Hello everybody,
I balanced the UR and other armor/weapon types today.
Some people previously spent a lot of Marimo to level up their weapons, but now the modification costs are much cheaper.
To reward early adopters and those who modified their equipment a lot before the balance update, I will be giving iron keys to those who have upgraded their equipment before the balance update.
Right now is the donguri 第1707期.
If you want iron keys as a reward, then please use !equip or !soubi to show me your strongest equipment.
For UR, every level your equipment has, I will reward you with 500 keys per level.
For SSR, every level your equipment has, I will reward you with 100 keys per level.
For SR, for every level your equipment has, I will reward you with 50 keys per level.
For R, for every level your equipment has, I will reward you with 25 keys per level.
For N, for every level your equipment has, I will reward you with 13 keys per level.
To be eligible, you must equip your best armor and weapon, then reply to this thread with your hunter ID before the start of 第 1709 期.
This offer expires at the start of 第 1709 期.
For those who bought key bundles before 第1707期, you will receive extra key bundles as a thank you - this will occur automatically and you dont need to do anything to receive the extra key bundles.
Key reward program
1どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.344][UR武+2][UR防][木]
2024/06/13(木) 15:43:25.00ID:CAP_USER2!soubi 警備員[Lv.5][新芽]
2024/06/13(木) 15:52:26.61ID:sR6D9LMFr Receive the iron key
3ななしさん ハンター[Lv.491][SSR武+40][SSR防+37][木]
2024/06/13(木) 15:52:27.41ID:/SZz74NV0 d4baad96
Is this okay?
Is this okay?
4!soubi ハンター[Lv.486][SSR武+29][SSR防+29][木]
2024/06/13(木) 15:53:16.17ID:sR6D9LMFr Receive the iron key
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