!extend コマンド生成フォーム
どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★39
どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★40
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
1ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][新芽初]
2024/05/18(土) 19:52:38.49ID:GZRYqj+e0616どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.256][木告]
2024/05/21(火) 15:01:43.85ID:CAP_USER >>614
I made a new trinity.
Now, light is strong against dark.
Dark is strong against "no element"
"No element" is strong against light.
Light > Dark > Normal > Light
I made a new trinity.
Now, light is strong against dark.
Dark is strong against "no element"
"No element" is strong against light.
Light > Dark > Normal > Light
617どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.256][木告]
2024/05/21(火) 15:02:24.54ID:CAP_USER >>613
Thank you. It is a government report. Very stressful.
Thank you. It is a government report. Very stressful.
618どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.256][木告]
2024/05/21(火) 15:03:54.80ID:CAP_USER Can you help me translate this notice so I can put it on the donguri.5ch.net website?
The "Light" and "Dark" elements will be phased out on the 第1250期.
Anybody who has "Light" and "Dark" can keep them and they will work correctly.
New "Light" and "Dark" items will not be generated after 第1250期.
The "Light" and "Dark" elements will be phased out on the 第1250期.
Anybody who has "Light" and "Dark" can keep them and they will work correctly.
New "Light" and "Dark" items will not be generated after 第1250期.
619ななしさん 警備員[Lv.5][新芽]
2024/05/21(火) 15:06:24.22ID:KPt1YKngd620ななしさん 警備員[Lv.2]
2024/05/21(火) 15:06:46.08ID:ZRGaHM2f0 >>618
How long can we use light and dark?
How long can we use light and dark?
621ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3]
2024/05/21(火) 15:09:01.56ID:ZRGaHM2f0 FAQの文章書いたやつは別のやつだからなあ…
622ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3][新芽]
2024/05/21(火) 15:10:02.82ID:RZRMnIpid ハンターへログイン出来ないのはなぜ?
623ななしさん 警備員[Lv.7]
2024/05/21(火) 15:10:41.99ID:XsFkxonld I think the current equipment feature is good, and in addition to that, I would like to see the distribution of "invulnerability" to many users, which means that they do not die even if shot.
I would like users who pay for uplift to be able to enter with their equipment from the beginning.
I think that would solve the level limit (=/3or4) problem.
I would like users who pay for uplift to be able to enter with their equipment from the beginning.
I think that would solve the level limit (=/3or4) problem.
624ななしさん 警備員[Lv.7]
2024/05/21(火) 15:13:53.01ID:XsFkxonld 思ったけどどんぐりFAQってFAQスレのまんま移しだよね
625ななしさん 警備員[Lv.10]
2024/05/21(火) 15:14:31.13ID:icLbfkXI0 1時間で1期でしたっけ
626ななしさん 警備員[Lv.10]
2024/05/21(火) 15:15:36.35ID:XNLFCUkt0627ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][新芽]
2024/05/21(火) 15:18:11.48ID:hhs5VzSz0 光と闇がバランス崩してる認識があって削除するのに
628ななしさん 警備員[Lv.8]
2024/05/21(火) 15:18:44.53ID:XsFkxonld 限定ガチャ…ってコト?!
629ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][警]
2024/05/21(火) 15:18:46.76ID:ZRGaHM2f0 >>623
If only after the management had "officially eliminated" the too-bad-to-be-true troll hunters that have been mentioned here so far...
Or if that's the extent of it, it might just barely be within the "business effort" range.
If only after the management had "officially eliminated" the too-bad-to-be-true troll hunters that have been mentioned here so far...
Or if that's the extent of it, it might just barely be within the "business effort" range.
630ななしさん 警備員[Lv.10]
2024/05/21(火) 15:20:04.93ID:icLbfkXI0 先行限定ガチャってとこかな
631ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][新警]
2024/05/21(火) 15:20:30.86ID:53FMyFpLM633どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.256][木告]
2024/05/21(火) 15:27:42.31ID:CAP_USER >>619
Your armor DEF is mininum 69. Its not very effective if my weapon's damage hits closer to 123.
