@どんぐりキャノン ★
Regarding this matter, redirecting read.cgi to itest is a bad idea.
You should use 「<link rel="canonical">」and「<link rel="alternate">」tag properly.
Currently, both the read.cgi and itest claim themselves as canonicalized URLs by the "canonical" tag.
As a result, Google recognizes the two types of pages as different pages.
This will result in the ranking of two pages being split and penalized by Google.
Make read.cgi outputs「<link rel=”alternate">」tag that points to same page of itest.
And fix the "canonical" tag on the itest pages to point to the PC version of the page, not to itself.
Please stop itest redirecting.
【大砲禁止専用】 どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★11 【Lv.0可】
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