I have a question about !extend command.
Now we can make threads with various settings.
Let's take a thread title 「ドングリシステムについて話しましょう」 for example.
A-san may want to make this thread with setting of donguri=10/1
B-san may want to make this thread with setting of donguri=5/1
C-san may want to make this thread with setting of donguri=2/1
D-san may want to make this thread with setting of donguri=1/2
E-san may want to make this thread without donguri setting.
Then many branches of the thread could be made with the same title.
What do you think of such a situation?
How about inserting the setting information into the thread title,
in order to eliminate confusion of the threads
with the same title and diffrent settings?
For example
「<mark>[団栗10/1]</mark>ドングリシステムについて話しましょう」 for donguri=10/1
「<mark>[団栗5/1]</mark>ドングリシステムについて話しましょう」 for donguri=5/1
<mark> is just an example similar to the thread below.
どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★31
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104ななしさん ころころ
2024/04/29(月) 14:18:19.58ID:QjjAThcK0NIKU■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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