This is my weapon:
【武器】[UR] 85~123 50 1% 光(97) 0 222000 マ
Your armor DEF is mininum 69. Its not very effective if my weapon's damage hits closer to 123.
This is my weapon:
【武器】[UR] 85~123 50 1% 光(97) 0 222000 マ
634どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.256][木告]
2024/05/21(火) 15:28:19.71ID:CAP_USER >>620
You can use it as long as you have it.
We just wont make new ones.
You can use it as long as you have it.
We just wont make new ones.
635どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.256][木告]
2024/05/21(火) 15:32:24.62ID:CAP_USER I am going to require Hunters to wear armor/weapon if they want to shoot the cannon.
636ななしさん 警備員[Lv.5]
2024/05/21(火) 15:32:58.73ID:G3v94WkG0 >>634
After introducing the following command to create a thread, some users reported that they could not access the thread. Does this mean that the command is currently unavailable?
After introducing the following command to create a thread, some users reported that they could not access the thread. Does this mean that the command is currently unavailable?
637ななしさん ころころ
2024/05/21(火) 15:47:48.09ID:PlZ5GAjc0 >>636
Can you link an example?
Can you link an example?
638ななしさん ころころ
2024/05/21(火) 15:48:12.35ID:OlCPksEr0639どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.256][木告]
2024/05/21(火) 15:49:03.26ID:CAP_USER Hunters must wear weapon/armor to shoot the cannon now.
This change will eventually segue into the bounty system.
This change will eventually segue into the bounty system.
640ななしさん 警備員[Lv.23]
2024/05/21(火) 15:52:10.88ID:OlCPksEr0641どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.257][木告]
2024/05/21(火) 15:52:27.22ID:CAP_USER >>603 >>638
This is the actual code. Would you like to check it?
elementalScaling :: Float
elementalScaling = 0.05
elementalEffectiveness :: Maybe (Element Int) -> Maybe (Element Int) -> Float
-- Main elemental cycle: Lightning > Air > Earth > Water > Fire > Ice > Lightning
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Lightning !potency1)) (Just (Air !potency2)) = 1.2 + elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Air !potency1)) (Just (Earth !potency2)) = 1.2 + elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Earth !potency1)) (Just (Water !potency2)) = 1.2 + elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Water !potency1)) (Just (Fire !potency2)) = 1.2 + elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Fire !potency1)) (Just (Ice !potency2)) = 1.2 + elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Ice !potency1)) (Just (Lightning !potency2)) = 1.2 + elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
-- Reverse of the main elemental cycle
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Air !potency1)) (Just (Lightning !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Earth !potency1)) (Just (Air !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Water !potency1)) (Just (Earth !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Fire !potency1)) (Just (Water !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Ice !potency1)) (Just (Fire !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Lightning !potency1)) (Just (Ice !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
-- Main dark/light/normal cycle: Light > Dark > Normal > Light
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Light potency1)) (Just (Dark potency2)) = 1.2 + elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Dark potency1)) Nothing = 1.2 + elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - 0)
elementalEffectiveness Nothing (Just (Light potency2)) = 1.2 + elementalScaling * fromIntegral (0 - potency2)
-- Reverse of the dark/light/normal cycle
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Dark potency1)) (Just (Light potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness Nothing (Just (Dark potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (0 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Light potency1)) Nothing = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - 0)
-- Neutral effectiveness for other combinations or lack of elements
elementalEffectiveness _ _ = 1.0
This is the actual code. Would you like to check it?
