ドングリシステムについて話しましょう ★9
ドングリシステムについて話しましょう ★10
1ななしさん 警備員[Lv.4(前2)][新][苗]
2024/04/09(火) 12:47:49.35ID:+ue7hLd6d967どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.36(前31)][木]
2024/04/10(水) 13:00:49.84ID:CAP_USER >>961
This is false.
Because the 警備員 do not use anything to register to Donguri, the Donguri Base makes a hash of your ip address to create a reference to who you are.
If your IP address changes, it cannot recognize who you are and will make a new 警備員 account for you automatically.
This is important to prevent bots and arashi.
Uplift users have their ハンター accounts tied to the uplift login, so donguri always knows who they are.
If you constantly lose your 警備員 account because your IP changes, then I recommend you purchase Uplift.
This is false.
Because the 警備員 do not use anything to register to Donguri, the Donguri Base makes a hash of your ip address to create a reference to who you are.
If your IP address changes, it cannot recognize who you are and will make a new 警備員 account for you automatically.
This is important to prevent bots and arashi.
Uplift users have their ハンター accounts tied to the uplift login, so donguri always knows who they are.
If you constantly lose your 警備員 account because your IP changes, then I recommend you purchase Uplift.
969ななしさん 警備員[Lv.5][新][苗]
2024/04/10(水) 13:02:12.52ID:IzK1+rEz0 >>963
In the board whose BBS_ACORN=1, cannon is invalid unless users do set !donguri on name form, isnt it?
If so, please set BBS_ACORN=1 on below board in order to do cannon for trolls
In the board whose BBS_ACORN=1, cannon is invalid unless users do set !donguri on name form, isnt it?
If so, please set BBS_ACORN=1 on below board in order to do cannon for trolls
970 警備員[Lv.13][苗]
2024/04/10(水) 13:05:32.48ID:QAwjlITb0 >>967
971ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3(前6)][新][苗]
2024/04/10(水) 13:06:34.58ID:8lT+DqJ60 >>963
Hi どんぐりキャノン san
As far as I can tell from the test in >>831,
besides the posting level limit, there is a difference in behavior
→BBS_ACORN=1 (equivalent to forced Donguri mode)
→BBS_ACORN=2 (equivalent to silent Donguri mode)
Please confirm whether this is the expected behavior or a bug.
One more thing.
When creating a thread, I would like to be able to set the posting level limit and Donguri mode behavior separately using the !extend command
For example,!extend~:donguri=x:BBS_ACORN=y
. Is this possible?
Hi どんぐりキャノン san
As far as I can tell from the test in >>831,
besides the posting level limit, there is a difference in behavior
→BBS_ACORN=1 (equivalent to forced Donguri mode)
→BBS_ACORN=2 (equivalent to silent Donguri mode)
Please confirm whether this is the expected behavior or a bug.
One more thing.
When creating a thread, I would like to be able to set the posting level limit and Donguri mode behavior separately using the !extend command
For example,!extend~:donguri=x:BBS_ACORN=y
. Is this possible?
972ななしさん 警備員[Lv.9][苗]
2024/04/10(水) 13:09:30.24ID:xyQh8h8z0 >>967
Even if I change my IP address (e.g., mobile line), the Donguri login authentication may still go through. Why is this?
Even if I change my IP address (e.g., mobile line), the Donguri login authentication may still go through. Why is this?
974ななしさん 警備員[Lv.4(前5)][新][苗]
2024/04/10(水) 13:22:02.45ID:hIqpTsujM >>967
How much do you know about script attacks?
Do you know what kind of organization it is?
And why do you think the script attacks have stopped?
How much do you know about script attacks?
Do you know what kind of organization it is?
And why do you think the script attacks have stopped?
975ななしさん 警備員[Lv.6][新][苗]
2024/04/10(水) 13:22:36.63ID:Koz3EWPH0 これ全ての板に強制導入するんだっけ?
977ななしさん 警備員[Lv.4(前1)][新][苗]
2024/04/10(水) 13:35:13.52ID:r+OkDTwA0 姿の見えないハンター狩りに注意しながらどんぐり枯らさないように守らないといけないってこと!?😲
978ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1(前7)][新][苗]
2024/04/10(水) 13:41:31.98ID:eUyjXp6x0 枯れたら植えれば良いだけだ
979ななしさん 警備員[Lv.4][新][苗]
2024/04/10(水) 13:45:29.77ID:VV83OfoO0 スマホ勢はWiFiや移動しただけで書けなくなるな
983ななしさん 警備員[Lv.4(前12)][苗]
2024/04/10(水) 13:52:06.12ID:1cZSXjTOd 枯れる条件が分からんわ
985ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][新][苗]
2024/04/10(水) 13:52:22.84ID:XDYQbFxx0 現在の使用率の7割がスマホなんですが
989ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3][新][苗]
2024/04/10(水) 13:54:17.35ID:GaTAy2de0 どんぐりの威力すごいな。更生不可能と思われてた速報ゲハ板がまさかの浄化w
990ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1][新][苗]
2024/04/10(水) 13:55:00.48ID:XDYQbFxx0 そりゃそーなる
992ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3][新][苗]
2024/04/10(水) 13:58:10.37ID:GaTAy2de0 >>991
993ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3(前14)][苗]
2024/04/10(水) 13:58:44.98ID:zTJrQOV+0 >>992
994ななしさん 警備員[Lv.4][新][苗]
2024/04/10(水) 14:02:12.20ID:GaTAy2de0 そうなんだ。acorn入ってるから久しぶりに見てみたらなんかすごく行儀良くなってて見るに堪えない感じでは無くなってた。見ないけど。
996ななしさん 警備員[Lv.2][新][苗]
2024/04/10(水) 14:08:42.67ID:XDYQbFxx0 家でWiFi外でキャリア回線使ってる標準的なスマホユーザーは即死の模様
997どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.14(前38)][木]
2024/04/10(水) 14:11:28.19ID:CAP_USER >>971
Let me check.
It periodically checks if your IP address changed or not.
I don’t know for sure who is doing it, but I have a suspicion.
Let me check.
It periodically checks if your IP address changed or not.
I don’t know for sure who is doing it, but I have a suspicion.
999ななしさん 警備員[Lv.2(前9)][新][苗]
2024/04/10(水) 14:14:50.88ID:BLpG7BPF0 よくわからないな
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