負けたら初期のようにドングリ枯らしてほしい の要望に返事きてた


363 ななしさん[sage] 2024/06/14(金) 14:44:38.65 ID:AzuqdWff0
I have a few requests regarding the "大乱闘"...
I would like to see the damage in the "大乱闘" reset to acorns if a lone hunter defeats an opponent even once (like in the early days).
This is both if you shoot and lose, or if you get shot and lose.
I think everyone has more acorns accumulated than before and it's easier to do resurrection services.

375 どんぐりキャノン ★[] 2024/06/14(金) 15:15:38.69 ID:CAP_USER
OK I will adjust it.

OK I will adjust it.

Overhaul of the 大乱闘 system is coming.