There are two suggestions for displaying the name field.
#1 has been suggested in a similar way. Please excuse any duplication of content.
Why not make it so that weapons and armor (equipment) can be displayed at will by entering '!equip' or '!soubi' in the name field?
(Just like you can check your Donguri balance by entering '!point' in the name field)
This will simplify the name field. You can check your own equipment in 'Donguri Base'.
You can check what your opponent has equipped on the cannon firing screen (Do you want to proceed?), so it's not a problem.
Eliminating the [初] mark
This is also a proposal to simplify the name field, but the reason is that [新] and [初] are easily confused in Japanese, and the [初] mark does not match the actual thing.
In threads with level restrictions, the number of posts is counted even if you retry a post due to a low acorn level, so it was possible to remove the [初] mark without posting on the bulletin board.
I think this does not match the actual number of posts.
Thank you for your consideration.
どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★40
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132ななしさん 警備員[Lv.10][新芽]
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