I want a PREMIUM UPLIFT service that I can always write to ignore acorn settings.
I am not interested in the Acorn game. I just want to write on 5ch.
I know it is your intention to make 5ch a battlefield for acorn games, but I would like you to provide a solution for people like me who are not interested in games, if I can pay for it.
I think 2,000 yen/month or 20,000 yen/year is appropriate.
Please think about it.
By the way, as for the weapon and armor gacha, it is fine to spend time and effort to get the UR by taking a limited number of times in the gacha, but it would be nice to have a way to spin the gacha with the power of money for those who do not want to spend the time and effort to do so.
It is people who pull URs with the power of money that support the balance of most of the shadow games in the world.
I think there is no way Acorns can avoid doing this.
The appearance rate of UR is low enough, so I think it is reasonable to pay 3,000 yen to get 11 gachas.
Note that there may possibly be a legal limit on the appearance rate per amount of money.
どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★34
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