elementalScaling :: Float
elementalScaling = 0.05
elementalEffectiveness :: Maybe (Element Int) -> Maybe (Element Int) -> Float
-- Main elemental cycle: Lightning > Air > Earth > Water > Fire > Ice > Lightning
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Lightning !potency1)) (Just (Air !potency2)) = 1.2 + elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Air !potency1)) (Just (Earth !potency2)) = 1.2 + elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Earth !potency1)) (Just (Water !potency2)) = 1.2 + elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Water !potency1)) (Just (Fire !potency2)) = 1.2 + elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Fire !potency1)) (Just (Ice !potency2)) = 1.2 + elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Ice !potency1)) (Just (Lightning !potency2)) = 1.2 + elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
-- Reverse of the main elemental cycle
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Air !potency1)) (Just (Lightning !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Earth !potency1)) (Just (Air !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Water !potency1)) (Just (Earth !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Fire !potency1)) (Just (Water !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Ice !potency1)) (Just (Fire !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Lightning !potency1)) (Just (Ice !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
-- Main dark/light/normal cycle: Light > Dark > Normal > Light
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Light potency1)) (Just (Dark potency2)) = 1.2 + elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Dark potency1)) Nothing = 1.2 + elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - 0)
elementalEffectiveness Nothing (Just (Light potency2)) = 1.2 + elementalScaling * fromIntegral (0 - potency2)
-- Reverse of the dark/light/normal cycle
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Dark potency1)) (Just (Light potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness Nothing (Just (Dark potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (0 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Light potency1)) Nothing = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - 0)
-- Neutral effectiveness for other combinations or lack of elements
elementalEffectiveness _ _ = 1.0
642ななしさん 警備員[Lv.5]
2024/05/21(火) 15:53:36.83ID:G3v94WkG0 >>637
It has disappeared over time, but when I checked the thread when it was created, it was visible from a web browser, but when viewed from a 5ch viewing tool, it displayed "404".
It has disappeared over time, but when I checked the thread when it was created, it was visible from a web browser, but when viewed from a 5ch viewing tool, it displayed "404".
643ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3]
2024/05/21(火) 15:55:54.15ID:ZRGaHM2f0644どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.257][木臭]
2024/05/21(火) 16:00:40.48ID:CAP_USER >>643
Do you think we should put this info in the FAQ?
Do you think we should put this info in the FAQ?
645ななしさん 警備員[Lv.5]
2024/05/21(火) 16:01:42.51ID:G3v94WkG0 >>639
Currently, a malicious hunter named "f00a8bf6" is firing indiscriminately in this thread. Even if I become a hunter and post on the thread, no battle begins with me, and I am shot at unilaterally. Since he is purposely not equipped with weapons or armor, this seems to be a malicious method that exploits a loophole in the system. Please take measures.
Currently, a malicious hunter named "f00a8bf6" is firing indiscriminately in this thread. Even if I become a hunter and post on the thread, no battle begins with me, and I am shot at unilaterally. Since he is purposely not equipped with weapons or armor, this seems to be a malicious method that exploits a loophole in the system. Please take measures.
646ななしさん 警備員[Lv.23]
2024/05/21(火) 16:03:11.13ID:OlCPksEr0 >>641
It's simple.
- Water vs Earth: \( E = 0.8 - 0.05 \times (p_1 - p_2) \) is wrong.
It should be like this.
- Water vs Earth: \( E = 0.8 - 0.05 \times (p_2 - p_1) \)
It's simple.
- Water vs Earth: \( E = 0.8 - 0.05 \times (p_1 - p_2) \) is wrong.
It should be like this.
- Water vs Earth: \( E = 0.8 - 0.05 \times (p_2 - p_1) \)
647どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.257][木臭]
2024/05/21(火) 16:04:19.47ID:CAP_USER >>645
That is fixed now.
He must wear armor and a weapon to shoot.
That is fixed now.
He must wear armor and a weapon to shoot.
648ななしさん 警備員[Lv.25]
2024/05/21(火) 16:04:30.40ID:XNLFCUkt0649どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.257][木臭]
2024/05/21(火) 16:05:58.95ID:CAP_USER >>646
Like this?
-- Reverse of the main elemental cycle
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Air !potency1)) (Just (Lightning !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency2 - potency1)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Earth !potency1)) (Just (Air !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency2 - potency1)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Water !potency1)) (Just (Earth !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency2 - potency1)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Fire !potency1)) (Just (Water !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency2 - potency1)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Ice !potency1)) (Just (Fire !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency2 - potency1)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Lightning !potency1)) (Just (Ice !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency2 - potency1)
Like this?
