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どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★47
どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★48 [donguri=1/1]
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
1ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3][新芽]
2024/07/04(木) 23:04:19.58ID:PDGCTK1d0348ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/24(水) 12:32:58.89ID:Vl1syisv0 ドングリ休止?それとも廃止?
349ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/24(水) 13:15:31.47ID:YXDLzoAg0 どんぐり基地自体は問題無く動いてるみたいよ、鉄のキーとか資源貯まるし
350ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/24(水) 13:24:57.44ID:82laFAZk0 巡回してるスレ見てると荒らしがここぞとばかりに荒らしとるなw
351ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/24(水) 13:28:54.34ID:v2Ak/gtb0 手動連投キチガイ撃てないの辛い
352ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/24(水) 13:44:33.88ID:CYGT6Tk90 chmateがどんぐり対応したと思ったらシステム自体が死んでるのか
353ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/24(水) 13:58:06.86355ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/24(水) 14:29:28.97ID:DYQRNifQ0 >>353
356ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/24(水) 18:49:39.69ID:hbsd48500 かれこれ12時間以上ころころしてるんでキャノンが気付いていない訳ないよね
357ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/24(水) 18:53:00.19ID:tfVajJOU0 多分itest関連だと思うがね
358ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/24(水) 18:58:19.38ID:hbsd48500 何か弄ってぶっ壊したのならロールバックじゃいかんのかな
359ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/24(水) 21:29:04.85ID:wgYQAfoKd chmate対応キタとおもったらこれかよw
360ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/24(水) 21:41:12.90ID:GzDZEVwN0 ガチのマジで気づいてないだけ
361ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/24(水) 21:42:00.34ID:0fm3Lx4X0 これからはころころとして生きていく
362ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/24(水) 23:36:20.11ID:YXDLzoAg0 案外とっくに気付いてるけど今は休暇中で
363ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/25(木) 00:02:54.90ID:+pmUbU540 大砲ログが2024/07/24 04:33:00.54以降停止してるのでログ確認してるなら気づいてないわけない
364ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/25(木) 00:22:45.72ID:BryKm+jw0 芸スポ速報+でスクリプト撃とうと思ったら・・・
365ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/25(木) 00:26:15.80ID:WAqUI4C90 ハワイに行ってるなら向こうで気づいててもPCとかなくて直せないって感じかな
366ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/25(木) 00:43:56.58ID:LarKt4BRM 20年前のPCスペックじゃねえんだからよ
367ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/25(木) 00:52:51.97ID:pWVlm+as0 >>364
368ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/25(木) 01:36:22.97ID:YG7WWVZO0 どんぐりシステムが動いていなくても従来の規制である程度スクリプト押さえ込んでくれないかな
369ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/25(木) 02:32:05.71ID:1ArQZDMX0 ってかサブの管理者おけよ
370ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/25(木) 02:40:02.82372どんぐりキャノン ★ ころころ
2024/07/25(木) 04:35:36.35ID:CAP_USER Hello everybody.
374 ころころ
2024/07/25(木) 04:37:39.90ID:vg7MbQkJM >>372
Hi helpころころ
Hi helpころころ
376ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/25(木) 04:42:55.15ID:DzjJNT+z0 ころころ~
377ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/25(木) 04:43:03.87 もう24時間くらいになるか
378ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/25(木) 04:44:43.67ID:krhL1uS80379どんぐりキャノン ★ ころころ
2024/07/25(木) 04:44:54.54ID:CAP_USER I just woke up, and I fixed the problem. Sorry about that.
It was an nginx.conf configuration error that caused the problem.
It was an nginx.conf configuration error that caused the problem.
380ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/25(木) 04:45:35.07ID:DzjJNT+z0 7月24日AM5時からころころ~
381ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/25(木) 04:46:28.43ID:DzjJNT+z0 凡ミスあるあるだね~
382ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/25(木) 04:46:45.93ID:GBt2tjONd 復活してなくね?
384どんぐりキャノン ★ ころころ
2024/07/25(木) 04:48:25.98ID:CAP_USER >>378
No I did not stop.
Actually, I am working on an mobile app version of Acorn System with graphics.
You can see here:
Sometimes when I am programming, I forget about everything else in the world and just focus into a tunnel. I start sleeping only 2-3 hours per night, and it is very difficult to even remember to eat or drink.
I updated the nginx.conf last night for Donguri Base, and that broke the route that bbs.cgi uses to call Donguri Base. It is fixed now. Sorry about that.
No I did not stop.
Actually, I am working on an mobile app version of Acorn System with graphics.
You can see here:
Sometimes when I am programming, I forget about everything else in the world and just focus into a tunnel. I start sleeping only 2-3 hours per night, and it is very difficult to even remember to eat or drink.
I updated the nginx.conf last night for Donguri Base, and that broke the route that bbs.cgi uses to call Donguri Base. It is fixed now. Sorry about that.
385ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/25(木) 04:48:49.72ID:fjvLMpvG0 このスレは大砲可能なため普及後の書き込み注意
387どんぐりキャノン ★ ころころ
2024/07/25(木) 04:50:13.57ID:CAP_USER I think BBS.CGI is set to override Acorn System.
