According to legend, there exists a mystical spirit called the Guardian of Renewal, who takes the form of a marimo, a rare and prized type of algae.
This guardian spirit resides in a sacred lake where all life energies gather.
While there are adventurers who explore the land and obtain various items, the Guardian of Renewal watches from afar to promote balance and sustainability.
When items are dismantled, residual energy is released that can disturb the balance of nature.
To prevent this confusion, the Guardian of Renewal transforms these energies into Marimo, symbolizing purity and renewal.
Adventurers collect these marimo as a token of gratitude from the Guardian of Renewal.
It is believed that marimo not only reminds of the guardian's protection, but also brings good luck and harmony to those who hold it.
ドングリシステムについて話しましょう ★28
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