どんぐりハンター対戦スレ ★3
どんぐりハンター対戦スレ ★4
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
1ななしさん ハンター[Lv.577][SR武+32][UR防+32][木警]
2024/07/02(火) 21:39:16.36ID:WeUPzC/J0494ななしさん ハンター[Lv.560][UR武+24][UR防+29][森]
2024/07/11(木) 05:04:59.38ID:DX8q0bup0 >>491
495どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.395][UR武+14][UR防+21][木]
2024/07/11(木) 05:18:18.13ID:CAP_USER I fixed the bug that wrongly attributed the winner to the wrong person when [空蝉] was used in the final turn.
I also fixed the bug that prevented [カエルの反響] and [空蝉] from being used in the same battle.
I also fixed the bug that prevented [カエルの反響] and [空蝉] from being used in the same battle.
496ななしさん 警備員[Lv.5][新芽]
2024/07/11(木) 05:22:46.53ID:20FD/1oY0 おっそ
497ななしさん ハンター[Lv.682][森]
2024/07/11(木) 06:01:45.38ID:GTMnCPyFd >>495
Thank you for your hard work.
Thank you for your hard work.
498 ハンター[Lv.660][UR武+34][UR防+30][森]:123.52901174
2024/07/11(木) 06:09:43.13ID:yhHQnOmS0 >>495
1. 分解価格が230000↑マリモにはなる新しい小枝の刀 水92↑ CRIT 10
2. 10demodに使ったマリモ150000*10
あと今すぐ http://donguri.5ch.net/unlock/ これ書き直せ
1. 分解価格が230000↑マリモにはなる新しい小枝の刀 水92↑ CRIT 10
2. 10demodに使ったマリモ150000*10
あと今すぐ http://donguri.5ch.net/unlock/ これ書き直せ
499ななしさん ハンター[Lv.743][SR武+43][R防+30][森]
2024/07/11(木) 06:11:13.81ID:w6nJDvKV0 >>495
[カエルの反響] and [空蝉] can be used simultaneously in the same battle.
I think the glitch is occurring with [ソニック混乱] and [空蝉].
It seems like the special effects of water elemental weapons are still persisting, is this difficult to fix?
[カエルの反響] and [空蝉] can be used simultaneously in the same battle.
I think the glitch is occurring with [ソニック混乱] and [空蝉].
It seems like the special effects of water elemental weapons are still persisting, is this difficult to fix?
500 ハンター[Lv.660][UR武+34][SR防+30][森]:123.62248000
2024/07/11(木) 06:19:38.31ID:yhHQnOmS0 それと,昨日突然
I've just managed to get a log of the bug, so I'll report it.
Here it is.
In this log, you can see that the opponent's attack is carried out again after the counterattack with [空蝉].
You can also see that the special effect of the water attribute is permanent.
Please look into it carefully.
I've just managed to get a log of the bug, so I'll report it.
Here it is.
In this log, you can see that the opponent's attack is carried out again after the counterattack with [空蝉].
You can also see that the special effect of the water attribute is permanent.
Please look into it carefully.
502 ハンター[Lv.660][UR武+34][SR防+30][森]:123.62248000
2024/07/11(木) 06:24:32.21ID:yhHQnOmS0 あのさ,お前らコード書く人間なんだろ
503 ハンター[Lv.660][UR武+34][SR防+30][森]:123.62248000
2024/07/11(木) 06:26:37.13ID:yhHQnOmS0 というかガチャ品の性能を何の告知もなくコロコロ仕様変更して良いと思ってんの?
504 ハンター[Lv.660][UR武+34][SR防+30][森]:123.62248000
2024/07/11(木) 06:31:56.55ID:yhHQnOmS0 まずどんキャはバランス調整で色々弄るより先に
クソ雑な仕事してる暇あったら `rm -rf /unlock/*`して解錠機能殺してくれ
クソ雑な仕事してる暇あったら `rm -rf /unlock/*`して解錠機能殺してくれ
505ななしさん 警備員[Lv.6][芽]
2024/07/11(木) 06:32:13.70ID:bhM5+yGb0 >>495
Please check that the Acorn system on your egg server is working properly.
It's being vandalized by scripts.
Please check that the Acorn system on your egg server is working properly.
It's being vandalized by scripts.
507ななしさん 警備員[Lv.83][UR武][SSR防][警]
2024/07/11(木) 06:50:49.54ID:j5cRnDsh0 余裕で勝ったはずなのにバグで負けた人もいるんですよ
508 ハンター[Lv.660][R武+34][SR防+30][森]:123.69470219
2024/07/11(木) 06:54:05.94ID:yhHQnOmS0 セミキャノンテスト
509ななしさん ハンター[Lv.605][UR武+32][SSR防+32][林]
2024/07/11(木) 07:11:56.91ID:j5cRnDsh0 勃起とアプソルなんかに勝てる訳ねえw
510ななしさん ハンター[Lv.570][N武+28][UR防+21][木警]
2024/07/11(木) 07:12:43.84ID:OkfSVZrD0 >>495
Hello どんぐりキャノン★
[空蝉] bug has not been fixed yet.
Mr. A is equipped with [蝉の抜け殻]
Mr. B goes first
■Actual operation
Turn 1: Mr. B attacks Mr. A [空蝉]
Turn 1: Mr. A attacks Mr. B.
Turn 1: Mr. B attacks Mr. A←! ?
Turn 2:...
After [空蝉] is activated and Mr. A counterattacks, Mr. B attacks again for some reason.
Mr. A's original turn has been lost.
Reference source (from the battle thread)
ターン4: メタルどんぐりさん[HP:970]ケロケロおにんにんさん[HP:209]<>おにんにんさんさんは0の水ダメージを受け、[HP:209]になった。[空蝉][CritDef]
ターン4: おにんにんさん[HP:209]バタンメタルどんぐりさん[HP:970]<>メタルどんぐりさんさんは0の風ダメージを受け、[HP:970]になった。
ターン4: メタルどんぐりさん[HP:970]ケロケロおにんにんさん[HP:209]<>おにんにんさんさんは0の水ダメージを受け、[HP:209]になった。
ターン5: メタルどんぐりさん[HP:970]ケロケロおにんにんさん[HP:209]・・・
Hello どんぐりキャノン★
[空蝉] bug has not been fixed yet.
Mr. A is equipped with [蝉の抜け殻]
Mr. B goes first
■Actual operation
Turn 1: Mr. B attacks Mr. A [空蝉]
Turn 1: Mr. A attacks Mr. B.
Turn 1: Mr. B attacks Mr. A←! ?
Turn 2:...
After [空蝉] is activated and Mr. A counterattacks, Mr. B attacks again for some reason.
Mr. A's original turn has been lost.
Reference source (from the battle thread)
ターン4: メタルどんぐりさん[HP:970]ケロケロおにんにんさん[HP:209]<>おにんにんさんさんは0の水ダメージを受け、[HP:209]になった。[空蝉][CritDef]
ターン4: おにんにんさん[HP:209]バタンメタルどんぐりさん[HP:970]<>メタルどんぐりさんさんは0の風ダメージを受け、[HP:970]になった。
ターン4: メタルどんぐりさん[HP:970]ケロケロおにんにんさん[HP:209]<>おにんにんさんさんは0の水ダメージを受け、[HP:209]になった。
ターン5: メタルどんぐりさん[HP:970]ケロケロおにんにんさん[HP:209]・・・
511ななしさん ハンター[Lv.570][N武+28][UR防+21][木警]
2024/07/11(木) 07:21:01.03ID:OkfSVZrD0 > 北海道アリーナチャレンジ開始
512 ハンター[Lv.660][UR武+34][SR防+30][森警]:123.78455313
2024/07/11(木) 07:23:54.73ID:yhHQnOmS0 リーダーやるとレーティング上がるのかな
Sorry for accidentally trespassing in the testing arena.
Next time, make sure you lock the door properly.
Sorry for accidentally trespassing in the testing arena.
Next time, make sure you lock the door properly.
514 ハンター[Lv.660][UR武+34][SR防+30][森警]:123.78455313
2024/07/11(木) 07:26:54.96ID:yhHQnOmS0 というかクソみてえな新機能実装してる暇あったら解錠と分解機能なんとかしろ.
515ななしさん ハンター[Lv.605][UR武+32][UR防+32][林]
2024/07/11(木) 07:27:10.15ID:j5cRnDsh0 アプソルには何時も勝手に撃たれて負けてるから話にならないw
516どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.9][UR武+14][UR防+21][木告]
2024/07/11(木) 07:28:00.35ID:CAP_USER >>513
Its fine. Lets do a small beta test before it is officially announced.
I still need to finish creating the "reinforcement" system.
Its fine. Lets do a small beta test before it is officially announced.
I still need to finish creating the "reinforcement" system.
Thank you. I won't be able to see it much due to work from now on, but I'll let you know if I notice anything.
Thank you. I won't be able to see it much due to work from now on, but I'll let you know if I notice anything.
518ななしさん ハンター[Lv.10][UR武+14][UR防+21][木臭]
2024/07/11(木) 07:31:18.62ID:appFVIsE0 >>517
519 ハンター[Lv.660][UR武+34][SR防+30][森臭]:123.78647619
2024/07/11(木) 07:32:21.01ID:yhHQnOmS0 >>516
520ななしさん 警備員[Lv.4][告]
2024/07/11(木) 07:33:50.18ID:UQew74X5H どんキャへ
521ななしさん ハンター[Lv.228][SSR武+4][SSR防+13][苗]
2024/07/11(木) 07:35:14.03ID:iWn/ftDz0 防御設備?
522ななしさん ハンター[Lv.570][SR武+29][R防+31][木告]
2024/07/11(木) 07:37:14.24ID:OkfSVZrD0 アブソルいきなり日本全土を征服してんじゃねーよ!
523ななしさん ハンター[Lv.228][SSR武+4][SSR防+13][苗警]
2024/07/11(木) 07:38:07.86ID:iWn/ftDz0 リーダーのサポーターて事?
524 ハンター[Lv.660][UR武+34][SR防+30][森臭]:123.68767576
2024/07/11(木) 07:39:23.29ID:yhHQnOmS0 >>518
First of all, one thing.
Since the arena leader can accept a match at any time, if they lose they will be penalized with a [警], [告], or [臭]. Is this a correct specification?
First of all, one thing.
Since the arena leader can accept a match at any time, if they lose they will be penalized with a [警], [告], or [臭]. Is this a correct specification?
526どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.6][UR武+14][UR防+21][木臭]
2024/07/11(木) 07:41:46.97ID:CAP_USER >>523
Its not enabled yet. Should be ready soon, and information too.
Its not enabled yet. Should be ready soon, and information too.
528どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.6][UR武+14][UR防+21][木臭]
2024/07/11(木) 07:43:09.08ID:CAP_USER >>525
There is no [警], [告], or [臭] penalty for arena fights.
There is no [警], [告], or [臭] penalty for arena fights.
529ななしさん 警備員[Lv.6][新芽]
2024/07/11(木) 07:46:14.55ID:Tf6KxA61d >>528
I just got a penalty in the arena.
I just got a penalty in the arena.
532 ハンター[Lv.7][UR武+34][SR防+30][森臭]:123.69748864
2024/07/11(木) 07:49:16.39ID:yhHQnOmS0533ななしさん 警備員[Lv.6][新芽]
2024/07/11(木) 07:50:32.37ID:Tf6KxA61d >>528
The arena is occupied?
I think it's time to ban this vandal.
If you don't deal with it, you will lose the trust of others,
By leaving the first troll unattended, it will make others feel that it is okay to troll,
It will lead to the collapse of the board.
If you don't respond, please tell us why.
The arena is occupied?
I think it's time to ban this vandal.
If you don't deal with it, you will lose the trust of others,
By leaving the first troll unattended, it will make others feel that it is okay to troll,
It will lead to the collapse of the board.
