I set a maximum enhancement level of 100.
I lowered the marimo cost to level up a UR.
I set a maximum marimo price per level of enhancement.
I fixed the min/max damage/defense display issue - it will be fixed next time you upgrade your bugged damage or defense.
After these changes, it should cost approximately
1.5million marimo to make an enhanced UR+100.
700k marimo to make an enhanced SSR+100.
175k marimo to make an enhanced SR+100.
15k marimo to make an enhanced R+100.
500 marimo to make an enhanced N+100.
If you ONLY level up the maximum damage every time:
Level 100 UR ->approximately 20k damage
Level 100 SSR -> approximately 10k damage
Level 100 SR -> approximately 6k damage
Level 100 R -> approximately 4k damage
Level 100 N -> approximately 3k damage
We dont need to rollback since it seems that nobody has an item that is enhanced beyond level 100 yet.
If there is an item which is already enhanced beyond level 100, then it will become special after this update.
With this new setup, it is cheap to create a N+100, which can compete relatively easily against R+100 and SR+100.
SSR and UR will cost more to enhance to level 100, but are still within the realm of possibility.
It should be possible to make a level UR+100 within a couple weeks of opening chests if you have more than 100 exploration skill.
I intend for armor craft and weapon craft to require high levels to create the strongest weapons.
Those who level up their armor craft and weapon craft skills can earn a lot of Donguri by selling enhanced weapons/armor when the marketplace is opened.
どんぐり装備品 ★7
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705どんぐりキャノン ★
2024/06/13(木) 15:30:30.73ID:CAP_USER■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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