-- Reverse of the main elemental cycle
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Air !potency1)) (Just (Lightning !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency2 - potency1)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Earth !potency1)) (Just (Air !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency2 - potency1)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Water !potency1)) (Just (Earth !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency2 - potency1)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Fire !potency1)) (Just (Water !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency2 - potency1)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Ice !potency1)) (Just (Fire !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency2 - potency1)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Lightning !potency1)) (Just (Ice !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency2 - potency1)
650ななしさん 警備員[Lv.23]
2024/05/21(火) 16:07:46.25ID:OlCPksEr0 みなさん!これまでの計算式はおかしかったようです。
0.8-0.05×(50-40)=0.3 属性なし100ダメが30ダメ
0.8-0.05×(50-45)=0.55 属性なし100ダメが55ダメ
0.8-0.05×(50-40)=0.3 属性なし100ダメが30ダメ
0.8-0.05×(50-45)=0.55 属性なし100ダメが55ダメ
651ななしさん 警備員[Lv.11]
2024/05/21(火) 16:07:48.60ID:vwo/f81q0 >>647
It's interesting.
アブソルさん[97a65812] fired acorn cannons at 111 users during the 1176th period. Regarding viewing the sample posts below, none is Arashi or Scripts.
Archive URL:https://archive.is/vsAOJ
It seems that アブソルさん[97a65812] has been struggling to discriminate between regular users of 5channel and automated scripts/Arashi.>>428
Could you please give アブソルさん[97a65812] some advice?
It's interesting.
アブソルさん[97a65812] fired acorn cannons at 111 users during the 1176th period. Regarding viewing the sample posts below, none is Arashi or Scripts.
Archive URL:https://archive.is/vsAOJ
It seems that アブソルさん[97a65812] has been struggling to discriminate between regular users of 5channel and automated scripts/Arashi.>>428
Could you please give アブソルさん[97a65812] some advice?
652どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.257][木臭]
2024/05/21(火) 16:09:31.65ID:CAP_USER >>651
Your example is from 2 hours ago.
It was fixed about 20 minutes ago.
Your example is from 2 hours ago.
It was fixed about 20 minutes ago.
653ななしさん 警備員[Lv.23]
2024/05/21(火) 16:09:33.00ID:OlCPksEr0654どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.257][木臭]
2024/05/21(火) 16:10:22.32ID:CAP_USER >>650
We are fixing that bug.
We are fixing that bug.
655ななしさん 警備員[Lv.4][新芽]
2024/05/21(火) 16:13:58.01ID:n+gqRlC60 >>644
I think it would be best to post the latest news at the top of donguri.5ch.net, and then when new news is added, move the old news to the updated information.
I don't think this is something that should be listed in the FAQ.
I think it would be best to post the latest news at the top of donguri.5ch.net, and then when new news is added, move the old news to the updated information.
I don't think this is something that should be listed in the FAQ.
656どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.7][木臭]
2024/05/21(火) 16:15:33.10ID:CAP_USER I will restart the server now to fix the elemental weakness bug.
658どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.5][木臭]
2024/05/21(火) 16:18:10.44ID:CAP_USER >>656
[臭] 😂
[臭] 😂
659ななしさん 警備員[Lv.4][芽]
2024/05/21(火) 16:20:41.44ID:i0q5rHzW0 ころころー
660どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.6][木臭]
2024/05/21(火) 16:20:41.54ID:CAP_USER Ok the elemental weakness issue should be fixed now.
Please test it if you can.
Please test it if you can.
661ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][警]
2024/05/21(火) 16:21:04.90ID:G3v94WkG0 >>647
I appreciate it very much. I will report it if I find another bug exploiter. Thank you.
I appreciate it very much. I will report it if I find another bug exploiter. Thank you.
662どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.7][木臭]
2024/05/21(火) 16:22:06.04ID:CAP_USER >>661
Thank you for your help.
Thank you for your help.
663ななしさん 警備員[Lv.23]
2024/05/21(火) 16:22:50.92ID:OlCPksEr0 >>660
so you already fixed it to (p_2 - p_1) ?
Then now, the more elemental power the defender has, the LESS damage he's got just as it should be
so you already fixed it to (p_2 - p_1) ?
Then now, the more elemental power the defender has, the LESS damage he's got just as it should be
664どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.7][木臭]
2024/05/21(火) 16:23:14.95ID:CAP_USER >>663
Yes, that is correct.
