どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★37
どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★38
1ななしさん ハンター[Lv.17(前44)][被警]
2024/05/12(日) 17:15:53.04ID:7w2V1PHux980ななしさん 警備員[Lv.53(前20)][苗]
2024/05/15(水) 17:28:45.79ID:ibyEag4Z0 >>858
Hi, Mr. Acorn Cannon ★:
Regarding the malicious hunters who shoot cannons at common guardians 'indiscriminately',
I assert that どんぐりキャノン ★ should give those malicious hunters punishment regardless of whether they shoot cannons automatically.
None of the posts are Arashi.
The thread is the information exchange about the online payment system failure.
Such acts damage the worthiness of the bulletin board.
Please scrutinize these samples and take strict measures against the hunter.
To be continued in my next post.
Hi, Mr. Acorn Cannon ★:
Regarding the malicious hunters who shoot cannons at common guardians 'indiscriminately',
I assert that どんぐりキャノン ★ should give those malicious hunters punishment regardless of whether they shoot cannons automatically.
None of the posts are Arashi.
The thread is the information exchange about the online payment system failure.
Such acts damage the worthiness of the bulletin board.
Please scrutinize these samples and take strict measures against the hunter.
To be continued in my next post.
981ななしさん 警備員[Lv.53(前20)][苗]
2024/05/15(水) 17:29:23.49ID:ibyEag4Z0 >>858
Hi, Mr. Acorn Cannon ★:
Report follows:
Archive URL:https://archive.is/2U8HX#selection-91.36-91.43
In 1039th,
Thread URL:https://greta.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/poverty/1715746642/
Thread Title:ランチタイムにPayPay障害で地獄絵図wwwwwwwwwwwwwジャップどうすんのこれ… [271912485]
These are 10 samples out of 55 shootings by the Hunter:ナニ・オシャールさん[7529a116] from 2024/05/1514:08:10.91 to 2024/05/1513:59:30.23.
2024/05/1513:59:30.23 res no.299
2024/05/1513:59:45.77 res no.301
2024/05/1514:00:02.13 res no.303
2024/05/1514:00:07.97 res no.304
2024/05/1514:00:14.06 res no.305
2024/05/1514:00:16.48 res no.306
2024/05/1514:00:16.52 res no.307
2024/05/1514:00:37.53 res no.309
2024/05/1514:01:07.62 res no.310
2024/05/1514:01:10.93 res no.313
Hi, Mr. Acorn Cannon ★:
Report follows:
Archive URL:https://archive.is/2U8HX#selection-91.36-91.43
In 1039th,
Thread URL:https://greta.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/poverty/1715746642/
Thread Title:ランチタイムにPayPay障害で地獄絵図wwwwwwwwwwwwwジャップどうすんのこれ… [271912485]
These are 10 samples out of 55 shootings by the Hunter:ナニ・オシャールさん[7529a116] from 2024/05/1514:08:10.91 to 2024/05/1513:59:30.23.
2024/05/1513:59:30.23 res no.299
2024/05/1513:59:45.77 res no.301
2024/05/1514:00:02.13 res no.303
2024/05/1514:00:07.97 res no.304
2024/05/1514:00:14.06 res no.305
2024/05/1514:00:16.48 res no.306
2024/05/1514:00:16.52 res no.307
2024/05/1514:00:37.53 res no.309
2024/05/1514:01:07.62 res no.310
2024/05/1514:01:10.93 res no.313
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