588 どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.119][UR武+29][UR防限+30][森] 2024/10/03(木) 15:55:41.73 ID:CAP_USER
I have put a prevention system in place to prevent more cheating items from being created by the DEMOD bug.
Since it was unclear if it was allowed, the people who used the cheating equipment before 第4262期 will not be punished.
If someone reports to me that you continue to use cheating equipment after 第4262期, then I will destroy the equipment and remove 10% of your donguri points each time you are caught using cheating equipment.
If you made cheating equipment, you can either disassemble it on your own, or email me and let me know so that I can fix it for you.
Welcome to the new 'donguri' board!
100ななしさん 警備員[Lv.133][N武+4][N防+3][木警]
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