ID:hpnN6yWk0
If we don't do something about the abnormal increase in HP due to WT, there will be no victory or defeat and it will only be a stalemate.
2024/08/11(日) 14:32:48.30ID:RDJDIEe20
Requests not only for the big brawl but also for other normal parts

・Considering the number of items that can be obtained, "mining" and "lumberjack" are too weak and have become dead skills.
I would like the amount of "iron" and "wood" obtained to be adjusted upward to match the skill level number at the same time as exploration.

・I would like you to change the order of "unlock", "equipment", and "disassembly" on the right side of the item bag to "equipment", "unlock", and "disassembly".
The latter arrangement is more natural based on the button press situation and should prevent accidents due to incorrect operation.

・It was originally a function to prevent vandalism and scripts, but the default name (nanashi) is equipped with weapons and armor.
The reason you can't shoot the opponent is by equipping the script with weapons and armor to provide countermeasures against cannons.
I would like them to fix this so that it can be fired, as it deviates from the original purpose of the acorn cannon.

・If you can hold 60 bullets at a time, many bullets will exceed the limit and be thrown away during peaceful times, and if vandalism or scripts occur.
When they appear, there are too few inconsistencies to repel them, so I increased the number of frames to about 200,
I would like to be able to make better use of the bullets that would otherwise be thrown away by not using them during times of peace.
100 or 200 bullets are not enough when you really need them, and at the current rate there isn't enough iron to turn iron into bullets.
2024/08/11(日) 14:43:09.77ID:ikwL1K0Y0
Hello, Don Cannon. How are you?

I'm contacting you to ask you to fix the Acorns system. Recently, among the malicious trolls using Acorns, there is a hunter who "shoots himself immediately after posting so that he doesn't get shot by other people and continues his slanderous behavior." When I try to shoot an acorn at a troll hunter, there are many situations where I can't stop it because I've already shot myself, which is very annoying. Is it possible to change the system so that I can't shoot myself?
2024/08/11(日) 14:45:30.58ID:/QPqugyH0
Glitches are piling up.
The maximum ATK value of a weapon is meaningless, is this a spec?
Please reply without ignoring me!
2024/08/11(日) 14:47:04.21ID:+b8x65Tw0
179ななしさん 警備員[Lv.108][SSR武][SR防][苗]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 14:49:06.20ID:cm1GdUbG0
わざわざHow are things?とか言っておいてたくさんの人から意見・質問を言われても

2024/08/11(日) 14:49:20.90
You're back but everyone else is gone
2024/08/11(日) 14:50:52.55ID:QnTE9krz0
Please do something about only the equipment's minimum value being used in damage calculations.
2024/08/11(日) 14:55:15.81ID:bJj8QkFP0
Sorry to bother you.
You've been very busy.
I'm waiting for the new equipment to be implemented. Some people are starting to say they're getting bored.
2024/08/11(日) 14:55:40.75ID:FpgXpK510
We already dont need you and your job.
You dont do your main job.
We all know that.
Many of users had left now.
One thing, install the Market function.
Thats all.
2024/08/11(日) 14:57:31.88ID:RDJDIEe20
As a major premise, Have a place to hear opinions on a regular basis.
2024/08/11(日) 14:57:55.07ID:bJj8QkFP0
186ななしさん 警備員[Lv.0][新芽]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 14:59:07.67ID:x+nvtSlI0
2024/08/11(日) 15:02:43.60ID:R+raTYap0

If you have too many requests to organize,
I think it would be nice to be able to add a message when purchasing a bundle.

2024/08/11(日) 15:02:55.04ID:m4GilNHn0
2024/08/11(日) 15:05:03.12ID:m4GilNHn0
Please set VIPQ2=2 on all boards of 5ch.
I'm in trouble because the board where I can't activate Acorns has been devastated.
190どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.464][N武+4][N防+4][森]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 15:08:22.29ID:CAP_USER
That’s a good idea.

I received an email asking for this. I talked with the 5ch management and they asked me to use a system where we first add VIPQ2 to a board so that threads can be individually specified to allow acorn. If the problem persists after adding VIPQ2, then we can add BBS_ACORN to the board.
Is there a list of boards that have VIPQ2 but still need a stronger donguri presence?


Currently we are building the app in GODOT. I believe GODOT is able to export to android, but I have not tested that yet.
Our latest build currently looks like this:
191どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.464][N武+4][N防+4][森]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 15:08:54.24ID:CAP_USER
Yes, I want to fix bugs and address system issues next.

