・!extend コマンド生成フォーム
どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★38(大砲禁止)
VIPQ2_EXTDAT: checked:checked:1000:512:donguri=1/3: EXT was configured
どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★第1654期(大砲禁止)
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
1 警備員[Lv.1][新芽]
2024/06/11(火) 19:00:14.04178石 ◆Stone//aTora ハンター[Lv.649][森]
2024/06/30(日) 06:55:22.26ID:1eDdaPRc0 >>177
■ Curbing excessive どんぐり大砲 firing
First, the identification information of ハンター who fired どんぐり大砲 and the target who was shot (hunter ID, guard ID, cookie data, etc.) is recorded on the server side.
Next, if that ハンター attempts to shoot the same target before the "期(*1)" has been updated, a warning will be displayed on the scout screen.
If that ハンター ignores the warning and fires どんぐり大砲, the following penalties will be imposed on that ハンター:
- Confiscate all "大砲の玉".
- Confiscate 2 どんぐり(*2).
- Reduce level to 0.
In addition, the identification information recorded on the server side is overwritten with a new timestamp.
■ Behavioral Inhibition(The above and multiple posts, etc)
If an account has [臭], they will no longer gain 経験値 over time. They can still use 復活サービス.
Furthermore, if their [臭] level reaches 3 or higher, they will no longer be able to use 復活サービス.
■ Promoting matches
In order to avoid any negative impact on a match that has been agreed upon by both parties, such processing will not be carried out on posts that have the word [挑] in the name field.
If a hunter who is not marked with [警], [告], or [臭] and is equipped with a weapon and armor writes "!challenge" in the name field and posts, [挑] will be displayed.
Posts marked with [挑] will not be marked with [警], [告], or [臭] even if the post loses.
Using "!challenge" will consume 0.002 どんぐり(*2).
■ Supplement.
The reason for dividing the period into "期" is to balance measures against mass shooting hunters and measures against continuous posting.
If the same person repeatedly posts consecutively during the same "期," the [警], [告], or [臭] will not change, but if the "期" changes, a lower level [警], [告], or [臭] can be attached again, so it makes sense to shoot.
どんぐり need to be adjusted based on progress.
■ Curbing excessive どんぐり大砲 firing
First, the identification information of ハンター who fired どんぐり大砲 and the target who was shot (hunter ID, guard ID, cookie data, etc.) is recorded on the server side.
Next, if that ハンター attempts to shoot the same target before the "期(*1)" has been updated, a warning will be displayed on the scout screen.
If that ハンター ignores the warning and fires どんぐり大砲, the following penalties will be imposed on that ハンター:
- Confiscate all "大砲の玉".
- Confiscate 2 どんぐり(*2).
- Reduce level to 0.
In addition, the identification information recorded on the server side is overwritten with a new timestamp.
■ Behavioral Inhibition(The above and multiple posts, etc)
If an account has [臭], they will no longer gain 経験値 over time. They can still use 復活サービス.
Furthermore, if their [臭] level reaches 3 or higher, they will no longer be able to use 復活サービス.
■ Promoting matches
In order to avoid any negative impact on a match that has been agreed upon by both parties, such processing will not be carried out on posts that have the word [挑] in the name field.
If a hunter who is not marked with [警], [告], or [臭] and is equipped with a weapon and armor writes "!challenge" in the name field and posts, [挑] will be displayed.
Posts marked with [挑] will not be marked with [警], [告], or [臭] even if the post loses.
Using "!challenge" will consume 0.002 どんぐり(*2).
■ Supplement.
The reason for dividing the period into "期" is to balance measures against mass shooting hunters and measures against continuous posting.
If the same person repeatedly posts consecutively during the same "期," the [警], [告], or [臭] will not change, but if the "期" changes, a lower level [警], [告], or [臭] can be attached again, so it makes sense to shoot.
どんぐり need to be adjusted based on progress.
179石 ◆Stone//aTora ハンター[Lv.649][森]
2024/06/30(日) 06:55:50.42ID:1eDdaPRc0 ■ 過剰などんぐり大砲の抑制
・2 どんぐり(*2)を没収する。
・レベルを 0 に下げる。
■ 行動抑制(上記やマルチポストなど)
さらに [臭Lv3] 以上になった場合は、復活サービスを利用できなくなる。
■ 対戦の促進
「!challenge」を使用すると、0.002 どんぐり(*2)を消費する。
■ 補足
・2 どんぐり(*2)を没収する。
・レベルを 0 に下げる。
■ 行動抑制(上記やマルチポストなど)
さらに [臭Lv3] 以上になった場合は、復活サービスを利用できなくなる。
■ 対戦の促進
「!challenge」を使用すると、0.002 どんぐり(*2)を消費する。
■ 補足
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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