When the BBS.CGI dev wakes up, I will ask him to enable Acorn System again.
When the BBS.CGI dev wakes up, I will ask him to enable Acorn System again.
389ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/25(木) 04:50:54.21ID:DzjJNT+z0390ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/25(木) 04:51:58.12ID:DzjJNT+z0 要はどんぐり直るまでにあと数時間か半日はかかるって事かー
391ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/25(木) 04:57:29.66 どんぐりキャノンがこのスレに来てるなら>>62で書いたことが認識あってるか聞きたいところ
392 ころころ
2024/07/25(木) 04:58:12.61ID:cQGzbPcwM 早く大砲撃ちたい
ころころNo ノД`)…
ころころNo ノД`)…
393どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.440][N武+4][N防+4][森]
2024/07/25(木) 04:58:33.02ID:CAP_USER Maybe fixed now?
394ななしさん ハンター[Lv.615][林]
2024/07/25(木) 04:58:54.34ID:DzjJNT+z0 うおおおどんぐり復活うおおおお
395 ハンター[Lv.664][林]
2024/07/25(木) 04:59:43.36ID:cQGzbPcwM >>393
396どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.440][N武+4][N防+4][森警]
2024/07/25(木) 04:59:54.83ID:CAP_USER Sorry about that everybody.
397 警備員[Lv.6]
2024/07/25(木) 05:00:18.99ID:O2b4bz/i0 どんぐり復活!
400ななしさん ハンター[Lv.534][SSR武][SSR防][木]
2024/07/25(木) 05:03:30.33ID:1m0rmmxS0 サンキューどんぐり
401どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.440][N武+4][N防+4][森警]
2024/07/25(木) 05:07:33.88ID:CAP_USER >>399
Hopefully soon. I am working with a professional artist who is creating the graphics.
I am building the server using haskell and the client using Godot.
I also want to officially launch the Arena, and introduce a few new weapons/armor for it.
Hopefully soon. I am working with a professional artist who is creating the graphics.
I am building the server using haskell and the client using Godot.
I also want to officially launch the Arena, and introduce a few new weapons/armor for it.
402ななしさん 警備員[Lv.139][UR武][UR防][苗]
2024/07/25(木) 05:08:07.62ID:krhL1uS80 >>384
That's good, I feel relieved.
I also handle a lot of web servers, and human error does occasionally occur.
Please don't push yourself too hard.
That's good, I feel relieved.
I also handle a lot of web servers, and human error does occasionally occur.
Please don't push yourself too hard.
403どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.440][N武+4][N防+4][森告]
2024/07/25(木) 05:09:20.25ID:CAP_USER >>400
Youre welcome.
The IOS app will work similarly to オウガバトルサーガ.
You can use the weapons/armor and stats that you have already, then move around the world map with others and battle each other or battle monsters.
Youre welcome.
The IOS app will work similarly to オウガバトルサーガ.
You can use the weapons/armor and stats that you have already, then move around the world map with others and battle each other or battle monsters.
404ななしさん ハンター[Lv.615][林]
2024/07/25(木) 05:11:04.91ID:DzjJNT+z0 えっさらっとiOSアプリって
406ななしさん ハンター[Lv.615][林]
2024/07/25(木) 05:12:25.71ID:DzjJNT+z0 このスレでnanashinが乱射始めたから注意
407ななしさん ハンター[Lv.6][UR武+34][UR防+34][森臭]
2024/07/25(木) 05:15:07.68ID:y3lFNhh70408 警備員[Lv.9]
2024/07/25(木) 05:15:39.59409ななしさん ハンター[Lv.534][SSR武][SSR防][木警]
2024/07/25(木) 05:15:57.30ID:Vh12WzR40 Does this app include the dungeon you mentioned you were working on?
412どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.441][N武+4][N防+4][森告]
2024/07/25(木) 05:36:36.83ID:CAP_USER >>409
Yes, but I might release the dungeon for the web browser version first.
It depends on how long the dev for IOS takes.
Yes, but I might release the dungeon for the web browser version first.
It depends on how long the dev for IOS takes.
414ななしさん ハンター[Lv.667][UR武+34][UR防+34][森臭]
2024/07/25(木) 06:02:08.17ID:y3lFNhh70415ななしさん ハンター[Lv.429][UR武][UR防][林]
2024/07/25(木) 06:03:47.23ID:ZU9/mgyV0 >>412
Good morning, Donguri cannon san,
Long time no see. how have you been?
Glaucoma is better?
I was lost you and 本スレ for a month.
What thread is the place you stay to support us about Donguri system.
Would you designate it ?
Good morning, Donguri cannon san,
Long time no see. how have you been?
Glaucoma is better?
I was lost you and 本スレ for a month.
What thread is the place you stay to support us about Donguri system.
Would you designate it ?
