
687 どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.257][木臭] 2024/05/21(火) 17:12:38.88 ID:CAP_USER
My plan is to require "marimo" points to upgrade your weapons or armor.
And the amount of times that you can upgrade your weapon or armor will be dictated by your armorcraft and weaponcraft skills.

An armorcraft skill of 100 might mean you can upgrade your armor up to 10 times.


鎧職人スキルが 100 であれば、鎧を最大 10 回アップグレードできることを意味します。

691 どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.257][木臭] 2024/05/21(火) 17:18:49.12 ID:CAP_USER
The goal is to allow people with high crafting skills to craft armor/weapon that can compete with higher ranked items.

an [R+5] might be stronger than a normal [SR]

A [SSR+5] might be stronger than a [UR]

Upgrading a [UR] will be really difficult. Probably needs a lot of marimo.