If you don't respond, please tell us why.
534ななしさん ハンター[Lv.395][UR武+16][UR防+21][木臭]
2024/07/11(木) 07:51:01.44ID:appFVIsE0 >>530
Or maybe because you posted on this thread?
Or maybe because you posted on this thread?
That's true, but if that's all there is, the calculation doesn't add up when you work it out backwards from the number of opponents you lost to, and the penalty became heavier right after you logged that you lost to another opponent in the arena, so I think the arena is the cause.
Please check if possible.
That's true, but if that's all there is, the calculation doesn't add up when you work it out backwards from the number of opponents you lost to, and the penalty became heavier right after you logged that you lost to another opponent in the arena, so I think the arena is the cause.
Please check if possible.
536ななしさん ハンター[Lv.5][UR武+16][UR防+21][木臭]
2024/07/11(木) 07:55:39.66ID:appFVIsE0 >>535
I am checking.
I am checking.
537 ハンター[Lv.8][UR武+34][SR防+30][森臭]:123.72943305
2024/07/11(木) 07:56:11.25ID:yhHQnOmS0538 ハンター[Lv.660][UR武+34][SR防+30][森臭]:123.70943305
2024/07/11(木) 07:58:07.64ID:yhHQnOmS0 ほんとお前,仕事が雑だな.
539 ハンター[Lv.660][UR武+34][SR防+30][森臭]:123.70943305
2024/07/11(木) 07:58:31.29ID:yhHQnOmS0 復活コストもしっかり補償しろよ
Thank you for your hard work, Don-kya.
I have a lot of questions about Alina.
1. How do I join a team in the arena? If I take on a local leader, do I join that team?
Is it okay to join more than one team?
2. Can spectators or team members only donate armor?
Can't I donate weapons, bullets, etc.?
3. Will the donation be made only to the leader, and will only the leader be able to use the donated supplies?
Is it possible for a leader to distribute supplies to team members?
4. Are there any regional team competitions scheduled?Will the winner be decided by a single battle between leaders?
Thank you for your hard work, Don-kya.
I have a lot of questions about Alina.
1. How do I join a team in the arena? If I take on a local leader, do I join that team?
Is it okay to join more than one team?
2. Can spectators or team members only donate armor?
Can't I donate weapons, bullets, etc.?
3. Will the donation be made only to the leader, and will only the leader be able to use the donated supplies?
Is it possible for a leader to distribute supplies to team members?
4. Are there any regional team competitions scheduled?Will the winner be decided by a single battle between leaders?
541どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.7][UR武+16][UR防+21][木臭]
2024/07/11(木) 08:01:40.58ID:CAP_USER >>528
What are you doing here?
What is your main job?
To play the game?
You should eradicate the trolls.
What are you doing here?
What is your main job?
To play the game?
You should eradicate the trolls.
543 ハンター[Lv.660][UR武+34][SR防+30][森臭]:123.70943305
2024/07/11(木) 08:01:49.67ID:yhHQnOmS0 でたよ取引ガイジ
544どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.5][UR武+16][UR防+21][木臭]
2024/07/11(木) 08:03:51.63ID:CAP_USER >>540
Donations will strengthen the leader.
People who donate to an arena will receive benefits from the arena until their leader is defeated.
You can donate to any arena or leader, but if the leader is defeated then your donation to that specific arena will be reset.
Donations will strengthen the leader.
People who donate to an arena will receive benefits from the arena until their leader is defeated.
You can donate to any arena or leader, but if the leader is defeated then your donation to that specific arena will be reset.
546ななしさん 警備員[Lv.6][新芽]
2024/07/11(木) 08:06:23.40ID:Tf6KxA61d Recent scripts, as you know, are trolling only at boards and threads that don't allow cannon fire………
Hunters who want to get rid of scripts can't do anything, and everyone is in trouble………
The managements probably dared to remove the setting from the specialized board with few residents, but I think it is a bad result .
Hunters who want to get rid of scripts can't do anything, and everyone is in trouble………
The managements probably dared to remove the setting from the specialized board with few residents, but I think it is a bad result .
548どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.6][UR武+16][UR防+21][木臭]
2024/07/11(木) 08:07:47.29ID:CAP_USER I will reset the arena leaders before announcing the arena function officially.
Right now is the beta testing period.
Right now is the beta testing period.
You should punish the ARASI アブソル!
You should punish the ARASI アブソル!
Somehow, I understood. Thank you.
Somehow, I understood. Thank you.
551ななしさん ハンター[Lv.6][UR武+16][UR防+21][木臭]
2024/07/11(木) 08:09:02.93ID:appFVIsE0 >>547
Can add VIPQ2 or BBS_ACORN to the boards that need it.
Can add VIPQ2 or BBS_ACORN to the boards that need it.
Got it.
Got it.
You are not fit to be a developer or leader.
You are not fit to be a developer or leader.
Turn 2:
After the successful counterattack of [空蝉] on the previous turn, the order of attacks has been continually swapped.
Also, during this turn, [空蝉] is activated and after counterattacking, you are attacked again by the opponent in the same turn.
Instead, your own attack, which should have occurred, does not occur.
We have confirmed that this occurs when [空蝉] is activated with armor for the player attacking second.
The same phenomenon occurs in subsequent turns.
Turn 12:
Here, the water-element special effect is activated, and you can see that the effect continues permanently in subsequent turns.
It is also worth noting that no malfunctions caused by [空蝉] occur after this phenomenon occurs.
Turn 2:
After the successful counterattack of [空蝉] on the previous turn, the order of attacks has been continually swapped.
Also, during this turn, [空蝉] is activated and after counterattacking, you are attacked again by the opponent in the same turn.
Instead, your own attack, which should have occurred, does not occur.
We have confirmed that this occurs when [空蝉] is activated with armor for the player attacking second.
The same phenomenon occurs in subsequent turns.
Turn 12:
Here, the water-element special effect is activated, and you can see that the effect continues permanently in subsequent turns.
It is also worth noting that no malfunctions caused by [空蝉] occur after this phenomenon occurs.
555ななしさん ハンター[Lv.228][SSR武+4][SSR防+13][苗告]
2024/07/11(木) 08:12:12.28ID:iWn/ftDz0 最初のリーダーは何を基準に決まるのだろう
You should abandon the games and you should focus on eradicating trolls.
I know you will never answer me.
You should abandon the games and you should focus on eradicating trolls.
I know you will never answer me.
559ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][新芽警]
2024/07/11(木) 08:15:54.98ID:Tf6KxA61d >>548
No, it's not a problem that can be reset.
Let's just understand that as long as we let the vandalism go on, it's all going to get vandalized.
By leaving the vandalism at the top of the list,
By leaving the first vandal alone, you are showing those around you that you condone the vandalism, and this will lead to more vandalism.
Please manage the site properly.
No, it's not a problem that can be reset.
Let's just understand that as long as we let the vandalism go on, it's all going to get vandalized.
By leaving the vandalism at the top of the list,
By leaving the first vandal alone, you are showing those around you that you condone the vandalism, and this will lead to more vandalism.
Please manage the site properly.
560ななしさん 警備員[Lv.6]
2024/07/11(木) 08:16:28.26ID:7mYE08aV0 >>548
Hello Don Cannon. I would like you to respond to the email I sent yesterday. *Bug details: The special effect of the [Frog Megaphone] does not occur. The echo of the frog does not occur. Thank you as soon as possible.
Hello Don Cannon. I would like you to respond to the email I sent yesterday. *Bug details: The special effect of the [Frog Megaphone] does not occur. The echo of the frog does not occur. Thank you as soon as possible.
561 ハンター[Lv.660][UR武+34][UR防+30][森臭]:123.68344097
2024/07/11(木) 08:16:52.02ID:yhHQnOmS0 >>548
You should prioritize fixing the vulnerabilities in your dismantling and unlocking systems over changes that accelerate player conflicts.
Your systems are weak.
