The source code is approximately 8667 lines now.
I put a lot of code into the Helpers.hs file that probably needs to be refactored into its own modules, but I have not refactored yet.

src % wc -l *
60 API.hs
41 Attack.hs
388 Battle.hs
69 Cookie.hs
298 Crypt.hs
46 DBActions.hs
311 DBBackground.hs
23 Dice.hs
181 Distribute.hs
80 FightResults.hs
27 Hash.hs
2075 Helpers.hs
371 Iconv.hs
475 IconvWrap.hs
5 Inventory.hs
52 Levels.hs
26 Log.hs
388 Loot.hs
12 Mask.hs
52 Menu.hs
10 OptionalParam.hs
81 ProgressBar.hs
65 Ranks.hs
37 Reputation.hs
1091 Routes.hs
41 Shiftjis.hs
953 Templates.hs
1101 Types.hs
54 UserMod.hs
254 Users.hs
8667 total