ドングリシステムについて話しましょう ★5
ドングリシステムについて話しましょう ★6
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1ななしさん 警備員[Lv.0]
2024/04/02(火) 16:30:02.82ID:cOitsOnb0499どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.5][新][苗]|0.01147077
2024/04/04(木) 14:22:24.33ID:CAP_USER I have added these skills:
研究 Study
採掘 Mining
木こり Woodcutting
武器製作 WeaponCraft
防具製作 ArmorCraft
You will have the option to choose between each skill:
The "研究 Study" skill will increase your level.
The "採掘 Mining" skill will increase your ability to mine for ores.
The "木こり Woodcutting" skill will increase your ability to harvest wood.
The "武器製作 WeaponCraft" skill will increase your ability to create stronger weapons.
The "防具製作 ArmorCraft" skill will increase your ability to make stronger armors.
研究 Study
採掘 Mining
木こり Woodcutting
武器製作 WeaponCraft
防具製作 ArmorCraft
You will have the option to choose between each skill:
The "研究 Study" skill will increase your level.
The "採掘 Mining" skill will increase your ability to mine for ores.
The "木こり Woodcutting" skill will increase your ability to harvest wood.
The "武器製作 WeaponCraft" skill will increase your ability to create stronger weapons.
The "防具製作 ArmorCraft" skill will increase your ability to make stronger armors.
500どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.5][新][苗]|0.01147077
2024/04/04(木) 14:25:23.51ID:CAP_USER >>499
This is the setup for having weapons.
To build a weapon, you must mine for ore, then cut down a tree for wood.
Then you will use your weaponcraft or armorcraft skill to create the weapon.
The stats of the weapon will be decided based on your weaponcraft or armorcraft skill level.
There will be some random chance involved in the creation of weapons.
The higher your level, the better the chance for a better weapon, but it does not mean that all your weapons will be perfectly made.
Even a master craftsman sometimes makes mistakes.
This is the setup for having weapons.
To build a weapon, you must mine for ore, then cut down a tree for wood.
Then you will use your weaponcraft or armorcraft skill to create the weapon.
The stats of the weapon will be decided based on your weaponcraft or armorcraft skill level.
There will be some random chance involved in the creation of weapons.
The higher your level, the better the chance for a better weapon, but it does not mean that all your weapons will be perfectly made.
Even a master craftsman sometimes makes mistakes.
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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