This is the current situation.
The higher the WT value, the higher the HP and the higher the attack evasion rate.
If the weapon has an SPD value higher than the WT value, the attack will be able to hit.
However, if a weapon has been modified to increase the SPD value, the damage will be smaller and it will not be enough to remove the huge amount of HP, so the fight will not be decided.
To solve this, for example, the following method can be considered.
Increasing the WT value increases HP, but in return decreases evasion rate.
There is also a disadvantage to increasing the WT value, as it decreases your own hit rate.
The amount of HP increase does not depend solely on the WT value, but is calculated by taking the DEF value into consideration as well.
The correction values for HP increase and attack hit rate will fluctuate gradually to avoid extreme differences.
It really needs some more tweaking, but for now, is this okay?
どんぐり装備品 ★12
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