188どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.27(前186)][木]2024/05/09(木) 02:33:16.66ID:CAP_USER
On the cannonlog page (https://donguri.5ch.net/cannonlogs), we will now be changing the ID of users every 期.
This will allow hunters, and defenders, to easily avoid detection over long periods of time.
With this change, I have decided that we will also be punishing hunters that use scripts to throw cannon balls.
I am giving a 24 hour warning to hunters that use scripts that maliciously target every post.
After 24 hours, hunters that continue to use scripts to maliciously target indiscriminately will have 25% of their Donguri removed.
After 48 hours, I will re-evaluate who is using scripts to maliciously target indiscriminately, and we will adjust the punishment accordingly.
This will allow hunters, and defenders, to easily avoid detection over long periods of time.
With this change, I have decided that we will also be punishing hunters that use scripts to throw cannon balls.
I am giving a 24 hour warning to hunters that use scripts that maliciously target every post.
After 24 hours, hunters that continue to use scripts to maliciously target indiscriminately will have 25% of their Donguri removed.
After 48 hours, I will re-evaluate who is using scripts to maliciously target indiscriminately, and we will adjust the punishment accordingly.