Yes, that is correct.
665どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.7][木臭]
2024/05/21(火) 16:24:45.42ID:CAP_USER This is my armor if anybody wants to test the defensive element power:
【防具】 [UR] 85~95 5 5% 風(87) 0 205000 マ
【防具】 [UR] 85~95 5 5% 風(87) 0 205000 マ
666ななしさん 警備員[Lv.7]
2024/05/21(火) 16:31:37.24ID:lq7PAOiK0 URは特別な名前にしてほしいな
とかさ センスなくてごめんけど
とかさ センスなくてごめんけど
667ななしさん 警備員[Lv.8][芽]
2024/05/21(火) 16:33:12.27ID:MUQEF6cd0 初学者みたいに同じような文連発プログラミングしてんのまじかよ
668どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.257][木臭]
2024/05/21(火) 16:37:35.66ID:CAP_USER >>>666
We may add UUR items later, and those items could have special names.
We may add UUR items later, and those items could have special names.
669どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.257][木臭]
2024/05/21(火) 16:39:01.11ID:CAP_USER >>667
The technique I used is called "pattern matching".
It is a common technique in "Haskell".
The technique I used is called "pattern matching".
It is a common technique in "Haskell".
670どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.257][木臭]
2024/05/21(火) 16:41:48.57ID:CAP_USER I suppose I could switch from using pattern matching to a different technique, but I feel pattern matching in this situation looks nice in VIM.
671ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][警]
2024/05/21(火) 16:48:02.17ID:G3v94WkG0 >>670
I heard that "light weapons" are weak against "non-elemental armor," but when I challenged Cannon to a battle I was defeated 😭 Are the attributes really compatible?
I heard that "light weapons" are weak against "non-elemental armor," but when I challenged Cannon to a battle I was defeated 😭 Are the attributes really compatible?
672ななしさん 警備員[Lv.23]
2024/05/21(火) 16:48:11.18ID:OlCPksEr0 >>665
To test it from the weak weapon, we must attack you with an earth or a dark weapon.
But I have both SR only. It's too weak against UR.
I have 2 types of Ice. If you wear fire armor, I can test it.
To test it from the weak weapon, we must attack you with an earth or a dark weapon.
But I have both SR only. It's too weak against UR.
I have 2 types of Ice. If you wear fire armor, I can test it.
673どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.257][木臭]
2024/05/21(火) 16:51:34.52ID:CAP_USER >>672
I only have two other armors. Would either of these work?
【防具】 [SSR] 42~52 6 0% 地(63) 0 10600 マ
【防具】 [SSR] 36~65 2 0% 闇(59) 0 10500 マ
I only have two other armors. Would either of these work?
【防具】 [SSR] 42~52 6 0% 地(63) 0 10600 マ
【防具】 [SSR] 36~65 2 0% 闇(59) 0 10500 マ
674ななしさん 警備員[Lv.2]
2024/05/21(火) 16:54:07.24ID:ZRGaHM2f0 >>652
Here's 97a65812 latest log...
What exactly has changed?
第1179期 アブソルさん[97a65812]はnanashiさんを撃った | poverty 1716271288 2024/05/2116:31:18.96
Here's 97a65812 latest log...
What exactly has changed?
第1179期 アブソルさん[97a65812]はnanashiさんを撃った | poverty 1716271288 2024/05/2116:31:18.96
675ななしさん 警備員[Lv.23]
2024/05/21(火) 16:56:06.04ID:OlCPksEr0676どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.257][木告]
2024/05/21(火) 16:56:32.70ID:CAP_USER >>674
He must wear armor/weapon to attack now.
So if you also wear armor/weapon, then you can defend against him.
From what I remember, his armor/weapon is not very strong. Maybe only SR or SSR.
He must wear armor/weapon to attack now.
So if you also wear armor/weapon, then you can defend against him.
From what I remember, his armor/weapon is not very strong. Maybe only SR or SSR.
677@どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.257][SSR武][SSR防][木告]
2024/05/21(火) 16:57:40.76ID:CAP_USER >>675
OK I equipped my dark set now.