I lost my weapons due to an XSRF attack. What are you going to do about it?
You should prioritize fixing the vulnerabilities in your dismantling and unlocking systems over changes that accelerate player conflicts.
Your systems are weak.
I lost my weapons due to an XSRF attack. What are you going to do about it?
It seems that even if a person in trouble goes to the request thread, he will be told like this
Where can we ask for it?
It seems that even if a person in trouble goes to the request thread, he will be told like this
Where can we ask for it?
Whole donguri system is now on beta status.
Whole donguri system is now on beta status.
564 ハンター[Lv.660][UR武+34][UR防+30][森臭]:123.65038540
2024/07/11(木) 08:20:39.77ID:yhHQnOmS0 もうかれこれ
567 ハンター[Lv.5][UR武+34][UR防+30][森臭]:123.65705206
2024/07/11(木) 08:22:32.70ID:yhHQnOmS0 もう何度もアリーナで死んで復活費用払ってるんだが?
ハンター[ID: 318ca6d8]
ハンター[ID: 318ca6d8]
You don't want to answer me,I know it.
Install the MARKET function.
I will give away all the items for free and I leave from here.
Then I will never write here.
You don't want to answer me,I know it.
Install the MARKET function.
I will give away all the items for free and I leave from here.
Then I will never write here.
569ななしさん 警備員[Lv.5]
2024/07/11(木) 08:23:43.28ID:yhHQnOmS0 名も無き戦士のゴキブリブーム笑うわ
Look at this devastation caused by the script resurrection!😭
574ななしさん 警備員[Lv.8]
2024/07/11(木) 08:28:48.85ID:Xoq4impY0 >>548
For the time being, I would like to see a penalty for people with odor marks. Prevent the level from rising for a while I won't write it until next term. If that's the case, no one will complain.
For the time being, I would like to see a penalty for people with odor marks. Prevent the level from rising for a while I won't write it until next term. If that's the case, no one will complain.
Set the function for people who wants to retire.
Set the function for people who wants to retire.
576ななしさん ハンター[Lv.12][UR武+16][UR防+21][木臭]
2024/07/11(木) 08:35:42.99ID:appFVIsE0 Im going to reset the arena now.
578ななしさん ころころ
2024/07/11(木) 08:36:55.89ID:yhHQnOmS0 [2024-07-11 07:31:48] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.78647619
[2024-07-11 07:32:52] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.76755145
[2024-07-11 07:33:29] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.74755145
[2024-07-11 07:33:49] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.72797880
[2024-07-11 07:34:20] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.70797880
[2024-07-11 07:34:34] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.68797880
[2024-07-11 07:34:52] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.69100910
[2024-07-11 07:35:46] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.67100910
[2024-07-11 07:38:51] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.68767576
[2024-07-11 07:39:55] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.69600909
[2024-07-11 07:40:58] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.70017575
[2024-07-11 07:41:42] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.68017575
[2024-07-11 07:41:55] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.68434241
[2024-07-11 07:42:16] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.66434241
[2024-07-11 08:04:39] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.66943305
[2024-07-11 08:05:14] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.67359971
[2024-07-11 08:24:48] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.61780963
[2024-07-11 08:25:44] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.61873555
[2024-07-11 08:28:44] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.62706888
[2024-07-11 08:31:04] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.63373554
