Purchasing souvenirs from Hokkaido seems unlikely, but maybe we could someday make a way to purchase gift cards using Donguri.
However, there are a few big issues regarding selling gift cards for donguri:
1. The donguri economy would need to be balanced very carefully.
-> I dont want to be bankrupted because I sent too many gift cards.
2. We need to be careful not to help people engage in money laundering.
-> Bad people sometimes use gift cards to money launder.
-> It is a real concern.
-> I do not want to engage in any illegal activity.
-> I do not want to help others engage in illegal activity.
I will need to talk with a lawyer before we could let people purchase gift cards with donguri.
That said, we will soon allow the purchase of uplift tokens using donguri.
Maybe in a week? I need to refresh my knowledge of the Stripe payment API and SDK first.
Not all boards have enabled BBS_ACORN yet. The boards that have not enabled it cannot be protected by Hunters.
Is there a thread that people can report slow scripts to?
If there was a centralized thread with reports of slow scripts, then hunters can team up and defeat the slow scripts.
どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★37
942どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.203][UR武][UR防][木]
2024/05/12(日) 16:27:19.21ID:CAP_USERレス数が900を超えています。1000を超えると表示できなくなるよ。
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