【武器】[SSR] 41~75 80 0% 闇(54) 0 12800 マ
【防具】 [SSR] 36~65 2 0% 闇(59) 0 10500 マ
OK I equipped my dark set now.
【武器】[SSR] 41~75 80 0% 闇(54) 0 12800 マ
【防具】 [SSR] 36~65 2 0% 闇(59) 0 10500 マ
678ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3]
2024/05/21(火) 16:57:48.60ID:ZRGaHM2f0680ななしさん 警備員[Lv.23]
2024/05/21(火) 17:02:53.50ID:OlCPksEr0 >>677
I attacked you.
I guess the damage calculation is working well now.
I used no element weapon (but SSR).
My only attack was 0 damage because this is from weak element(no element)
if it were still (p_1 - p_2), it could have been large damage.
I attacked you.
I guess the damage calculation is working well now.
I used no element weapon (but SSR).
My only attack was 0 damage because this is from weak element(no element)
if it were still (p_1 - p_2), it could have been large damage.
681ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3]
2024/05/21(火) 17:02:54.68ID:vwo/f81q0 >>676
In that case, if he doesn't write in the hunter account, there's nothing we can do about it, right?
In that case, if he doesn't write in the hunter account, there's nothing we can do about it, right?
682ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3][新芽]
2024/05/21(火) 17:04:14.36ID:mmqPjKdl0683ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][芽警]
2024/05/21(火) 17:05:11.25ID:MUQEF6cd0 言語も手法も知ってるよ
684ななしさん 警備員[Lv.7]
2024/05/21(火) 17:05:31.32ID:ScnTspHs0 光と闇属性が廃止されるらしいが廃止後は今待ってる光と闇属性の装備は無属性と同じ扱いになるってこと?
685ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3]
2024/05/21(火) 17:06:28.25ID:ZRGaHM2f0686ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][警]
2024/05/21(火) 17:06:58.07ID:lq7PAOiK0687どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.257][木臭]
2024/05/21(火) 17:12:38.88ID:CAP_USER >>686
My plan is to require "marimo" points to upgrade your weapons or armor.
And the amount of times that you can upgrade your weapon or armor will be dictated by your armorcraft and weaponcraft skills.
An armorcraft skill of 100 might mean you can upgrade your armor up to 10 times.
My plan is to require "marimo" points to upgrade your weapons or armor.
And the amount of times that you can upgrade your weapon or armor will be dictated by your armorcraft and weaponcraft skills.
An armorcraft skill of 100 might mean you can upgrade your armor up to 10 times.
688どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.257][木臭]
2024/05/21(火) 17:13:19.81ID:CAP_USER >>680
Wonderful. Sounds like it is working correctly now.
Wonderful. Sounds like it is working correctly now.
689どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.257][木臭]
2024/05/21(火) 17:15:00.44ID:CAP_USER >>685
If you check the fight log, you can determine what elemental type weapon he uses.
If you pick an armor that is strong against his weapon, then you have a good chance to defend against his attack.
If you check the fight log, you can determine what elemental type weapon he uses.
If you pick an armor that is strong against his weapon, then you have a good chance to defend against his attack.
690ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][警]
2024/05/21(火) 17:15:37.77ID:lq7PAOiK0691どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.257][木臭]
2024/05/21(火) 17:18:49.12ID:CAP_USER >>690
The goal is to allow people with high crafting skills to craft armor/weapon that can compete with higher ranked items.
an [R+5] might be stronger than a normal [SR]
A [SSR+5] might be stronger than a [UR]
Upgrading a [UR] will be really difficult. Probably needs a lot of marimo.
The goal is to allow people with high crafting skills to craft armor/weapon that can compete with higher ranked items.
an [R+5] might be stronger than a normal [SR]
A [SSR+5] might be stronger than a [UR]
Upgrading a [UR] will be really difficult. Probably needs a lot of marimo.
692ななしさん 警備員[Lv.23]
2024/05/21(火) 17:19:48.90ID:OlCPksEr0 >>688
But I think the influence of element is still too large in the dark, light, no circle.
This is because the elemental value for no is always "0".
Although you already announced abolishment of dark and light,
to keep it more balanced for existing dark and light weapon/armor,
just FIX the adjustment part at "1.2" from the strong element and "0.8" from the weak
In other words, just delete adjustment by the value of each one.