418ななしさん 警備員[Lv.8][芽]
2024/07/25(木) 06:10:34.98ID:EbU2H1Lp0 クソ雑魚乱射魔格下専のnanashin乙です
419ななしさん 警備員[Lv.24]
2024/07/25(木) 06:11:54.06ID:F/X/y00G0 >>417
420 ハンター[Lv.416][R武][SR防][森]
2024/07/25(木) 06:14:45.01422ななしさん 警備員[Lv.104][UR武+2][UR防+6][苗]
2024/07/25(木) 06:23:11.68ID:j5KnnMq20 汚言症ワロタw
425どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.441][N武+4][N防+4][森警]
2024/07/25(木) 06:28:58.39ID:CAP_USER427ななしさん 警備員[Lv.104][UR武+2][UR防+6][苗]
2024/07/25(木) 06:33:22.48ID:j5KnnMq20 >>425
I think this is the best place.
Rampant hunters are also rampant, so you can check the operation just by writing to them.
I think this is the best place.
Rampant hunters are also rampant, so you can check the operation just by writing to them.
429どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.441][N武+4][N防+4][森告]
2024/07/25(木) 06:39:42.37ID:CAP_USER430ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3][芽]
2024/07/25(木) 06:46:09.79ID:3qf0KM+/d431ななしさん 警備員[Lv.24]
2024/07/25(木) 06:46:34.14ID:F/X/y00G0 >>429
Why do you only care about Absol when you don't care about the other retirees?
Why do you only care about Absol when you don't care about the other retirees?
432ななしさん ハンター[Lv.430][UR武][UR防][林警]
2024/07/25(木) 06:48:13.38ID:ZU9/mgyV0 >>425
I think this thread is good.
I think this thread is good.
433ななしさん 警備員[Lv.49][SSR武][SSR防]
2024/07/25(木) 06:49:55.33ID:CmVy3GPS0 >>429
A script for a “警備員” equipped with weapons and armor appeared.
Can you check the email address that the script registered?
http://egg.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/jisaku/1718784413/418 2024/07/25 06:43:40.37 ID:PF0fEE9d0
A script for a “警備員” equipped with weapons and armor appeared.
Can you check the email address that the script registered?
http://egg.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/jisaku/1718784413/418 2024/07/25 06:43:40.37 ID:PF0fEE9d0
434ななしさん 警備員[Lv.66][UR武+1][R防+6][苗]
2024/07/25(木) 06:51:50.68ID:vDr4R7SI0 >>429
Looks like he's still here, under a different name.
Looks like he's still here, under a different name.
435ななしさん 警備員[Lv.49][SSR武][SSR防]
2024/07/25(木) 06:52:45.10ID:CmVy3GPS0436ななしさん ハンター[Lv.667][UR武+34][UR防+34][森臭]
2024/07/25(木) 06:52:51.28ID:y3lFNhh70437汁 ハンター[Lv.574][苗]
2024/07/25(木) 06:57:52.44ID:05oaEe+R0438汁 ハンター[Lv.574][苗]
2024/07/25(木) 07:04:38.52ID:05oaEe+R0 To Mr. DonguriCanon
Please install the Market/Bazar function.
This is your NEXT JOB.
Please install the Market/Bazar function.
This is your NEXT JOB.
439ななしさん 警備員[Lv.49][SSR武][SSR防]
2024/07/25(木) 07:06:45.27ID:CmVy3GPS0440ななしさん ハンター[Lv.616][林]
2024/07/25(木) 07:08:19.48ID:DzjJNT+z0 何かと思ったら武装したスクリプト現れたのか…
441ななしさん 警備員[Lv.106][SSR武+4][SSR防+6][苗]
2024/07/25(木) 07:16:51.67ID:ALtVuLcP0 >>372
442ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][新芽]
2024/07/25(木) 07:26:03.81ID:VWdW/iq+0 5ちゃんねるやYouTubeを見る時は
443ななしさん ハンター[Lv.620][R武+8][R防+8][林]
2024/07/25(木) 07:43:16.22ID:5NWSmsDx0444ななしさん 警備員[Lv.155][UR武][UR防][苗]
2024/07/25(木) 07:48:36.18ID:QzVfQE1p0 >>429
445ArtX ◆44mDe.EXFS/R ハンター[Lv.790][森]
2024/07/25(木) 07:49:56.41 >>384
I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out.
I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out.
446汁 ハンター[Lv.574][苗]
2024/07/25(木) 07:55:11.73ID:05oaEe+R0 >>429
He retired.
Install the Market/Bazzar function.
I said you many many times
but you ignored me for a long time.
You said the function in long ago.
You should build it now.
He retired.
Install the Market/Bazzar function.
I said you many many times
but you ignored me for a long time.
You said the function in long ago.
You should build it now.
447汁 ハンター[Lv.574][苗]
2024/07/25(木) 08:04:28.24ID:05oaEe+R0 To Mr.
I know you don't want to implement the market/bazaar feature
because it would mean bundles wouldn't be able to be sold.
But that's a feature you've been saying you would implement for a while now.
Keep your promise.
I know you don't want to implement the market/bazaar feature
because it would mean bundles wouldn't be able to be sold.
But that's a feature you've been saying you would implement for a while now.
Keep your promise.
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています