This is a report of what appears to be a bug.
Currently, we believe that attack hit determination is calculated based on SPD and WT values, but there is a bug in the special effect of water-element weapons that may cause the SPD value to be permanently set to 0 (or equivalent) (it should be reduced by 50%, but this is still unbalanced and should be downwardly revised).
Due to this bug, all attacks will be unable to hit from the moment the special effect of a water-element weapon is applied.
We propose the following two solutions.
(1) Leave the multiplier of the special effect of water-element weapons as is, but shorten the turn the effect lasts to 1 turn, and make it disappear after 2 turns.
(2) Reduce the special effect multiplier of water-element weapons to around 10%, and make the effect permanent and cumulative (for example, if the effect is activated twice, SPD will be reduced by 20%).
If either of these corrections is made correctly, we believe it will be possible to prevent situations where the moment the special effect of a water-element weapon is activated, the game is effectively decided.
Please confirm the above and consider your options.
どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★11(大砲禁止専用)
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
2024/06/25(火) 14:05:13.64ID:yl1O9lyg0■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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