I am a regular user of the Love Live board.
Please consider undoing this change until you can do something about the indiscriminate hunters.

I don't like the trolls or the scripts either but the indiscriminate hunters abusing the donguri system have caused more damage to the Love Live board than either the trolls or the scripts.

It is ridiculous how all posts are immediately shot by them, causing everyone not using a hunter account to wait 5 minutes (from donguri level 0 to 1) in order to make another post.

This situation is especially bad for 実況 (live watching) threads. A single user can only post 6 times during a 30 minute anime 実況 for example, because every post is shot immediately, making each user wait 5 minutes each time.

The population of the Love Live board is dwindling by the day because of this. Please do something about this.