Just one idea.
But I think the influence of element is still too large in the dark, light, no circle.
This is because the elemental value for no is always "0".
Although you already announced abolishment of dark and light,
to keep it more balanced for existing dark and light weapon/armor,
just FIX the adjustment part at "1.2" from the strong element and "0.8" from the weak
In other words, just delete adjustment by the value of each one.
Just one idea.
693ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][警]
2024/05/21(火) 17:19:57.57ID:vwo/f81q0694ななしさん 警備員[Lv.6][新芽]
2024/05/21(火) 17:20:22.75ID:n+gqRlC60695ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][警]
2024/05/21(火) 17:21:04.93ID:ZRGaHM2f0 >>689
Thanks for the heads up.
Well, I'm going to give in for today.
As it stands, the troll hunters are so hated that it's hard for many others to follow, at least for the moment.
It's a system that can always get worse.
If it gets worse, we'll be able to appreciate it as nothing more than a propaganda advertisement for money politics.
Well, I'll keep an eye on it.
Thanks for the heads up.
Well, I'm going to give in for today.
As it stands, the troll hunters are so hated that it's hard for many others to follow, at least for the moment.
It's a system that can always get worse.
If it gets worse, we'll be able to appreciate it as nothing more than a propaganda advertisement for money politics.
Well, I'll keep an eye on it.
697ななしさん 警備員[Lv.9]
2024/05/21(火) 17:31:12.73ID:t3yh7Fzr0 光と闇のアイテムってなに?廃止?
698ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][新芽警]
2024/05/21(火) 17:45:09.80ID:n+gqRlC60700ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][新芽]
2024/05/21(火) 17:49:44.95ID:WaLrmS9Y0 2024年問題のスレでアマぞ〜んをアルファベット表記で二回書いたら
702ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3]
2024/05/21(火) 18:21:04.61ID:rzeRjfb10 >>697
それも書いてなかった 適当に直訳しただけだし
FAQ 変更案
Q. どんぐり大砲ってなに?
A. レベル5以上のハンターは武器と防具を装備をすれば、荒らしと判断したレスに対して発射できるようになります。
それも書いてなかった 適当に直訳しただけだし
FAQ 変更案
Q. どんぐり大砲ってなに?
A. レベル5以上のハンターは武器と防具を装備をすれば、荒らしと判断したレスに対して発射できるようになります。
703ななしさん 警備員[Lv.4]
2024/05/21(火) 18:31:09.44ID:ZRGaHM2f0 通ると思わなかったから仕事早くて驚いたわ
704ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][警]
2024/05/21(火) 18:37:23.42ID:ZRGaHM2f0706ななしさん 警備員[Lv.5][新]
2024/05/21(火) 18:52:30.80ID:xZOCy0BHd あー…
707ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][警]
2024/05/21(火) 18:57:37.79ID:ZRGaHM2f0708ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3][新芽]
2024/05/21(火) 19:02:18.52ID:WGvtFTYqa スクリプトがここ数日ほとんど来てないのはなんでだろう
709ななしさん 警備員[Lv.7]
2024/05/21(火) 19:12:47.94ID:5IzSc7I90710ななしさん 警備員[Lv.5][新芽]
2024/05/21(火) 19:21:27.90ID:e9dq+Mii0 >>709
711ななしさん 警備員[Lv.5]
2024/05/21(火) 19:25:37.73ID:MiEGv1uQ0 スクリプトなら昨日一日中家ゲーRPGにおったけどなw
712ななしさん 警備員[Lv.7][新]
2024/05/21(火) 19:26:20.48ID:LXoViEU8d 運用情報板がどんぐりスレばかりに
713ななしさん 警備員[Lv.64]
2024/05/21(火) 19:47:12.98ID:jfPmGsUn0 一度も装備したことのないハンターに撃ち抜かれるバグは
714 ハンター[Lv.136][苗]
2024/05/21(火) 19:53:28.46ID:TxCOWxHV0 鉄の数0のままなんだけどどうやったら増えるの?
715ななしさん 警備員[Lv.22]
2024/05/21(火) 19:55:22.43ID:x+EhUSYz0 コロコロ
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