I added it. Please let me know if there are more.
Hunters will be able to crack down on trolls. I am not finished setting it up yet though.

I’ll fix headline after the donguri system is working well. The headline server is broken and I need to rebuild it. Luckily I have almost finished that rebuild, but I want to prioritize finishing donguri first because the Arashi problem is too terrible.

You should be able to use it with VPN. Please let me know if it doesn’t work.
垢板 should be on every board with the desktop web browser. I will add 垢板 to the smartphone version soon.
Which board were you looking at that does not display垢板?

Does it display correctly on the different browsers?

I am not sure yet.

Sorry I haven’t written down how to gain levels yet.
In the current system, after you authorize as a hunter, you will earn 1 XP per second for an hour. Your level is decided based on how much XP you have.
I will make a progress bar so you can watch it gain XP.

The next step I need to make 警備員 also earn XP.

警備員 will earn XP slower than hunters.