I may adjust that soon. The fight simulator needs a refactor very soon.

This is a good list of things. I will address most of these items.

That’s an interesting glitch. I will make it so you can’t attack yourself.
192どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.464][N武+4][N防+4][森]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 15:09:15.21ID:CAP_USER
What do you mean the maximum ATK value is meaningless?

It’s ok, people will come back.

Does this apply to all combat, or just certain arenas?

I’ll make new equipment soon and officially release the arena too.
193どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.464][N武+4][N防+4][森]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 15:09:53.71ID:CAP_USER
You want to write what kind of message when purchasing a bundle?

Do any boards need it immediately as an emergency?
194ななしさん 警備員[Lv.108][SSR武][SR防][苗]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 15:11:20.88ID:cm1GdUbG0
What about the battle problem?

Now if you increase WT, HP will increase exponentially.
But the damage depends on Min ATK
As a result, some hunters have too much HP like 100K so that others can't beat them
This is the case for Japan Arena because there is no upper MOD limit there
195どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.464][N武+4][N防+4][森]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 15:11:23.46ID:CAP_USER
Is Obon holiday a good time to introduce new equipment?
196どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.464][N武+4][N防+4][森]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 15:12:41.16ID:CAP_USER
I will figure out a great way to balance it that makes a lot of sense.
2024/08/11(日) 15:13:05.19ID:JjDda47r0
I think the introduction of VIPQ2 on all boards is a great idea.
Let's do it now!
2024/08/11(日) 15:13:50.58ID:m4GilNHn0
What is urgently needed is a ``育児 board.''
The vandalism is so bad that most of the residents have given up on posting...
2024/08/11(日) 15:14:17.22ID:FpgXpK510
Market only please
2024/08/11(日) 15:14:37.45ID:QnTE9krz0
Applies to all combat.
2024/08/11(日) 15:14:40.84ID:ikwL1K0Y0
Thank you. I was suffering from a hunter account that was hitting itself and doing whatever it wanted. I hope for a quick response.
2024/08/11(日) 15:14:43.76ID:R+raTYap0
I think I will at least write only what is necessary,
such as checking fatal bugs and specifications that I am not sure are intended.

203ななしさん 警備員[Lv.108][SSR武][SR防][苗]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 15:15:18.93ID:cm1GdUbG0
>What do you mean the maximum ATK value is meaningless?

Because the damage depends solely on the Min ATK
As a result, you have to increase both Min and Max ATK
It will require you to have 2 MODs to increase the damage you give to your enemy

>Does this apply to all combat, or just certain arenas?

All battles
204どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.464][N武+4][N防+4][森]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 15:16:27.58ID:CAP_USER
2024/08/11(日) 15:16:31.34ID:FpgXpK510
Respond me about Market functon.
2024/08/11(日) 15:18:47.13ID:m4GilNHn0
thank you!
thanks so much! !
Now you can say goodbye to that troll.
207ななしさん 警備員[Lv.6][芽]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 15:19:48.06ID:/ywiKnL50
Very much looking forward to it!

It doesn't seem to reflect the maximum value of the weapon very well, or am I just imagining things?
2024/08/11(日) 15:21:41.44ID:JjDda47r0
Not right now, but after the VIP2Q2 is implemented on all boards, why not implement automatic activation of the acorn restriction linked to the ARASHI sensor?
This was your original plan, and I think it's probably the core of Acorn as a counter-vandalism system.
Sensors were operating effectively before, right?
2024/08/11(日) 15:24:49.59ID:+b8x65Tw0
To どんぐりキャノン★
> Yes, I want to fix bugs and address system issues next.

I think it would be more efficient for both parties to make a list of issues and have everyone cooperate with each other.
2024/08/11(日) 15:27:54.13ID:PTVkx+fK0

Could you please separate the Smash logs大乱闘ログfor Arena and Regular?

2024/08/11(日) 15:29:40.52ID:+b8x65Tw0
2024/08/11(日) 15:29:52.05ID:SGaWBETP0
2024/08/11(日) 15:36:26.12ID:s8T6yYUR0
2024/08/11(日) 15:37:16.20ID:aa/Y2w2U0
For example, if you attack with this weapon, what do you think the expected damage will be?


