You seem to only see scripts as a problem, but I think countermeasures are also needed for indiscriminate attacks that are not scripts.
The ``hunting'' side will gain enjoyment on the one hand, and the ``hunted'' side will gain unilateral dissatisfaction.
If such a situation continues without being reversed, it will not be a viable game, and those who are being “hunted” will probably leave 5channel.
As a countermeasure, the first possible solution is to implement the planned bounty system.
However, the bounty system is not a direct system, but an indirect system.
Even if the bounty hunter is subdued by an influential person, it is not enough.
This is because the ``hunted'' side cannot resolve their grievances because they did not subjugate the enemy themselves and cannot obtain any concrete benefits.
Therefore, the bounty should not only be a penalty when it is subjugated, but also the bounty should be given enough risk to satisfy the "hunted" party from the time it is designated as the bounty.
For example,
・Basically, the level is forcibly displayed and a [首] marking is attached.
・The consumption rate of どんぐりポイント, 鉄のキー, 鉄, 木材, etc. will be doubled or tripled. (black market)
Regarding the subjugation of bounty heads, how about a system in which the bounty heads are posted on the Acorn System website, and a request form that allows どんぐり大砲 to be fired at the bounty heads is posted in the 924 thread?
どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★37
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83ななしさん 警備員[Lv.19(前8)][苗]
2024/05/10(金) 15:50:00.11ID:3kSNlAH30■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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