The cannon logs no longer shows the ID of the person who is hit by the cannon.
API information and FAQ information are live.
924 thread is queued.
Besides the continual tweaking and setup of systems to deter and stop vandals and other types of Arashi, I plan to also bring more quality of life features to donguri and 5ch.
The quality of life features and functions that I have planned for donguri are as follows:
Short term plan:
* Bounty system
* Weapon/armor modification system (using weapon craft, armor craft, and marimo points)
* Purchase iron keys with real money (for those who want to support 5ch and 5ch development)
* Ability to register email address to a donguri account
Medium term plan:
* Ability to purchase "Uplift Tokens" with real money (for those who want to support 5ch and 5ch development)
* Marketplace system to trade donguri points, weapons, armor, keys, wood, iron, and uplift tokens
- My idea is to allow anybody (guard and hunter) to open their own store, and set their own prices for what they want to sell.
- Anyone can visit your store and purchase what you have for sale using Donguri Points.
Long term plan:
* Arena for fighting. Arena winners will receive prizes.
* Daily tournament mode. Winner of the daily tournament will receive an Uplift Token.
* Arena and Daily tournament may have restrictions about what kind of armor/weapon can be entered.
5ch design plan:
* Fix the headline service
* Revive the kakologs
* Improve the user interface and overall experience across the site
* Better organize the boards and categories
About "Uplift Tokens"
You can buy "Uplift Tokens" with real money, or earn them as a tournament prize.
You will be able to send Uplift Tokens to others who have a donguri account.
Uplift Tokens may be traded on the [future] marketplace.
1 Uplift Token may be redeemed for 30 days of Uplift Subscription.
どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★37
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151どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.198][UR武][UR防][木]
2024/05/10(金) 16:57:37.18ID:CAP_USER■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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