The answer is 1.
That's because we're currently fighting by rolling dice that only have the minimum ATK value written on them.

Is this a bug?
2024/08/11(日) 15:39:34.22ID:m4GilNHn0
2024/08/11(日) 15:39:43.89ID:s8T6yYUR0

217どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.464][N武+4][N防+4][森]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 15:40:07.77ID:CAP_USER
That must be a bug. I will investigate.
218ななしさん 警備員[Lv.0][新芽]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 15:41:34.80ID:jmZsKFKs0
2024/08/11(日) 15:41:53.39ID:s8T6yYUR0
220ななしさん ハンター[Lv.666][R武+8][R防+8][森]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 15:42:20.80ID:IQ6+JV9p0
Hello どんぐりキャノン★

I'm currently experiencing the following issue:

■Currently, the equipment performance is not working properly.
It seems that the performance is always the minimum value.

■[水着]'s efect [滑りやすい] is not work.
(effect message only.)

■The effect of the non-element weapon [れんぞく] is currently not activated.

■The effect of the [雷]-element weapon [スタンした] is not working properly.
Count Down not activated.

■[セミの抜け殻]'s efect [空蝉] BUG, has not been fixed yet.
Loser wins.
2024/08/11(日) 15:42:40.92ID:FpgXpK510
what do you think about atack by script?
that is a biggest problem.
are you sure?
are you recognize this?
do your main job first
gaming is third
2024/08/11(日) 15:43:40.80ID:s8T6yYUR0
2024/08/11(日) 15:44:45.00ID:ikwL1K0Y0
I would like the next limited equipment to be "fireworks". Fireworks are essential for Japanese festivals.
2024/08/11(日) 15:45:50.82ID:aa/Y2w2U0
This issue is not only occurring with weapon ATK, but also with armor DEF.
Please look into this as well.
2024/08/11(日) 15:45:58.24ID:steemhQn0
2024/08/11(日) 15:46:23.56ID:s8T6yYUR0
2024/08/11(日) 15:53:19.39ID:FpgXpK510
Market please!
228 警備員[Lv.42]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 15:55:01.80ID:li9MoS3q0
2024/08/11(日) 15:57:09.69ID:FpgXpK510
and scripting
2024/08/11(日) 15:58:32.64ID:FpgXpK510
if you dont think about Market and scripting,
go away
2024/08/11(日) 16:03:51.57ID:0wcfL1p90
232 ハンター[Lv.530][木]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 16:07:10.24ID:li9MoS3q0
2024/08/11(日) 16:07:55.22ID:QnTE9krz0
Festivals are often held during the Obon holidays, and the paper fan [うちわ] and yukata [ゆかた] that are often used there would be good choices.
234ななしさん 警備員[Lv.0][新芽]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 16:09:00.72ID:Ah32XLd/0
2024/08/11(日) 16:09:12.71ID:MbBezMpv0
I think it is good timing.
But some people think of Obon as a festival and others as a memorial service or a requiem, so it might be safer to use equipment associated with summer festivals or fireworks.
2024/08/11(日) 16:11:05.88ID:hpnN6yWk0
Please also check this
2024/08/11(日) 16:11:48.86ID:MbBezMpv0
I want to save my key to see the どんぐりcharacter equipped with a cute yukata.
238どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.464][N武+4][N防+4][森]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 16:12:43.18ID:CAP_USER
Yes I am investigating it.

Marketplace is the next big feature.

I understand; we wont associate directly with Obon.
I think we can associate with Summer Festivals and fireworks though. Yukatas and Fans sound like a nice idea.
239どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.464][N武+4][N防+4][森]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 16:14:08.33ID:CAP_USER
I see that. I will fix the bugs.

I am currently using the super acorn cannon to shoot some arashi.
After I finish that, then I will start to fix all the bugs that everybody mentioned today.

Thank you everybody for being kind.
2024/08/11(日) 16:16:11.19ID:MbBezMpv0
Take it easy and hang in there!
We are rooting for you.
241 警備員[Lv.42]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 16:17:17.53ID:6KFSpR6y0
I need you to create a thread to share information.
I'd like you to create your own thread.
2024/08/11(日) 16:17:19.01ID:FpgXpK510
next, next,... next
thats enough
inform us the date that market is opened.
243どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.464][N武+4][N防+4][森]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 16:18:43.76ID:CAP_USER
Ok I will tomorrow. Now I must start programming, so I will probably type less for the next few hours.
2024/08/11(日) 16:19:33.68ID:+b8x65Tw0
To どんぐりキャノン★
60 challenges in about 1 minute.
Is there a limit on the number of balls, and is this enough of a problem?

245どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.464][N武+4][N防+4][森]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 16:19:51.04ID:CAP_USER
Also, late tonight I will take the Donguri Base server offline for a few hours to do maintenance.
Server upgrades and a small diet.
2024/08/11(日) 16:20:05.91ID:FpgXpK510
I think that you dont want to open the Market
because the selling bundles will reduced by it
2024/08/11(日) 16:21:48.14ID:m4GilNHn0

Some people have written that they want "BBS_ACORN" to be introduced to all boards.
Please respond to them as well.
248ななしさん 警備員[Lv.7][芽]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 16:23:17.51ID:/ywiKnL50
Looking forward to bug fixes and new item development!
I know it's late and it's a lot of work, but keep up the good work!
249どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.464][N武+4][N防+4][森]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 16:26:07.64ID:CAP_USER
I havent opened the marketplace yet because I have a grand vision for it that I have not finished implementing yet. I want people to be able to purchase a shop and have their own store to sell their items. The shop can be customizable, and maybe even displayed on the map.
5ch is not going anywhere, so we can build this system for a long time. Dont be in such a rush.

I am talking with the team about this right now, and they asked me to do Donguri Base server maintenance before it can be decided about putting it on every board or not.

Thank you for helping me keep track of tasks.
2024/08/11(日) 16:30:49.94ID:+b8x65Tw0

To どんぐりキャノン★
I hope you'll take a look at my post too.
2024/08/11(日) 16:31:03.28ID:m4GilNHn0
That's what I meant, I understand.
Thank you for your reply (thank you)
2024/08/11(日) 16:34:59.59ID:m4GilNHn0

249 名前: どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.464][N武+4][N防+4][森] 投稿日: 2024/08/11(日) 16:26:07.64 ID:CAP_USER
I am talking with the team about this right now, and they asked me to do Donguri Base server maintenance before it can be decided about putting it on every board or not.
(現在この件についてチームと話し合っているところですが、各ボードに置くかどうか決める前に、Donguri Base サーバーのメンテナンスをしてほしいと頼まれました。)

253どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.464][N武+4][N防+4][森]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 16:39:34.02ID:CAP_USER
I believe attack and defense use similar formulas. I am investigating both.
2024/08/11(日) 16:43:06.89ID:A0/LXi8P0

2024/08/11(日) 16:44:14.84ID:A0/LXi8P0
2024/08/11(日) 16:45:30.72ID:+b8x65Tw0
So you are saying there is no problem.
2024/08/11(日) 16:49:35.95ID:j/Kj9/bH0
Please, I really hope so.
2024/08/11(日) 16:50:51.06ID:FpgXpK510
Thank you.
I understand.
I will expect till the market function
is installed.
2024/08/11(日) 16:59:57.99ID:RDJDIEe20
I would like it to be linked with normal regulations for management as a countermeasure against scripts.
I think you can reduce the number of scripts more efficiently than relying only on the Acorn system.
2024/08/11(日) 17:02:56.05ID:AWANY+BW0
Trolls (scripts) appear every day on many boards. As a result, people are disappearing. Please take immediate countermeasures against vandalism.
261ななしさん 警備員[Lv.0][新芽]
垢版 |
2024/08/11(日) 17:12:11.34ID:6ozFE4h10
There are script spammers on the live commentary boards every day, so please install VIPQ2. It has been installed on other live commentary boards.



2024/08/11(日) 17:13:14.83ID:0zZ8PZ8k0
2024/08/11(日) 17:17:18.45ID:0xv0biTW0
2024/08/11(日) 17:24:03.87ID:q05WzUXx0
2024/08/11(日) 17:24:12.76ID:Ltot+UHB0
2024/08/11(日) 17:34:23.75ID:U16DxVMa0
267ななしさん 警備員[Lv.8][芽]
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2024/08/11(日) 17:35:56.58ID:/ywiKnL50
268ななしさん 警備員[Lv.0][新芽]
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2024/08/11(日) 17:40:32.56ID:ZIYqqkWY0
269ななしさん 警備員[Lv.0][新芽]
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2024/08/11(日) 17:41:44.90ID:ZIYqqkWY0
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
