Dear DonguriCanon,
I agree with the suggestion to hide IDs in the cannon log. >>24
It would have been nice to show only the latest 1000 canon logs, but the site created by the volunteers in >>1 stores all past canon logs, and anyone can search by hunter or guard ID to see what that ID has done in the past.
I feel that the site has lost its value as an anonymous message board because it is now possible to identify which hunters are shooting at and what they are posting across days.
I also feel that the inability of hunters to write with their hunter login for the aforementioned reasons also diminishes the value of charging for the service.
どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★36
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2024/05/07(火) 16:28:46.62ID:cu+EfTl1r■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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