Please try it as it will be reproduced 100%.
NG pattern1
01) Lock and equip an item (e.g. A)
02) Open a treasure chest
03) Equip a newly acquired item (e.g. B)
04) Lock the "B"
05) Unlock the "A"
06) Dismantle all unlocked items
07) The "B"'s equip comes off
NG pattern2
01) Lock and equip an item (e.g. A)
02) Open a treasure chest
03) Unlock the "A"
03) Equip a newly acquired item (e.g. B)
04) Lock the "B"
06) Dismantle all unlocked items
07) The "B"'s equip comes off
OK pattern1
01) Lock and equip an item (e.g. A)
02) Open a treasure chest
03) Lock a newly acquired item (e.g. B)
04) Equip the "B"
05) Unlock the "A"
06) Dismantle all unlocked items
07) The "B"'s equip is kept
Unlocking new items and equipping them in a different order will change the results.
どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★45
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