[2024-07-11 07:32:52] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.76755145
[2024-07-11 07:33:29] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.74755145
[2024-07-11 07:33:49] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.72797880
[2024-07-11 07:34:20] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.70797880
[2024-07-11 07:34:34] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.68797880
[2024-07-11 07:34:52] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.69100910
[2024-07-11 07:35:46] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.67100910
[2024-07-11 07:38:51] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.68767576
[2024-07-11 07:39:55] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.69600909
[2024-07-11 07:40:58] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.70017575
[2024-07-11 07:41:42] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.68017575
[2024-07-11 07:41:55] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.68434241
[2024-07-11 07:42:16] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.66434241
[2024-07-11 08:04:39] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.66943305
[2024-07-11 08:05:14] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.67359971
[2024-07-11 08:24:48] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.61780963
[2024-07-11 08:25:44] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.61873555
[2024-07-11 08:28:44] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.62706888
[2024-07-11 08:31:04] 318ca6d8,acorn : 123.63373554
580ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][警]
2024/07/11(木) 08:37:32.99ID:yhHQnOmS0 普通にペナルティあるから復活費用嵩んだ
583ななしさん 警備員[Lv.66][SSR武+1][R防+5][警]
2024/07/11(木) 08:46:27.62ID:4ay8iuskM 以前も認知された上で放置されてるからなぁ
584ななしさん ハンター[Lv.228][SSR武+4][SSR防+13][苗告]
2024/07/11(木) 08:47:26.04ID:iWn/ftDz0 今までの大乱闘と変わらんな
586ななしさん ハンター[Lv.228][SSR武+4][SSR防+13][苗告]
2024/07/11(木) 09:08:12.68ID:ijEwh+oz0587ななしさん ハンター[Lv.229][SSR武+4][SSR防+13][苗告]
2024/07/11(木) 09:16:02.70ID:ijEwh+oz0 URは東京と北海道か
588ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3]
2024/07/11(木) 09:23:41.74ID:yhHQnOmS0 アホ臭え
589ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3]
2024/07/11(木) 09:24:25.58ID:yhHQnOmS0 クソみてえな機能はテメェでてすとしてから導入しろ低脳
590ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3]
2024/07/11(木) 09:24:58.26ID:yhHQnOmS0 さっさと脆弱性のケツ拭いて死ね
591ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3][新芽]
2024/07/11(木) 09:26:47.22ID:82nwgUnsd 何言ってんだコイツ
592ななしさん 警備員[Lv.5][新芽]
2024/07/11(木) 09:27:40.66ID:NSUKkJUX0 ハンターさん、どうぞどんぐり大砲を使ってARASHIの破壊行為を止めてください。悪事を働く破壊者、警備員、またはハンターを見かけたら、彼らに大砲を撃ってください。
Not a few people believed this statement.
In fact, vandal hunters are not penalized in any way.
Please do not leave the vandalism unattended and please respond.
Not a few people believed this statement.
In fact, vandal hunters are not penalized in any way.
Please do not leave the vandalism unattended and please respond.
593ななしさん 警備員[Lv.96][N武][N防][苗]
2024/07/11(木) 09:29:42.13ID:KlaV48gt0 >>592
Q1 どんぐりもうやめて
A1 やめません
Q2 画像認証入れて
A2 入れません
Q3 もう5ch手放して
A3 適価で買うのなら名乗りをあげてみるといいかもしれません
Q4 いっそ閉鎖して
A4 金づるを閉鎖とか意味がわかりません
Q5 いつまでこんなことが続くんですか?
A5 5chが終わるその日まで
Q6 こんな5chは嫌なんですが
A6 5ちゃんねるのご利用は利用者各位のご判断にお任せしています
Q7 常駐板が荒らされてるのにハンターが来てくれません
A7 来てくれませんじゃねーよ、お前がハンターになって撃つんだよ!
Q8 警察に届けろよ
A8 捜査機関に届けました。資料はすべて渡してます。捜査が行われていてどうなるか待っています(Jim)
Q1 どんぐりもうやめて
A1 やめません
Q2 画像認証入れて
A2 入れません
Q3 もう5ch手放して
A3 適価で買うのなら名乗りをあげてみるといいかもしれません
Q4 いっそ閉鎖して
A4 金づるを閉鎖とか意味がわかりません
Q5 いつまでこんなことが続くんですか?
A5 5chが終わるその日まで
Q6 こんな5chは嫌なんですが
A6 5ちゃんねるのご利用は利用者各位のご判断にお任せしています
Q7 常駐板が荒らされてるのにハンターが来てくれません
A7 来てくれませんじゃねーよ、お前がハンターになって撃つんだよ!
Q8 警察に届けろよ
A8 捜査機関に届けました。資料はすべて渡してます。捜査が行われていてどうなるか待っています(Jim)
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