Failure to meet self-imposed deadlines
388 名前:どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.15][] 投稿日:2024/05/31(金) 13:41:47.34 ID:CAP_USER
I informed them that I will prepare a JSON api within a week.

You didn't even create a page to reset your password.
106 名前:どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.13][芽][] 投稿日:2024/05/30(木) 16:02:26.98 ID:CAP_USER
I got the login system working, but I forgot my password and I forgot to make a "I forgot my password" page.
I will make that page first, and test it. If it works, then we are ready for launch.

You are like a buckwheat noodle shop 'just out' when you call out 'Nearly finished' when there is no prospect of finishing.